Popcorn mafia is a 9-player setup revolving around a clear with a gun (chosen first by the mafia during n0). The person with the gun acts as a dayvig for the remainder of the day. If the gunbearer shoots correctly, he keeps the gun and is allowed to shoot again, if not, he dies and the person he shot will get the gun. This goes on until all mafia are eliminated or mafia has majority. There will be no night phase aside from n0, along with no votecount/standard lynching.
Q: How do I sign up?
Post in this thread.
Q: Deadline?
Days will typically last 48 hours. If the gunbearer does not shoot by the time deadline is up, he will be modkilled and the gun will go to someone else.
Random shooting is lame and why join if you're going to random shoot? I've been avoiding making excessive trolly posts because I know Stragger disapproves of them, but this inactivity is a bit absurd so I'm tempted to go ahead and start spamming.
CAN WE NOT? Also, Devin, you get the gun and die as soon as you shoot town. It's against the wincon.
Why did Zayn shoot hibiki over, say, Anthony? Or Podracing?
edit: also I don't trust iceaac at all for going on about this being townsided and how we can win by random shooting, 'cause why would you ask that genuinely after joining? It seems stupid and forced.
can sum1 do the stat on what the odds are of winning as town by shooting randomly? i feel like the odds of not shooting mafia till 5 way are extremely low and 'random shooting' will get us a win lmao
NOWTHISISOMGUSING! Pod is trolling in order to be towny. They're not actually particularly funny or original therefore they are mafia. Gottem!
We have 6 townies and 2 mafia left, therefore we have 3 MLs... I think? bc maf can't kill.
I wish this would be more active ;-;
edit: Wait why do you SR Hibiki? 0:
ALSO, anthony is scummy for sheeping that devin FOS (and making no attempt to cause things to happen when they saw how little had occurred; Devin hasn't reacted to anything yet and that was an unnecessary post).
We're in a dark, foreboding room, someone is holding a gun that explodes and forces the responsibility on their shot unless they shoot the men pretending to be women on the internet, and you think people aren't going to tryhard?
I am going to take a shot in the dark and say NOWTHISISPODRACING is among the tyrants who fear-gave-a-present-to n1ed.