Pretty sure the reason I'm losing isn't even that I lose lane because no matter what rank I don't die more than once in lane with vayne ever, it's that even vs a completely garbage adc and support I can't 1v2 the lane enough with a late game adc to actually make a meaningful impact before 20 minutes and by then the games pretty much over either way.
i wish i didn't the bed when i was playing ori in ranked in my last like 50 games or so i was doing so well and then just went on losing streak after losing streak and kept doing the same things
vayne is just pretty bad right now vs all the meta adcs
they poke her out of lane and she can't really fight back unless there's a massive skill disparity. think ashe, cait, varus, a good jhin, etc. basically unwinnable matchups unless the enemy adc/support is a potato or you/your support are way more skilled