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Things that I find funny

about 9 years

Gonna list things that sometimes makes me want to facedesk. Feel free to add to the list and I'll add it if I like it.

  • When asked for a vote to save, responds with "I'll try" and then voting against them anyway.
  • "Me and my best friend aren't f2 and haven't whispered all game, why are you splitting us up."
  • "I'm not a threat, so you guys are so stupid for voting me out."
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Thinking that people suddenly trying to be best friends with you is genuine when they are simply looking for safety because you just won HoH.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Refusing to vote for the player that "had to win challenges to stay in" in jury because you were too strategically inept to vote them out before they went on to win the last few challenges in a row.
  • Thinking that there's only one "right" way to play the game
  • Arguing that you technically didn't betray your f2 because they weren't your "first f2 deal".
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Thinking that a flashy game automatically means good gameplay.
  • "I said I wouldn't nominate you... but I didn't say anything about renom after pov... so technically I didn't lie..."
  • Pretending to use to decide the nomination. - Facewall bonus if they post a screenshot of whatever number they got.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Getting mad for getting stabbed in STAB!
  • Someone asking if they can give their HoH away cause "they don't want to hurt anyones feelings"
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Pretending to have no opinion on anything when talking strategy with someone.
  • Tryharding in the d1 HoH only to nominate newbies.
  • Thinking that there's only one "right" way to play the game
  • Players thinking that alliances are meant to be upheld all the way till final 2.
  • "If you didn't win in challenges you clearly floated your way to the end"
  • Being proud of yourself for making a "big move" when all you did was destroy your own game.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Thinking that two people helping each other equates to a final 2 deal between them.
  • Trying to claim a finalist played a bad game because they didn't play your game.
  • Suiciding out of the game because your circlejerk friends didn't make it in.
  • Thinking that a non-flashy game automatically means bad gameplay.
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Suiciding out of the game because the game isn't going your way.
  • Deluded people that think they got out for being a threat when they simply sucked at the game and didn't deserve to stay.
  • Pretending to have no opinion or power on anything.
  • Continuing the "no opinion" charade by pretending to use when winning HoH.
  • "I'm not a threat, so you guys are stupid for voting me out."
  • Announcing out loud that you're not going to kiss the HoH's butt, because for some reason you think that it's different from whispering them
  • When you betray your closest ally because "they are a huge threat" and then you get voted out next.
  • Being deluded enough to think that you played better than someone else only because you made it further than them.
over 6 years
This thread is great, can it be revived again? I think the one that applies to me the most is this one

- Pretending to have no opinion on anything when talking strategy with someone.-

I used to LOVE acting braindead so people would underestimate me and dismiss me as that dumb dumb and it just made me orgasm 10x harder when I backstabbed them later down the road and showed them my true capabilities. Like I'm much more aware than people think, for realz.
deletedalmost 7 years
Also, when people who have not talked to you all game ask you for a vote, it is downright hilarious.
deletedalmost 7 years
so many are true on here about people who play games. the things I find funny is when people say they "don't play" even after 2+ hours of playing a game and when people call floaters "bad players."
almost 7 years
Being deluded enough to think that you played better than someone else only because you made it further than them.

AKA Paul, like, all season.
almost 7 years

JohnBatman says

Dariukas47 says

When people think that some people are threats because they have trophy's (Voice,HighSpace,jessy etc ) and they get meta'd just because of that or because of their high win rate. That's what half of the morning players do

ily dari but a fair amount of morning players have trophies too and most morning players don't really do that

about 7 years

evolpz says

JohnBatman says

Dariukas47 says

When people think that some people are threats because they have trophy's (Voice,HighSpace,jessy etc ) and they get meta'd just because of that or because of their high win rate. That's what half of the morning players do

ily dari but a fair amount of morning players have trophies too and most morning players don't really do that

he said that 5 months ago lol

He's now a victim of getting meta'd (giggle)

about 7 years
bump, specifically, the 8th to last point
over 7 years

JohnBatman says

Dariukas47 says

When people think that some people are threats because they have trophy's (Voice,HighSpace,jessy etc ) and they get meta'd just because of that or because of their high win rate. That's what half of the morning players do

ily dari but a fair amount of morning players have trophies too and most morning players don't really do that

he said that 5 months ago lol
over 7 years

Dariukas47 says

When people think that some people are threats because they have trophy's (Voice,HighSpace,jessy etc ) and they get meta'd just because of that or because of their high win rate. That's what half of the morning players do

ily dari but a fair amount of morning players have trophies too and most morning players don't really do that
over 7 years
So there's been a lot of new players. I suggest they take a look at this list and try to understand why the listed items are there, if they want a better understanding of how this game works
over 7 years
When people think that some people are threats because they have trophy's (Voice,HighSpace,jessy etc ) and they get meta'd just because of that or because of their high win rate. That's what half of the morning players do
deletedover 7 years
When people tell a good joke
over 7 years
when people don't vote to evict Bonk in the EMBB4 Week 1 eviction vote.
over 7 years
ur sense of humor kind of sucks emile :/ these aren't very funny
over 7 years
is p e n i s censored now?
over 7 years
Things I find funny:

- my size
over 7 years
Jurors berating other jurors in the graveyard for not wanting to vote for their preferred winner.
over 7 years
When you dont save your allies and then they get mad cause you "backstabbed". And then them saying keeping me is beneficial
over 7 years
> staying up all night to play an online survivor game
over 7 years
lol glad this was dug out of arechives its 10/10
over 7 years

HighSpace says

HardCarry says

When people dont appreciate you suiciding for them in game and call you a baby for it afterwards


over 7 years

HardCarry says

When people dont appreciate you suiciding for them in game and call you a baby for it afterwards

over 7 years
When someone is deluded enough to believe that their game is better than yours by default because they managed to make it to the end and you're 'only' a juror.

There's a huge difference between battling your way to the very end and being dragged there by the person you're now sitting next to.
over 7 years
When people are afraid of turning on the "majority" that doesn't care about them
over 7 years
When people dont appreciate you suiciding for them in game and call you a baby for it afterwards