
High Seas

Yarr, mateys! I be the good Captain Amadeus! Stay on me good side, and yer sure to get a share of tha loot. Cross me, and ye'll be havin' yer stomach slashed an yer intestines spillin' out into the waters.

deletedover 13 years
+2k please return.
deletedover 13 years
one, hypocop can reveal the real cop. two, i left because that vegged and it was unranked. i wasn't wasting my time. now quit being an ass, thanks.
over 13 years
+K amadeus
over 13 years
+k for providing some useful info ;)
over 13 years
Returned lol +k
over 13 years
I won't because its not possible to be mylo when there are 7 people
over 13 years
Im over im really over lets just squash it because I don't want to start calling you a bitch and be mean. I rather just be friends.
over 13 years
Okay I look at your photo but heres the thing
you forgot to make account that yak dies after they yak so no matter what it was still 2 mafia
over 13 years
dude ....that would make the next day mylo.
over 13 years
Okay let me tell you this
it is not possible to be mylo when there are only 7 people alive

NO possible way
if there are 1 mafia then that would mean we have a mislynch

if there are 2 mafia then that would mean we still have a mislynch

if there are 3 mafia then that would mean that it is lylo.

There is no possible way that it could be mylo!!!
deletedover 13 years
Thanks man. I'll +k you back.
over 13 years
+ked you back thanks
deletedover 13 years
Neg returned, I really did not do half of the things you said I did in that game.

Pay attention.
over 13 years
+K for not fossing me and playing like a real townie :)
over 13 years
Pro cop is pro. =D
over 13 years
My browser fucked up in that unranked game I was in as cop where it was instant win scenario! Please don't neg!
over 13 years
+k :))) Pleasee returrnnn !!!
over 13 years
Negative karma for making a bad decision. Not for trolling, not for being offensive, but just because I chose between the wrong two people in last day.

Makes sense, right? Oh wait, no.
over 13 years
Yes, captain. I was that cop.
over 13 years
I'd like to thank the last two people who gave me +Karma. It is very much appreciated. :)