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Things that I find funny

about 9 years

Gonna list things that sometimes makes me want to facedesk. Feel free to add to the list and I'll add it if I like it.

  • When asked for a vote to save, responds with "I'll try" and then voting against them anyway.
  • "Me and my best friend aren't f2 and haven't whispered all game, why are you splitting us up."
  • "I'm not a threat, so you guys are so stupid for voting me out."
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Thinking that people suddenly trying to be best friends with you is genuine when they are simply looking for safety because you just won HoH.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Refusing to vote for the player that "had to win challenges to stay in" in jury because you were too strategically inept to vote them out before they went on to win the last few challenges in a row.
  • Thinking that there's only one "right" way to play the game
  • Arguing that you technically didn't betray your f2 because they weren't your "first f2 deal".
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Thinking that a flashy game automatically means good gameplay.
  • "I said I wouldn't nominate you... but I didn't say anything about renom after pov... so technically I didn't lie..."
  • Pretending to use to decide the nomination. - Facewall bonus if they post a screenshot of whatever number they got.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Getting mad for getting stabbed in STAB!
  • Someone asking if they can give their HoH away cause "they don't want to hurt anyones feelings"
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Pretending to have no opinion on anything when talking strategy with someone.
  • Tryharding in the d1 HoH only to nominate newbies.
  • Thinking that there's only one "right" way to play the game
  • Players thinking that alliances are meant to be upheld all the way till final 2.
  • "If you didn't win in challenges you clearly floated your way to the end"
  • Being proud of yourself for making a "big move" when all you did was destroy your own game.
  • Thinking that you're the only one "playing the game"
  • Thinking that two people helping each other equates to a final 2 deal between them.
  • Trying to claim a finalist played a bad game because they didn't play your game.
  • Suiciding out of the game because your circlejerk friends didn't make it in.
  • Thinking that a non-flashy game automatically means bad gameplay.
  • Players taking the game personally.
  • Suiciding out of the game because the game isn't going your way.
  • Deluded people that think they got out for being a threat when they simply sucked at the game and didn't deserve to stay.
  • Pretending to have no opinion or power on anything.
  • Continuing the "no opinion" charade by pretending to use when winning HoH.
  • "I'm not a threat, so you guys are stupid for voting me out."
  • Announcing out loud that you're not going to kiss the HoH's butt, because for some reason you think that it's different from whispering them
  • When you betray your closest ally because "they are a huge threat" and then you get voted out next.
  • Being deluded enough to think that you played better than someone else only because you made it further than them.
over 8 years
There's a lot of exclusively physical players in this lobby though, that don't have a lick of social game
over 8 years


I think you forgot to mention people taking the game personally

I agree
over 8 years
Actually, if physical threats have the potential to be social threats, then social threats also have the potential to be physical threats. This can't only go one way, lol.
over 8 years

NYGiants says

Not all social threats are physical threats, but all physical threats have the potential to be social threats.

Well said =3
over 8 years
Not all social threats are physical threats, but all physical threats have the potential to be social threats.
deletedover 8 years
I don't get the concept of a "physical threat". I've seen players be huge ones, but they never actually win games. Normally, they win and don't get voted, but at that point they can't really influence votes and don't appeal to allies as much as people relying on social/strategic game. So, potentially, a strong physical player can be a goat to the end if you know how to play.

EDIT: By "win games", I mean win the entire thing. Not challenges.
deletedover 8 years
I think you forgot to mention people taking the game personally
over 8 years

Voice says

To answer the previous question, I don't think you can ever be like "I'm not a threat", because even floaters can win these games or be in a better position than you. I just struggle thinking that someone is stupid for taking me out with the frame of mind "you're a threat" because in-game I consider everyone a threat, but I think it's also kinda stupid that that's the only reason they could come up with, given that everyone is a threat.

Edit: I feel like most of the newer additions to this thread are all about me

Yes, that's true, but I think there is a distinction between actual threats and non-threats. Threats are likely to cause you to lose the game, that's why they are a threat to you. So, a 'physical threat' could easily sweep challenges and cause everyone else to lose the game, etc. Then there are non-threats which exist too, they are the ones that don't have much influence on whether you stay or go.

And if you pretend to never have opinions and not know what's going on, then sure, they are about you :)
over 8 years
When people think social game (AKA your relationship with the other players and the impact you made on them - bad or good) shouldn't have an effect on how you vote in the jury // When people get salty because you value social game over physical game
over 8 years
To answer the previous question, I don't think you can ever be like "I'm not a threat", because even floaters can win these games or be in a better position than you. I just struggle thinking that someone is stupid for taking me out with the frame of mind "you're a threat" because in-game I consider everyone a threat, but I think it's also kinda stupid that that's the only reason they could come up with, given that everyone is a threat.

Edit: I feel like most of the newer additions to this thread are all about me
over 8 years

Snow says

>Pretending to use to decide the nomination. - Facewall bonus if they post a screenshot of whatever number they got.

I don't think I've actually done this, but I would actually do this. Like... without the pretending part. Because randomness is fun.

Even you doing this would surprise me, unless you've made some announcement that you'd troll the whole game or something.

However, I think it has to be noted that these facepalms only apply to players that are actually trying, and not messing around
deletedover 8 years
that feel when I do some of these

- "I'm not a threat, so you guys are so stupid for voting me out." (I guess this is only really justifiable in the beginning of a day. But as a non threat, I can relate lol)
- Copy/pasting whispers about game talk when not asked to. (I don't do this but I make unrealistic and ridiculous whispers as jokes and people get annoyed)
- Pretending to be best friends with the new HoH when you didn't talk to them all game. (yep that's me)
- Asking for an alliance d1 only to not talk to them for the rest of the game. (yep that's me - part 2)
- Being proud of yourself for making a "big move" when all you did was destroy your own game. (@me when I betray the wrong ally)
- Trying to claim a finalist played a bad game because they didn't play your game. (Maybe not exactly this, but yes, I do bias my jury votes based on allies, only because it's really tempting, and the person running the game isn't the one you WANT to give the vote, but should.)
over 8 years
ok I'll do all of this minus the sui'ing part next game thx for the advice I've always wanted to be a comedian
over 8 years
>Pretending to use to decide the nomination. - Facewall bonus if they post a screenshot of whatever number they got.

I don't think I've actually done this, but I would actually do this. Like... without the pretending part. Because randomness is fun.
over 8 years
Posting just what happened for me now..
I was robbed a win when the person who won immunity at f3 voted me out unknowingly, thinking that he was voting for the person he was taking to f2. Rip me
deletedover 8 years
Voting out the wrong person in f3 and losing by 1 jury vote
over 8 years

karthikbk says

People who feel that they got voted out as they were a threat but actually got voted out coz they were of no use to the game

I do that all the time
over 8 years
People who feel that they got voted out as they were a threat but actually got voted out coz they were of no use to the game
over 8 years
Voting out a social threat requires the ability to remove your emotions from your game. And we know how that works in this lobby
over 8 years
why do people always vote out the physical threat over the social threat?
over 8 years

HighSpace says

I agree, but that wasn't my question.

I think I misworded it so I'll try again: you obviously weren't a threat to anyone because you had no allies and were not winning challenges (floating, in a nutshell). Think the other players were morons for taking you, the non-threat, out of the game?

I think if you were really playing to be a non-threat, but still wind up getting angry for being evicted- then the other players were right in getting you out. Because you were still clearly playing to win, and any claims to the contrary is simply sophistry.
deletedover 8 years
whoops forgot to add:
- jessys because she's always running the game somehow
over 8 years
Lol N1ed, I am surprised some of those weren't on the list already
deletedover 8 years
- 5-2 vote, receive from 4 people "darn, tried to save you :////"
- people who say stuff after they're voted out, especially if it's intended to ruin someone's game
- appealing to a swing vote that you haven't talked to all game (like the hoh one)
- people who f2 you the entire game and take the goat for the win
- throwing any challenge from f5 on (or in some cases even earlier)
- people who assume they're running the game
over 8 years
It varies depending on the game. I mean, if I know I havent been all that close or allied the other players when all my allies get out and they vote me out, I can't really find them at fault for it when people usually develop side vs side mentalities, whether I'm doing nothing in the game or not. However, I think it ranges for people with a few factors such as how valuable you are to the other players' endgame, loyalty, etc.

Sometimes, yeah, its moronic, sometimes it isn't. If you can still get to the end, then it doesnt really matter. If not, well, maybe that useless player you voted out could have been useful after all