

I will never, ever +K someone because they ask, in fact I will -K, by giving people +K because they ask for it, or because they +K'ed you is retarded, you are potentially giving power to people who shouldn't have it. You are also making Competitive Lobby available to retards and trolls, don't do it.

If you think I'm Mafia, chances are I'm not, I play aggressive, that doesn't make me Maf.

Guise Test, ask me any question about Futurama(first 4 seasons), I've seen every episode at least 15 times, no I'm not exaggerating. I also know a shit ton about the Phillies(current) don't ask me history shit unless it was from the past 10 years. Or ask about my alt, or ask me Physics/Astronomy questions.


Denisatp - The only man to have ever fooled me in a 3 way lylo hammer situation in Comp lobby.

If you're going to -/+ K me please tell me why.

deletedover 13 years
Oh really? Like how? It was between guy who said almost nothing and guy who was extremly scummy. I've chosen bad and you -K me for no reason.
over 13 years
over 13 years
i still dont get it. and btw i never played dungeons and dragons
over 13 years
hey on my submitted role, wat did u mean by: It should give D&D names, i.e. Doc is Cleric, Cop is Wizard, and Maf is Orc...
over 13 years
"Claimed cop as villager, you fucking retard." It was a tactic you retard to keep you alive long enough to get 2 guilties. I guess I was retarded in thinking you'd be able to be quiet for longer than d1.
over 13 years
+K, well played game
over 13 years
4k for you!please return!:)
over 13 years
+k for awesome guise test!
over 13 years
Now that, I understand 100%.
over 13 years
I'm not saying you guys did a bad job, I'm just saying, after I was lynched it was about autowin for you.
over 13 years
Plus returned ^^
over 13 years
Ya learn as you play, but what I was meaning. Why chance killing possible fool? You knew fool was hiding in cop claims, so why not leave cop claims alone and kill anyone but those two? That's what I would've done anyway. Hook the last blue and kill doc or vice versa to be sure of hit. I'm not sure, but even if a doc save happened, you could've forced nl.
over 13 years
Well let's just agree to disagree. End of discussion etc. I'm sorry to have upset you! :D
over 13 years
I'm just sayin' it's an odd decision. Either kill the doctor and get auto win for the next day, or kill a cop claim, risking killing the fool and ultimately losing the game. Doesn't seem to be the most obvious choice. Y'know?
over 13 years
Why did you neg me? I didn't play badly and I didn't say anything unkind. :<
over 13 years
I'm sorry, I don't want to create any arguments here, but I had no way of knowing who was maf and who was town, okay? I just chose my guilty as someone who I thought was fairly safe to kill. But the fact still remains, if you had killed ANYONE ELSE, it would be mafia/fool autowin. Even your maf partner said you ruined the win. Please don't call me a retard as I know full well I'm not one. :<
over 13 years
Nice hammer, +K
deletedover 13 years
some +k for having some bullshit logic thrown your way.
over 13 years
negged for kicking. thats not how maf win.
over 13 years
Pretty sure we have 6 people bro.