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league of legends

almost 9 years

uninstall league

What do you main dude
I just feed
almost 8 years
watching esports not my thing tho
almost 8 years
if u can watch football you can watch esports aswell.
almost 8 years
70k people don't just show up "to watch some nerd beat off"
almost 8 years
Uh not really
deletedalmost 8 years
I can't believe people watch other people play league it's like getting together to watch some nerd beat off
almost 8 years
My League name is KinkajusRevenge
almost 8 years

TSM vs CLG currently live
almost 8 years
i cant imagine playing league with jeff, itd be so hilarious
deletedalmost 8 years
what is this shi't
deletedalmost 8 years
You're actually bronze 5 and it made me laugh out loud
almost 8 years
im platinumed 4
almost 8 years

Song says

ur all trash

Implying D5 isnt trash
deletedalmost 8 years

ur all trash
deletedalmost 8 years

desuo says

let me get at least 1 kill in next time plz, its very r00d to sneak up and 2 hit me
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
adc in 2017 lol!
almost 8 years
i'd try it out but that would mean buying ziggs and i dont wanna do that.
almost 8 years
mistype meant vs any ad and not a midlane counterpick like syndra or yauso (thats what people have been doing in high elo)
almost 8 years
not vs any ad? in bot lane? if ur ziggs ur gna be against ad lol.

oh ok. i was told u asked abt me in a game or smthn.
almost 8 years

xJuicy says

oh yh i forgot abt ziggs tbh. he's only rly a good choice if ur team is full of ad tho.

nah ziggs is absolutely broken. free lane if you arent vs any ad and then on par damage throughout the game with more burst than all

im shrub
almost 8 years
oh yh i forgot abt ziggs tbh. he's only rly a good choice if ur team is full of ad tho.
almost 8 years

xJuicy says

desuo says

xJuicy says

cupcake says

mf is supposed to be like the strongest adc now with the changes to lethality

caitlyn will always be cancer because of her range

I think varus and jhin are considered better because lethality scales on them better than it does on MF.

not to mention even with crit builds they are top 5

yh i'm p sure it's like varus, ashe and jhin top 3 atm, then like caitlyn, ezreal and twitch

also who are you

didnt see this but yea thats almost exactly right
almost 8 years
adc tier ranking is like

t1 ashe/jhin/varus/ziggs - utility best adc's because the roles garbage so you damage ad's are just worse. Ziggs is broken

t2 cait jinx twitch for hypercarries cait is probably a lil bit above jinx and twitch with less damage but some degree of utility

t3 everything else that isnt garbage

t4 urgot
almost 8 years

desuo says

xJuicy says

cupcake says

mf is supposed to be like the strongest adc now with the changes to lethality

caitlyn will always be cancer because of her range

I think varus and jhin are considered better because lethality scales on them better than it does on MF.

not to mention even with crit builds they are top 5

yh i'm p sure it's like varus, ashe and jhin top 3 atm, then like caitlyn, ezreal and twitch

also who are you
almost 8 years

xJuicy says

cupcake says

mf is supposed to be like the strongest adc now with the changes to lethality

caitlyn will always be cancer because of her range

I think varus and jhin are considered better because lethality scales on them better than it does on MF.

not to mention even with crit builds they are top 5