lolol you should come over here and make me a comfy balla house for your favorite hag then :D must be so awesome living in a house you built yourself. FOREVERJEALOUS. and I HAVE NO CLUE. I WILL PLUS YOU ON MY ALT AS WELL THOUGH >:( <3
Dean! <3 WHY ARE YOU NOT PLUSSED O.O the hag is good; HOW IS THE HAGLOVAAA? and how is that superawesomehouse that you built? :D how long has it been since the construction? a year or two?
YA I just came here to add you as a friend but we're already friend! ^____^ I'M GOING TO GO EAT NOW. It was fun/supercool seeing you in a game DeanDDD let's play together some more soon :D
deletedalmost 14 years
+K for that voodoo game in comp WHAT WAS/were MY WORD/s