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Hi. I came on Epic Mafia to play, have fun, and to meet others. This game is difficult for me cause im an extremely nice person who doesn't like to lie. However I know how to play this game.

P.S. if you up my karma tell me why

Have fun everyone!

These are my favorite games that I have played.

This game i was fool and tracker whispered me because i visited no one i sold tracker to mafia who i randomly guessed. Then i went on a fool rampage http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/102079

This game i was a janitor i leaked so much in this game and fucked with the trackers head. I huge leak came out and i was so obvious. But i still won. You have to check this out. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/114987

In this one i was fool and was yakked. My mafia partners were killed off fast and i epically screwed with the cleareds and almost won. I was lucky killing prs. Check it out http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/116077

This is one of my most favorite games. I think it is my best. I was jan and janned tracker. I claimed and had all roles claim to me. Then i systematically took down all the prs. You have to spectate this one. It is fing hilarious. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/118749

Absolute crazyiness day one. Huge laughs guarantee you will laugh. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/118901

Fucking hilarious. Im the disguiser and i dis as verfo and dont even claim his real role and i screw up the morticians message. I screw up everything and we win this game was awesome. spectate now. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/124990

Ok this game was amazing I was yakked n1. The tracker tracked the mafia who yakked me. I had already said bp hit should claim but then i decide to fake hit to have them think there was only one mafia. It worked and it was fun. You have to watch this. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/125249

this game was funny i was watcher and me and tracker got two mafia the first day. Then i thought the bg was actually mafia so we killed him. Lol. We still won. Watch this now. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/125290

Just a funny game where i screw up and we still win. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/125296

Awesome game where i was yakked doc and me and belth claimed same role and won. Watch this now. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/125320

Amazingly funny game with every cop. I was the hooker XD. I was awesome in this game and got so lucky. You must watch this. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/125527

Another extremely fun bp hit fake win. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/125612

Comment on these games as well.

Also the people below are people i respect as players in this game. And have tons of fun playing with.

DaniMullens Jennbunny Goltemis LaurieRose Genus sterlingx202 Marie Sungminsoo EvaGallis Mario Verfo21 Flippy04 Danni Stephen william BlitZxSiN Christina Bamfcallee

If you think i should add you on here tell me why.

almost 14 years
I dont know who you are or if you still play this game, apparently not, but i salute you and your 17/21 foolwins. Bravo, good sir.
about 14 years
+2k for you. <3
about 14 years
stop showing me porn ;)