But the rule you accused me of breaking is an ingame rule, thus I must have cheated. I didn't. The moderators have said so.
Be a man, admit you were wrong.
deletedalmost 14 years
You accused me of breaking a rule, that's cheating bro.
You lost, the town deserved to lose, I don't deserve a ban for doing nothing wrong. Be a man and admit you were wrong.
deletedalmost 14 years
I won't neg you for being a sore loser but reporting me was pathetic. I had to go and stated several times during the previous day, to the point of getting extremly angry with some members.
The town lynched my CC, that's not my problem and I left it open with a fair game and presented my case before going.
Just because you lost, doesn't make the other side cheats.
deletedalmost 14 years
Must be a site glitch then someone else said they had the issue on firefox too now. Strange.
Still talking. You fucked yourself over. Get over it for the last time. I don't give a damn about "K". You're the one who took it upon yourself to make a deceleration about it.