I honestly have no clue what you're talking about with my attitude. I'm perfectly fine man. You keep talking about me, not me about you. You can stay hostile all you want but I just don't get what you are trying to achieve.
deletedover 9 years
I want you to know I've worked out everything with everyone but you. Even Prevail who was the most genuinely offended was able to talk with me for about an hour and the phone and we are all well. But, if you insist on hostility towards me I will be okay. Hatred in your heart though is never good. Happy Sunday!!!
Jeff your attitude toward everyone sucks so bad
I really think you're clueless and I'm actually pretty nervous to see how this all turns out, especially since you act the way you do toward players in game and such
deletedover 9 years
Hatred in your heart though is never good. Happy Sunday!!!
So whats your definition of a slur? Unless you are providing my with an exhaustive list with 'slurs', how do you know what we mean when we say something. The English language is broad and can be interpreted in a multitude of ways.
Are you are suggesting all context and jargon be ignored? The simple fact is that the definition of a f4ggot is a bundle of sticks.
In the glorious country of australia the word c*nt can be used as a term of endearment between friends.
A guy said earlier in this thread: So I cant use the N word but people can say chink or cracker?
This is obviously a troll answer and I agree the N word should be banned 100%. However he actually makes a solid f*cking point. Where is the line drawn.
Missing the point once again like a true overly self-righteous person. Its not about those specific words, once again where is the line drawn. What is a 'slur'. How many people does it have to offend to be not allowed.
Lets use an example, in the small country town of DUFFville theres a slang slur used agains all non pure blooded DUFFS. Its called a nonDUFFblood. ITs extremely offensive in this part of the world.
Is this banned?
Damn John was really spitting some truth earlier
deletedover 9 years
poor rutab.
deletedover 9 years
I want you to know I've worked out everything with everyone but you. Even Prevail who was the most genuinely offended was able to talk with me for about an hour and the phone and we are all well. But, if you insist on hostility towards me I will be okay. Hatred in your heart though is never good. Happy Sunday!!!
I want you to know I've worked out everything with everyone but you. Even Prevail who was the most genuinely offended was able to talk with me for about an hour and the phone and we are all well. But, if you insist on hostility towards me I will be okay. Hatred in your heart though is never good. Happy Sunday!!!