

Aces always get cracked

Truest comment on EM to date, by Cajunjack: "I think that if you vote wrong, then whoever was voted should not be blamed. My opinion is that it is the voters responsibility and skill at scumhunting/townhunting that matters. Blaming a town member for defending themselves poorly displays a lack of skill from yourself."

Hardest win EVER as mafia. Mafia had such a bad start, a fellow mafia failed and somehow i pulled a win from nowhere O.o http://www.epicmafia.com/game/833329

Story of my life #1 http://www.epicmafia.com/game/852063

Story of my life #2 http://www.epicmafia.com/game/864116

about 14 years
+k now that i can return the favor. :]
deletedabout 14 years
+k at least you got us the victory :)
about 14 years
nice yakkin, +K
about 14 years
Thanks bro, K returned.
deletedabout 14 years
Returning +K
about 14 years
Well played that game. But that win was on village's shoulder's they should not have dont that bullshit.
deletedabout 14 years

+K for staring down a nuisance lylo.
about 14 years
When I can I'll plus you Aces. Dale is just a sore loser who doesn't know how to play but is such a cocky ass that he'll never admit it. He took credit for everything in that game. You don't deserve to be negged for that.
about 14 years
Wish I could give one back bro, thanks! :]
deletedabout 14 years
tenth here, plussing you (this is my main)
about 14 years
Thank you. :)
about 14 years
It's fine - it was negworthy. Probably the worst game I've ever played. It was just trying to process the final decision in the 10 seconds.
about 14 years
Graveyard vision is 20-20. Allow me to explain how it happened:

Firstly, I knew that Cereal did not want Paiff lynched. I knew this for a fact when the vote was kicked. Why not? Obviously, they were partners! I had 3 seconds left to make my final decision, and in my hastiness, I voted Cereal instead of Paiff. I accept full responsibility but it was a legit mistake: I knew the mafia and voted the wrong one.
about 14 years
tnx :)
deletedabout 14 years
Thank you :) I sucked for switching my vote :(
about 14 years
i think you don't have enough points cause it's not letting me plus you. but let me know when you do. good job for one of the best maf wins i've seen