over 9 years

cooperate pls

over 9 years
You know you want to, jeffrey.
deletedover 9 years

Natalie says

jeffreyaaron, my pal, will mod me. Come of jeff, gimmie that gold star.

You were already modded before and you haven't been on the site half that I was, go away. Its my turn.
over 9 years
jeffreyaaron, my pal, will mod me. Come of jeff, gimmie that gold star.
deletedover 9 years

Sims says

Stragger says

Can I (role) mod Jocelyn

no, you can't

I want to be like Riddler, is that such a bad thing?
deletedover 9 years

Bigpock says

Stragger says

Glad we could come to compromises friend

I get done calling you the biggest piece of trash ive ever had to talk to on the internet and you call me friend

You are something special

Group hug?
deletedover 9 years

Bigpock says

Stragger says

Glad we could come to compromises friend

I get done calling you the biggest piece of trash ive ever had to talk to on the internet and you call me friend

You are something special

I hold no ill will towards you regardless if you dislike me
deletedover 9 years

Bigpock says

Stragger says

Glad we could come to compromises friend

I get done calling you the biggest piece of trash ive ever had to talk to on the internet and you call me friend

You are something special

Love Thy Enemy. It's Sunday.
over 9 years

Stragger says

Can I (role) mod Jocelyn

no, you can't
deletedover 9 years

Stragger says

Glad we could come to compromises friend

I get done calling you the biggest piece of trash ive ever had to talk to on the internet and you call me friend

You are something special
deletedover 9 years
Can I (role) mod Jocelyn
over 9 years

Natalie says

Togepi I'll mod for you. Not because I want to mod but because of the annoyance it would cause you to have me as a subordinate.

You're kind of just like herpes at this point.
deletedover 9 years

Togepi says

ScubaSteve says

Togepi says

ScubaSteve says

Togepi says

Welp I'm going to get back to this mod interview...

Mod Skillz. Resurrect his EpicMafia career. Do it.

Wanna mod?

Christ no.


Mod Devante or something. Other than him I can't think of anyone who would actually want to do it, stay for awhile, and actually be decent at it.
deletedover 9 years

Natalie says

Togepi I'll mod for you. Not because I want to mod but because of the annoyance it would cause you to have me as a subordinate.

How about no.
deletedover 9 years

Bigpock says

Stragger says

I might be a loser but you're pretty childish dude

I'll take it, loser

Glad we could come to compromises friend
over 9 years
Togepi I'll mod for you. Not because I want to mod but because of the annoyance it would cause you to have me as a subordinate.
deletedover 9 years

Togepi says


Mod me instead, I'm a good option.
deletedover 9 years

Stragger says

I might be a loser but you're pretty childish dude

I'll take it, loser
deletedover 9 years

Natalie says

Literally ruin his epicmafia career.

deletedover 9 years

Bigpock says

Stragger says

Suffice to say I found a job and you're an upcoming weenie bigpock

You are the epitome of loser

And you spend your time having a grudge over something that doesn't involve you or a perception of me back in 2011

I might be a loser but you're pretty childish dude
over 9 years
Literally ruin his epicmafia career.
over 9 years

ScubaSteve says

Togepi says

ScubaSteve says

Togepi says

Welp I'm going to get back to this mod interview...

Mod Skillz. Resurrect his EpicMafia career. Do it.

Wanna mod?

Christ no.

deletedover 9 years

Togepi says

ScubaSteve says

Togepi says

Welp I'm going to get back to this mod interview...

Mod Skillz. Resurrect his EpicMafia career. Do it.

Wanna mod?

Christ no.
deletedover 9 years

Stragger says

Suffice to say I found a job and you're an upcoming weenie bigpock

You are the epitome of loser
over 9 years

ScubaSteve says

Togepi says

Welp I'm going to get back to this mod interview...

Mod Skillz. Resurrect his EpicMafia career. Do it.

Wanna mod?
deletedover 9 years
Suffice to say I found a job and you're an upcoming weenie bigpock