

I will never, ever +K someone because they ask, in fact I will -K, by giving people +K because they ask for it, or because they +K'ed you is retarded, you are potentially giving power to people who shouldn't have it. You are also making Competitive Lobby available to retards and trolls, don't do it.

If you think I'm Mafia, chances are I'm not, I play aggressive, that doesn't make me Maf.

Guise Test, ask me any question about Futurama(first 4 seasons), I've seen every episode at least 15 times, no I'm not exaggerating. I also know a shit ton about the Phillies(current) don't ask me history shit unless it was from the past 10 years. Or ask about my alt, or ask me Physics/Astronomy questions.


Denisatp - The only man to have ever fooled me in a 3 way lylo hammer situation in Comp lobby.

If you're going to -/+ K me please tell me why.

over 13 years
actually ill spell it out for you

we didnt know if we had a ml or if it was lylo so NO WE CANT JUST LYNCH BOTH DOC CCs
over 13 years
If vig doesnt shoot, the results would be the exact same.

Vig dies, we have the same number of players, the same situation.

The rest I'll copy and paste incase you missed what I posted

The only way to tell from the doc CCs is to scumtell and see how they vote. There is obviously a GF amongst the doc CCs so I left them alone. Bondo wasn't 100% maf because maf shoots before vig and would cancel out the vigs shot, so either Sinner or Bondo could be maf. On the other hand, we were at potential lylo if you did turn out to be the miller (ergo the nilla maf is alive; meaning that it must be Letter who cc'ed blue since enkos came out inno to me). If letter was the miller and you the nilla maf, then we had a mislynch so why not use it to be safe? If bondo did actually turn out to be the doctor and Sinner the GF, and Letter the nilla maf, and I mislynch, then we would've lost right there. If you honestly can't see the logic behind that when I've clearly explained it to you then you're either
over 13 years
Why not? The only way to tell from the doc CCs is to scumtell and see how they vote. There is obviously a GF amongst the doc CCs so I left them alone. Bondo wasn't 100% maf because maf shoots before vig and would cancel out the vigs shot, so either Sinner or Bondo could be maf.

On the other hand, we were at potential lylo if you did turn out to be the miller (ergo the nilla maf is alive; meaning that it must be Letter who cc'ed blue since enkos came out inno to me). If letter was the miller and you the nilla maf, then we had a mislynch so why not use it to be safe? If bondo did actually turn out to be the doctor and Sinner the GF, and Letter the nilla maf, and I mislynch, then we would've lost right there.

If you honestly can't see the logic behind that when I've clearly explained it to you then you're either stupid or you're just too arrogant to admit that you're wrong. Either way, I've negged you.
over 13 years
Np, everyone makes mistakes man
over 13 years
On day 3, If we nl on mylo; bondo kills the blue; the next day it's the same situation since Bondo is GF and i get the same report on both.

On day 2, I lynched Letter because he's one of the blue ccs. I investigated the other blue (enko) and got an inno. This meant that either you were the nilla maf and Letter was the miller and we had a ml, or letter is the nilla and we're at lylo. So to be safe, I lynched Letter.

I also scum read bondo right and won the game.

If you're going to call me "the worst cop ever", please tell me how it should've gone if you were in my position.
over 13 years
over 13 years
over 13 years
get over it.
over 13 years
+k cuz niggers -k
over 13 years
+k to make up for bitches and hoes.
over 13 years
Gave you a little karma bump; you shouldn't have been negged since we won that game. I will say that if you'd shot incorrectly and we'd lost because of it, I would have negged you too tho - unless you're 100% certain you're hitting maf, you need to not risk a town loss with a strategy such as that.
over 13 years
Great Mafia Partner!
over 13 years
Great job as the cop.
over 13 years
+4k, great clear work
over 13 years
It's the thought that counts :P
over 13 years
I was going to plus you, but it seems like I already had you plussed. :P
over 13 years
LOL! Thanks!
over 13 years
+K pro doc'in.

PS: fuck you.
over 13 years
Here, take some karma =)
over 13 years
u suck newb