
BEdee TOWn aka cali mofo
married to 
part of  family

HEy BIitchEs!! WhaTs UpZ?!? ItS me SHAmiiDalaquifa!!! (SHA-MI-da-la-qui-fah) YeAh dN't DoN'T get cRAZEE biItcH dat righT dur finna bee a 6 SIllY-bOWl labEl

  • Anti-Bully. Stop bullying for life. Aint nobody got time for that. Leave me a message and I will put their name on my wall of shame soo everyone will See how much of a Big fat bully they are. Ill also tell them to stop and to coach them in to being a better person. Until I find that they have changed and have learned from their lesson I will Then Remove their name. People dont realize that bullying can hurt another persons life So If you have been bullied COme to Shameedalaquifa and Ill solve the problem. Thank you.




  • He is a mean man And he is mean to people all the time. If you see this man

He might bully you.


  • He is mean to people and has prove to have hate towards gay people because he is in fact hiding his gayness from his over masculine mother.

He might bully you.

JeSuS 4 LYfe


Yu a crack ho momma. YOu left me on the side of the road when I was three because you was hookin it. Dammmn Mama..............................................................................................................

You the bestest momma in the world.



<iframe width="500" height="281" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


anonymousabout 11 years
for someone who is supposedly against bullying, you're a big bully in games.
I am not a bully. so shut up okay.
deletedover 11 years
wtf stop bullying me.


19 / 20Super Sleuth!
8 / 20Do No Harm
5 / 10Scumhunter
5 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
4 / 25Objection!

Created Setups

over 13 years
thanks! :D +karmaa
over 13 years
Yes, it IS possible. Everyone I've showed that picture to has agreed. In order to mislynch that day 1 and NOT lose, the shrink either has to be on the yak's target, or the doc has to be on maff's target. You aren't arguing right. The image and PROOF is right there in front of you.
over 13 years
Just admit that I am right, and I'll leave this alone. I've taken this to other people and they all see exactly what I mean. I don't want to be mean to you, but I don't like it when people refuse to admit their mistakes.
over 13 years
Really, take a look at the picture again. I did take yakuza's suicide into account. Thats why there are only two mafias day 2, and not three. Two people die night 2, so there are only four left during day 2. And two of those people are mafia sided.
over 13 years
You aren't listening. Only one yakuza yakked night 1. So during day 1 there is the one mafia member, and the yakuza member.

7 people in day one. When a town is lynched day 1, there are only 6 people in night 2.

Night two, yakuza and mafia vote to kill one town. Then Yakuza kills self to convert a different town to mafia.

Day 2, there are four people left. The two normal mafia members, and two town sided. Mafia equals number of town, and mafia wins.

Get it now?
over 13 years
Get it now? Mafia can kill two people night 2. They can vote to kill one person, and yakuza can kill a second person that same night.

If it were two NORMAL mafia, that would not be the case. But with one mafia and one yakuza, it IS miss-lynch and lose with seven people.
over 13 years
Here is photographic proof. You were wrong because there were TWO mafia members day 1. One was the victim on night 1 yak, the other was yakuza who had not yakked anyone.
over 13 years
returned mate
over 13 years
Thanks for the +K, will return back when I cross the 2,000 points mark. Was fun playing with you. :)
over 13 years
returned patna
over 13 years
alright, i retract my neg. that was the first time i have ever seen you do something wrong. Just dont ever do that again. lmao
over 13 years
neg? why would i neg you?
over 13 years
I have +K'd you because I don't like how hard people have come down on you. Constructive criticism is better than negging imo. Also, you're a nice person. XD
over 13 years
i dont know if that was a reaction test, but that was bad. never do that again. -K
over 13 years
+k for almost helping us win
over 13 years
Gave you +K based on your last point on the frontpage. Neg-bombing sucks.
over 13 years
Awesome profile pic! K+
over 13 years
You were correct, I was not thinking! +2k for a good eye (though I was lucky the clear didn't see it too :D)
over 13 years
Thanks, well played in the bronze lobby game :)
over 13 years
+K back cos i can too!