wow, I just played a warrior in arena that had war axe, double death bite, brawl, piloted sky golem, bash, and literally went face the entire game and won by turn 8. I suppose that's one way to win.
it's funny when you play people that only play face decks in arena and their playing mage and like "hmm do I trade this 2/3 into your 2/2...... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" *10 minutes later, goes face instead*
funny also cuz they have a deck they should never lose with but because they let you make so many great trades they still manage to lose.
when you feel nice against a shaman with azure drake + playing boom onto a clear board at 20hp against an equipped doomhammer and he rockbiter, lava burst + crackles you for 20 damage the next turn. high skill plays we see here.
just played against a zoolock deck, I have combo in hand (literally only 2 cards at this point) with shade on board, he floods the board and locks me out with loatheb to prevent lethal. Top deck Druid of the Claw helps me prevent lethal on board, and I don't clear any of his board so his juggler can't get any hits in (well just the 1 that he can get after trading in one of his 1/1's). He is only able to play the one minion and leaves me at 1hp (juggle went to face) before I can finally combo for lethal.