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Chicago Trump Rally

almost 9 years



How [redacted] dare these Bernie fanboys show up to a peaceful Trump rally event only to cause disruptions and harass and attack Trump supporters?

Truly disgusting behavior. Sad!

The hypocrisy when liberals shun classic liberal values by trying to silence others' opinions! The true fascists are on the left, like these gross Bernie fanboys.

Trump 2016?
almost 9 years

Majiffy says

MeetTerry says

Gonna recognize that the wage gap is a myth now?

No. Rephrasing it to an earnings gap ignores the primary cause of the argument and is just a dumb out.


An earnings gap exists only because men work far more work-hours and much more likely to work full-time. FFS.

Majiffy says

MeetTerry says

Men and women have different things they look for in life in general. Nothing is stopping women from entering these career fields that men dominate.

So men only want career success and women only want babies and neither can want both got it

There are numerous differences between what both sexes desire but it results in equal happiness.

almost 9 years

madhere says

jesus you just throw around words like "unequal" and "social expectations" to make it seem like america needs some radical left wing "logical" revolution.

Well, I mean, it does.

madhere says

you need to stop approaching every argument by ignoring history and only imagining some idealist way things should be


madhere says

>So men only want career success and women only want babies and neither can want both got it
you dont sound like the voice of reason
you just sound neurotic

Just clarifying your positions!
almost 9 years
>So men only want career success and women only want babies and neither can want both got it
you dont sound like the voice of reason
you just sound neurotic
almost 9 years
jesus you just throw around words like "unequal" and "social expectations" to make it seem like america needs some radical left wing "logical" revolution. its just liberal propaganda.

you need to stop approaching every argument by ignoring history and only imagining some idealist way things should be
almost 9 years

MeetTerry says

Gonna recognize that the wage gap is a myth now?

No. Rephrasing it to an earnings gap ignores the primary cause of the argument and is just a dumb out.

MeetTerry says

Men and women have different things they look for in life in general. Nothing is stopping women from entering these career fields that men dominate.

So men only want career success and women only want babies and neither can want both got it
almost 9 years
Gonna recognize that the wage gap is a myth now?

Did you even bother looking at the videos I linked? You are trying to push myths that have been debunked numerous times and there are several sources online. Literally googling "female sexual assault myths" will give you endless articles.

Majiffy says

social expectations from an upraising where women and men are unequal. "Men are the wage earners, women stay at home and have babies!"

holy **** you are so dumb

Men and women have different things they look for in life in general. Nothing is stopping women from entering these career fields that men dominate.
almost 9 years

Golbolco says

So Majiffy, how do you correct women having babies? Get rid of maternity leave? That'll go over well.

No maternity leave needs to be extended and equalized for both parents so that all the pressure does not have to be on the mother to give up on their career should they choose to have a family.
almost 9 years
So Majiffy, how do you correct women having babies? Get rid of maternity leave? That'll go over well.
almost 9 years

Golbolco says

Here's an article on the wage gap myth from the Wall Street Journal (I find them to be a reliable source of information):

Here's a couple of the cited sources from that article:

Can't get into the WSJ link, wants me to subscribe. If you actually check that second NPR article, though, you see where the inequality stems from; social expectations from an upraising where women and men are unequal. "Men are the wage earners, women stay at home and have babies!"

MeetTerry says

Sexual assault statistics are grossly over-exaggerated, for the same exact reasons I already mentioned.

Pray tell what sexual assault statistics are grossly over-exaggerated and why again.

Because this is a really troubling sentence for anyone who has suffered from sexual assault.

MeetTerry says

Majiffy is the textbook idiot liberal cuck.

I'm sure you'll call me a bleeding heart hippie next huh?
almost 9 years

rutab says

Can everyone liberal and conservative stop saying things that are only insults

almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
Can everyone liberal and conservative stop saying things that are only insults
almost 9 years
Majiffy is the textbook idiot liberal cuck.
almost 9 years
1) That article deals only with income inequality, and based on statistics that do not appear to have been thoroughly vetted.

A press release does not a scientific study make.

2) That's also a link to a faith-based initiative that benefits from continuing the neocon narrative

edit @ MeetTerry's Patheos link
deletedalmost 9 years
but Wall Street is bad and Papa Bernie said so :(
almost 9 years
I'm just going to link videos that Christina Hoff Sommers has made with plenty of statistics in the site.

Wage statistics grossly over exaggerated - it's an earnings gap. Literally, not one single economist takes the wage gap seriously. Interestingly, even The New York Times, one of the most liberal newspapers, has also made numerous articles debunking this myth.

I like this video - Sommers links every single source as she talks about it with links to them. Sexual assault statistics are grossly over-exaggerated, for the same exact reasons I already mentioned.
almost 9 years
Here's an article on the wage gap myth from the Wall Street Journal (I find them to be a reliable source of information):

Here's a couple of the cited sources from that article:
almost 9 years

Majiffy says

Here are both accounts and studies regarding inequality for LGBT

I like how the second link that Google provides clearly talks about the LGBT-discrimination myth and shows how they are not victims as much as the liberal media shows.
almost 9 years

MeetTerry says

Women are not victims of oppression. The pay gap has been debunked numerous times.

[citation needed]

MeetTerry says

Sexual assault crimes are grossly over-estimated from shoddy experiments and observations.

Don't forget the society that breeds a r*pe culture but ok!

MeetTerry says

There is an earnings gap - not a wage gap. The earnings gap exists because much more men work full-time and also work far many more work hours. They are over 95% of all workforce-related deaths.

Yes you're right men also suffer from gender inequality.

MeetTerry says

Sexual assault statistics all come from the same experiments that make the error in not doing a representative sample.

[Citations still needed]

MeetTerry says

The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports the number to be much low than 1 in 4/5 women being victims.

And yet no link
deletedalmost 9 years

MeetTerry says

What's next to debunk about women?

Women don't poop, contradicting popular belief.
almost 9 years

Majiffy says

As a straight white male it is not my place to describe the oppression.

spare me your white tears

Women are not victims of oppression. The pay gap has been debunked numerous times. Sexual assault crimes are grossly over-estimated from shoddy experiments and observations.

There is an earnings gap - not a wage gap. The earnings gap exists because much more men work full-time and also work far many more work hours. They are over 95% of all workforce-related deaths.

Sexual assault statistics all come from the same experiments that make the error in not doing a representative sample. Again, they grossly over-exaggerate statistics. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports the number to be much low than 1 in 4/5 women being victims.

What's next to debunk about women?
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
Here's a 2014 case study on institutionalized racism.
almost 9 years
Lol ninja'ed me
almost 9 years

Golbolco says

However, not once has the city, county, state or federal government discriminated against me based on my ancestry. Maybe that's because I don't put down hispanic or Islamic on the census, but I doubt that.

You are aware that anecdotal evidence is a logical fallacy and you are not every minority in the US, correct?