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Trump vs. Hillary

deletedalmost 9 years

Who's excited? it's going to be a battle for the ages


deletedalmost 9 years
Fool me once.... shame on.... you.. fool me.. ..... cant get fooled again
deletedalmost 9 years
If Trump wins the primaries, I don't think the GOP will even nominate him and he'll run independent.
deletedalmost 9 years

Kylo says

Peta says

Kylo says

If you don't like the bipartisan system (and you shouldn't) you should vote for Jill Stein. She won't win, but if she gets 5% of the vote the Green party would get equal fundraising rights, and your vote could make an actual difference for once instead of picking the lesser of two evils.

If taking this baby step is more important to you than dodging the enormous cultural bullet of a Trump or Cruz presidency then I seriously hope you stop following the election and opt not to vote in November.

I'm not too concerned, I don't think the GOP has any chance whatsoever.

We elected George W. Bush twice.
deletedalmost 9 years

Peta says

Kylo says

If you don't like the bipartisan system (and you shouldn't) you should vote for Jill Stein. She won't win, but if she gets 5% of the vote the Green party would get equal fundraising rights, and your vote could make an actual difference for once instead of picking the lesser of two evils.

If taking this baby step is more important to you than dodging the enormous cultural bullet of a Trump or Cruz presidency then I seriously hope you stop following the election and opt not to vote in November.

I'm not too concerned, I don't think the GOP has any chance whatsoever.
almost 9 years

Kylo says

If you don't like the bipartisan system (and you shouldn't) you should vote for Jill Stein. She won't win, but if she gets 5% of the vote the Green party would get equal fundraising rights, and your vote could make an actual difference for once instead of picking the lesser of two evils.

If taking this baby step is more important to you than dodging the enormous cultural bullet of a Trump or Cruz presidency then I seriously hope you stop following the election and opt not to vote in November.
deletedalmost 9 years
Hillary's going to go to jail, like Nixon did. Right guys?
deletedalmost 9 years
Hilarys going to jail
almost 9 years
much how like how the sight of vegetarians makes some people want to eat more meat, people refuting climate change makes me want to go be more politically active
deletedalmost 9 years

rutab says

ScubaSteve says

rutab says

Well, as a believer in God, I believe everything in this planet is God-made.

However, that does not mean I deny all science like some religious people. I believe religion, science, and philosophy all form a bigger picture together, and none of them are totally correct or incorrect.

Do you think if we all stopped blaspheming so much, God would take a chill pill and not scorch us all to death?

This is a question, I believe, no one has an answer to definitely. :D

God damn it. Ah well.
almost 9 years

Shock says

Chaika says

That's nice. Even if you tell people to abstain from voting, the old people will still vote and you'll be upset about the results because you didn't vote.

Yes, old people don't fall into the 'people' category.

deletedalmost 9 years

ScubaSteve says

rutab says

Well, as a believer in God, I believe everything in this planet is God-made.

However, that does not mean I deny all science like some religious people. I believe religion, science, and philosophy all form a bigger picture together, and none of them are totally correct or incorrect.

Do you think if we all stopped blaspheming so much, God would take a chill pill and not scorch us all to death?

This is a question, I believe, no one has an answer to definitely. :D
almost 9 years

Chaika says

That's nice. Even if you tell people to abstain from voting, the old people will still vote and you'll be upset about the results because you didn't vote.

Yes, old people don't fall into the 'people' category.
deletedalmost 9 years

rutab says

Well, as a believer in God, I believe everything in this planet is God-made.

However, that does not mean I deny all science like some religious people. I believe religion, science, and philosophy all form a bigger picture together, and none of them are totally correct or incorrect.

Do you think if we all stopped blaspheming so much, God would take a chill pill and not scorch us all to death?
almost 9 years
it's time for a realignment
deletedalmost 9 years

rutab says

If more people vote for Stein than intended doesn't it help GOP candidates because I'm p sure Green Party has more support from left-leaning politics

The GOP, in my opinion, has virtually no chance of winning in the first place. Additionally, the GOP is in serious danger of complete and permanent collapse.
deletedalmost 9 years
Well, as a believer in God, I believe everything in this planet is God-made.

However, that does not mean I deny all science like some religious people. I believe religion, science, and philosophy all form a bigger picture together, and none of them are totally correct or incorrect.
deletedalmost 9 years
That's two awful posts I've made already and I'm sorry. I'll go back in to hiding now.
deletedalmost 9 years

rutab says

Oh, and if anyone is religious, here are some interesting quotes relating to global warming:

2 Peter 3:10 says "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."


Revelation 16:8-9 says "And the fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun, and it was given to it to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues; and they did not repent, so as to give Him glory"

So you're saying that global warming is God-made, not man-made? Also how soon should I start repenting for everything? By the looks of it, I don't have much time left because I'm Feelin' The Bern.
almost 9 years
Just face it. Clinton's gonna win. I prefer Sanders myself though.
almost 9 years

Kylo says

I disagree with you. I think proportional democracy is a much more intelligent system than the bipartisan system. Nothing is perfect.

Till idiots start voting for communist or extreme right wing parties, and the actual parties lose power
deletedalmost 9 years
If more people vote for Stein than intended doesn't it help GOP candidates because I'm p sure Green Party has more support from left-leaning politics
deletedalmost 9 years
I disagree with you. I think proportional democracy is a much more intelligent system than the bipartisan system. Nothing is perfect.
almost 9 years

Kylo says

It doesn't even really matter if you like the Green Party or not. The Green Party has no chance of winning. The goal is to open up fundraising to all kinds of third parties, not to elect Jill Stein.

Lemme tell you one thing, a lot of parties suck just the same, politics are like that
deletedalmost 9 years
It doesn't even really matter if you like the Green Party or not. The Green Party has no chance of winning. The goal is to open up fundraising to all kinds of third parties, not to elect Jill Stein.
almost 9 years

Kylo says

If you don't like the bipartisan system (and you shouldn't) you should vote for Jill Stein. She won't win, but if she gets 5% of the vote the Green party would get equal fundraising rights, and your vote could make an actual difference for once instead of picking the lesser of two evils.

>Green party