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league of legends

almost 9 years

uninstall league

What do you main dude
I just feed
deletedalmost 8 years
Why do people think it's okay to pick Vayne and go top lane in ranked
deletedalmost 8 years
omg sivir is my bae <3
almost 8 years
now you have to keep talking about fan fiction for your pentas
almost 8 years
thank u, it was on sivir who i rarely play and i felt very proud. i was talking about fanfiction in all chat while i did it
deletedalmost 8 years

Merlot says

i just got a penta(:

almost 8 years
i just got a penta(:
almost 8 years
tfw when you return from smurfing and realize you can't 1v9 games anymore
deletedalmost 8 years
who are you
almost 8 years
who are you
deletedalmost 8 years
In game 2 he played really well even though they lost
almost 8 years
Inori is crap regardless
deletedalmost 8 years
I think giving Ivern to someone as Inori was the worst decision this entire split
almost 8 years
sven is doing work
almost 8 years
playing shen or maokai does that
almost 8 years
haHAA im 12 btw
deletedalmost 8 years
Hauntzer just never dies
almost 8 years
queueing up on euw whose upppp from da eURO
almost 8 years
bjergsen and 4 wards
deletedalmost 8 years

DouradaGrelhada says

tsm sucks

you suck !
almost 8 years
tsm sucks
almost 8 years

Cody says

tsm with the comeback sweep

shame, but UoL still going strong yee boii
almost 8 years
tsm with the comeback sweep
deletedalmost 8 years
broken af with a 3/12
almost 8 years

juke says

wtf is that build Denis lmao

that's broken af, on squishy's and if you're against tanks just build botrk instead of rilays

Becomeclear says

now play ap teemo top

no ty, i'd like to remain a butt virgin
almost 8 years
wtf is that build Denis lmao