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league of legends

over 8 years

uninstall league

What do you main dude
I just feed
over 7 years
over 7 years
mf is supposed to be like the strongest adc now with the changes to lethality

caitlyn will always be cancer because of her range
over 7 years
draven does so much damage now lol it's actually insane

and cait has always been pretty cancer but her horse power trough mid game keeps her in check
deletedover 7 years
Caitlyn and draven are cancer
over 7 years
vayne if ahead will 1v2 basically any adc/support if you're good enough lol

minus stuff like malzahar
over 7 years

Cody says

i wish i didn't the bed when i was playing ori in ranked in my last like 50 games or so i was doing so well and then just went on losing streak after losing streak and kept doing the same things

feels bad

over 7 years

Cody says

vayne is just pretty bad right now vs all the meta adcs

they poke her out of lane and she can't really fight back unless there's a massive skill disparity. think ashe, cait, varus, a good jhin, etc. basically unwinnable matchups unless the enemy adc/support is a potato or you/your support are way more skilled

Cody I know vaynes state in the meta.

Pretty sure the reason I'm losing isn't even that I lose lane because no matter what rank I don't die more than once in lane with vayne ever, it's that even vs a completely garbage adc and support I can't 1v2 the lane enough with a late game adc to actually make a meaningful impact before 20 minutes and by then the games pretty much over either way.
over 7 years
i wish i didn't the bed when i was playing ori in ranked in my last like 50 games or so i was doing so well and then just went on losing streak after losing streak and kept doing the same things

feels bad
over 7 years
vayne is just pretty bad right now vs all the meta adcs

they poke her out of lane and she can't really fight back unless there's a massive skill disparity. think ashe, cait, varus, a good jhin, etc. basically unwinnable matchups unless the enemy adc/support is a potato or you/your support are way more skilled
over 7 years

Cody says

the 43% winrate vayne

Dude idk why but I can't play vayne in silver. Last climb I had 70% through gold though :/

I think ima use caitlyn until high gold.
over 7 years
the 43% winrate vayne
over 7 years

desuo says

; )

my excuse is 300ms
deletedover 7 years
fck me 0/8 living on a prayer
over 7 years

; )
over 7 years
also no one says marksmen they say adc please taked this thread down
over 7 years
everyone here is bronze
over 7 years

Miguel says


can u stop please dont make fun of my main
over 7 years

desuo says

omg karmatica add me on league so you can carry me!!

(seriously if you are on oce you actually shud catfish or not)

yes im on oce!
deletedover 7 years

xela says

uninstall league

you made this thread how dare you
over 7 years
uninstall league
deletedover 7 years

Becomeclear says

I always believed in you

me too
over 7 years
I always believed in you
deletedover 7 years
ok i did it now im plastic 5
deletedover 7 years
alright guys one more win and I get out of bronze ill let you know how it goes after i come back
over 7 years
people ask me top or bottom all the time my answer is the same- i play solo mid my fav champ is twisted fate