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Things that I find funny

about 9 years

Gonna list things that sometimes makes me want to facedesk. Feel free to add to the list and I'll add it if I like it.

  • When asked for a vote to save, responds with "I'll try" and then voting against them anyway.
  • "Me and my best friend aren't f2 and haven't whispered all game, why are you splitting us up."
  • "I'm not a threat, so you guys are so stupid for voting me out."
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Thinking that people suddenly trying to be best friends with you is genuine when they are simply looking for safety because you just won HoH.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Refusing to vote for the player that "had to win challenges to stay in" in jury because you were too strategically inept to vote them out before they went on to win the last few challenges in a row.
  • Thinking that there's only one "right" way to play the game
  • Arguing that you technically didn't betray your f2 because they weren't your "first f2 deal".
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Thinking that a flashy game automatically means good gameplay.
  • "I said I wouldn't nominate you... but I didn't say anything about renom after pov... so technically I didn't lie..."
  • Pretending to use to decide the nomination. - Facewall bonus if they post a screenshot of whatever number they got.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Getting mad for getting stabbed in STAB!
  • Someone asking if they can give their HoH away cause "they don't want to hurt anyones feelings"
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Pretending to have no opinion on anything when talking strategy with someone.
  • Tryharding in the d1 HoH only to nominate newbies.
  • Thinking that there's only one "right" way to play the game
  • Players thinking that alliances are meant to be upheld all the way till final 2.
  • "If you didn't win in challenges you clearly floated your way to the end"
  • Being proud of yourself for making a "big move" when all you did was destroy your own game.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Thinking that two people helping each other equates to a final 2 deal between them.
  • Trying to claim a finalist played a bad game because they didn't play your game.
  • Suiciding out of the game because your circlejerk friends didn't make it in.
  • Thinking that a non-flashy game automatically means bad gameplay.
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Suiciding out of the game because the game isn't going your way.
  • Deluded people that think they got out for being a threat when they simply sucked at the game and didn't deserve to stay.
  • Pretending to have no opinion or power on anything.
  • Continuing the "no opinion" charade by pretending to use when winning HoH.
  • "I'm not a threat, so you guys are stupid for voting me out."
  • Announcing out loud that you're not going to kiss the HoH's butt, because for some reason you think that it's different from whispering them
  • When you betray your closest ally because "they are a huge threat" and then you get voted out next.
  • Being deluded enough to think that you played better than someone else only because you made it further than them.
about 9 years
Basing the current game on a past one, when the two games have no correlation.

"I can't trust you because you lied to me" when it's a game about lying ok
about 9 years
"Asking for an alliance d1 only to not talk to them for the rest of the game." I do this all the time XD
"Winning the d1 HoH only to nominate newbies." Yeah. I do this too... though it's pretty few and far in between.

Also I like you you put "Players taking the game personally" three times on the list. *cough cough lobby wall wars cough cough*
about 9 years
1. lagging
2. people complaining about lagging
about 9 years
Lets add to the list guys
about 9 years
I don't see the point of allying someone if you're not gonna talk to them lol.

Well yes you can lie about saving someone, I said that was okay. But saying "I'll try" when you won't save them is like... using a half measure when you really don't need to. Its a pretty specific pet peeve for me. It's trying to give yourself good conscience for being 'honest' because 'technically' you never said you would actually save them, just that you would 'try'.

As for, I guess that's fine. But some people go out of their way to say their nominations are purely random. For the vote its more believable... I think I'm gonna rephrase that one to be nomination specific only. People never randomize their nominations, and if they do they don't deserve to play the game lol.
about 9 years
ally day 1 and not talk to them

and sometimes ill lie if im not saving someone because i dont feel like putting forth the effort to tell why

i actually do use if i dont care about the vote
about 9 years
Which ones?
about 9 years
i do like 2 or 3 of these things lol
about 9 years
"Wow you backstabber, I thought we were allies" Meanwhile the only whisper I've received from the person is from day 1 reading "allies?"

Getting mad for getting stabbed in STAB!

Someone asking if they can give their HoH away cause "they don't want to hurt anyones feelings"