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Popcorn Mafia

deletedalmost 9 years

Q: What is Popcorn Mafia?

Popcorn mafia is a 9-player setup revolving around a clear with a gun (chosen first by the mafia during n0). The person with the gun acts as a dayvig for the remainder of the day. If the gunbearer shoots correctly, he keeps the gun and is allowed to shoot again, if not, he dies and the person he shot will get the gun. This goes on until all mafia are eliminated or mafia has majority. There will be no night phase aside from n0, along with no votecount/standard lynching.

Q: How do I sign up?

Post in this thread.

Q: Deadline?

Days will typically last 48 hours. If the gunbearer does not shoot by the time deadline is up, he will be modkilled and the gun will go to someone else.

Q: Setup?

2 goons and the rest are VT.

almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
wtf was my role pm that was the weirdest shi* i've ever had pm'd to me in the history of epicmafia.
almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
gs confirm
deletedalmost 9 years
n0 will start when all players confirm.
almost 9 years
Yes, hello, I guard bodies again.
almost 9 years
*shuffles around in my wizard attire*

Yes yes, I've received my role... i'll be sending out my introduction and roleplay background in this thread after my exam.
deletedalmost 9 years
Got it
deletedalmost 9 years
Role PMs are going out, confirm you got it by posting here, or responding to me privately.
deletedalmost 9 years

If that happened I'd be sorely dissapointed but not surprised given most people don't know how to play forum properly anyways =)

No repeat of fm12 please
deletedalmost 9 years
This game will end roughly an hour after it starts
deletedalmost 9 years
Pm if you wanna sub
deletedalmost 9 years
Game is full will start tommorow
almost 9 years
oh it filled. i'll pass on being a reserve as well. hope this goes well i'll definitely watch it and ignore the walls of text.
almost 9 years
pass since i suck lol gl everyone
almost 9 years
I would love to join but am I late?
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
i'm in i promise to give full participation in this
deletedalmost 9 years
sry my mistake
deletedalmost 9 years
you added the wrong user, I am NOWTHISISPODRACLNG
deletedalmost 9 years
just need one more
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
gimme dat gun
deletedalmost 9 years
me. ! ! ! ! !
deletedalmost 9 years

p-edit: changed deadline to 48 hours