lolol random comment but YES CUTEST PICCCCCCC ^___^ now whenever I go to my profile and look at the pikchurrr I am happy >:D nice to see you still get on. you made one of my favorite setups and I remember you were really nice and patient with me when I first started out <3
deletedover 13 years
wow come online and don't say hi to me
deletedover 13 years
Oh Hey RC.
deletedover 13 years
Your generalization of EM as full of "retardation" compared to "the ostentation of MS" is somewhere between humorous and incredibly irksomely nonsensical. Why don't prove to us the superiority of your background by sticking around and playing competitive games?
that paragraph below is terribly punctuated, oh my.
deletedover 13 years
As the same to you, RC. <3 i apologize not being on my main for this but it's deleted and i've tried to move on with myself, while still what i back then. and absolutely that would be great for you to play again, i also have an MS account and have played and lurked and played some games with you, right now i'm not as active as there ironically but if i ever see you playing a game i might sign up for good times sake.
hi rc. you didn't miss much, lucid just added a facebook button. that's the only major change
deletedover 13 years
Yeah, it has progressed/regressed(?) into a much more aggressive game in terms of speak and action, shying a lot of the originals off, but it's still nice to see them sign in from time to time. Unfortunately my mental capability leaves me bored of forum mafia games in a few days, but I have heard mention on you playing on there quite a bit. Try playing on a new alternate account if you ever feel like playing again, helps a bit with the new adaptation, but still, good to see that you're alive and well.
deletedover 13 years
Hi RC. you probably don't remember me much but it's great seeing you back again, it's been a while since i've talked to you. Nikki pointed this out for me and i thought i would take the time to catch up or just say hello, it's at your preference. i could say the same things that i miss and respect how well you treated everyone and played on this site but i'd just be repeating everyone else. you're a lot of my reason i stick around, if you know it or not.
deletedover 13 years
I spec your old mafiascum games when I get bored.
deletedover 13 years
Time to time shouldn't be measured in years, a lot of people have missed your calm stature on here, and as a result the site is filled with hate and tyranny. I don't think there's any secret way to login and see what's going on without making another account and using that to browse, but who would consider such a thing?