about 9 years

cooperate pls

about 9 years

Connor says

what the heck is going on lol

Rutab supposedly threatened to do something bad... and then lucid happened to be roaming around so it got intense.
about 9 years
tfw black people took over epic mafia politics
about 9 years
about 9 years
somehow that's not surprising at all!
about 9 years
Oooo Kronk.
about 9 years
what the heck is going on lol
about 9 years
Kronk for mod 2015
deletedabout 9 years

rutab says

I just find it funny that out of all the people, and all the things that other people have done, lucid butts in to ban me for something I didn't even say

deletedabout 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
I just find it funny that out of all the people, and all the things that other people have done, lucid butts in to ban me for something I didn't even say
deletedabout 9 years
im back
about 9 years

Shamzy says

When darkskin guys make an account called "DrakeJr"

about 9 years

trolleyz says

are people surprised their past actions actually influence what happens in the present/future?

that post made me think of the game life is strange

let's hijack this into a LiS thread
about 9 years

trolleyz says

are people surprised their past actions actually influence what happens in the present/future?

luckily this is the internet; go pretend to be somebody else now

who was this post even directed towards? lol
about 9 years
are people surprised their past actions actually influence what happens in the present/future?

luckily this is the internet; go pretend to be somebody else now
about 9 years

The says

Friendly reminder that you can send your mod apps to any of the moderators, not just the admins. It'd be helpful if the apps were distributed among the various moderators to lessen the stress on Togepi.

They'll all be looked at... and probably much quicker since Togepi has to get through a bunch of pms.
about 9 years
i'll give sims a rack of ribs
deletedabout 9 years

Sims says

give me your passwords

What if I just give you my rack?
about 9 years
i should make it so i get alerted whenever he posts because that means good stuff is about to happen
deletedabout 9 years

Satan says

i find it funny whenever he sticks his head in, since it always means fun times

about 9 years

jeffreyaaron says

The says

Friendly reminder that you can send your mod apps to any of the moderators, not just the admins. It'd be helpful if the apps were distributed among the various moderators to lessen the stress on Togepi.

or just send them all to Togepi.

about 9 years
When darkskin guys make an account called "DrakeJr"
about 9 years

Sims says

give me your passwords

ok i'll skype message it to you
about 9 years

The says

Friendly reminder that you can send your mod apps to any of the moderators, not just the admins. It'd be helpful if the apps were distributed among the various moderators to lessen the stress on Togepi.

or just send them all to Togepi.
about 9 years
give me your passwords