

Dear Players,

I am Mormon/Christian, I don't have more than one mom, I don't drink or do drugs, I don't use fowl language. I wait until marriage to have sex. I believe in Jesus Christ I don't say gods name in vain and I BELIEVE IN GOD! If you +K me, leave a comment please. Please no negative comments and if you -K please tell me why so I may understand. I love playing games with people only if they don't troll, AFK and swear. If you need help with the game, I would be happy to help you. Have FUN!

Lo♥e, MissKitty

almost 14 years
+K for bio
almost 14 years
random K
deletedabout 14 years
D'awwww. You're adorable as always.
deletedabout 14 years
Hi Soul. Haven't seen you in awhile. :3
about 14 years
+k for being so understand. im sorry for that slip lol.
about 14 years
I'll k+ you since you're so nice.. k+ me back!
about 14 years
Your google-fu is mad impressive! Guillemot +k coming up.
about 14 years
Removed the -k since you gave an explanation :)
about 14 years
How'd you know it was me
about 14 years
+k for bein' a champ
about 14 years
lol. +K, interesting profile btw.
about 14 years
After reading your profile, I fail to see why you like me. I curse like a fucking sailor. I also troll bunches. Anyway +k.