this movie smashed the previous pre-sale ticket record of $25 million (held by the dark knight), and is nearing $125 million in pre-sales alone. imagine what opening weekend is going to be for non pre-sales
voluntaryloser says tickets are sold out until the 27th. alright haha
deleted about 9 years
tickets are sold out until the 27th. alright
deleted about 9 years
justrec says Tucker says I saw the thing. impressions w/o spoiling or saying plot or anything really It was good, except for when it was not. It's not any more 'memorable' than any other SW movie.
deleted about 9 years
I don't have any TFA music stuck in my head. :( ... What does that mean?
deleted about 9 years
It was pretty good though, kinda underwhelming however
deleted about 9 years
Nice. Nice Episode 4 rehash
Katie says i've never seen a star wars film and i have no intention to fight me me neither jk ive seen like most of them
why is there no option for the 1978 holiday special
deleted about 9 years
i have to wait 2 more days ;(((((((((((
deleted about 9 years
Katie says i've never seen a star wars film and i have no intention to fight me idiot
deleted about 9 years
Type your reply here!
i've never seen a star wars film and i have no intention to fight me
projectmatt says why would you want to do that to yourself?? i hate myself
why would you want to do that to yourself??
projectmatt says tonight at 7:45. the hype is real! spoil it for me
tonight at 7:45. the hype is real!
yes i dont mean to spoil it for everyone just me
twist says Sitting in the cinema, the ads couldn't go faster. spoil it for me
soak all the hype in and cherish it twist. once you've seen it, you can't get it back
deleted about 9 years
Sitting in the cinema, the ads couldn't go faster.
my friends and i couldn't decide on a time when we were discussing it over thanksgiving and turns out one of my friend's mom bought tickets for him for friday night so he's seeing it a day before the rest of us. TWO DAYS AWAY H Y P E