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Chicago Trump Rally

almost 9 years



How [redacted] dare these Bernie fanboys show up to a peaceful Trump rally event only to cause disruptions and harass and attack Trump supporters?

Truly disgusting behavior. Sad!

The hypocrisy when liberals shun classic liberal values by trying to silence others' opinions! The true fascists are on the left, like these gross Bernie fanboys.

Trump 2016?
almost 9 years

Majiffy says

fred12344 says

Majiffy says

Rofl okay buddy.

Keep up with the intellectual honesty.

Dude its failling literally everywhere you people are the only ones that cant see it, but w/e

[citation needed]

Do you know a little place called South America, Europe and Africa, yea its failing there
almost 9 years

fred12344 says

Majiffy says

Rofl okay buddy.

Keep up with the intellectual honesty.

Dude its failling literally everywhere you people are the only ones that cant see it, but w/e

[citation needed]
almost 9 years

Majiffy says

Rofl okay buddy.

Keep up with the intellectual honesty.

Dude its failling literally everywhere you people are the only ones that cant see it, but w/e
almost 9 years
I should note that it is hilarious that you define yourself as a male feminist in your profile and yet you support a party that repeatedly fought to repress womens' rights throughout its entire history, and continues to do so this very day.
almost 9 years
Rofl okay buddy.

Keep up with the intellectual honesty.
almost 9 years

Majiffy says

Please do go on about how his economic policies are incorrect, and why.

Im not going to write an essay here because im not autistic and dont even like Trump, but if you think socialism works you should really look at the world right now
b-but muh norway
almost 9 years
Please do go on about how his economic policies are incorrect, and why.
almost 9 years

Majiffy says

fred12344 says

And Bernie is emotional appeal to get the political correct crowd, dont see a difference here, you just like one and dislike the other

Bernie's emotional appeal is not the basis of his legitimacy but thank you for playing.

And do keep trying to reduce the entire argument to one ill-informed retort.

You're doing really well.

It literally is, if you like him because of his economy stuff you are dumb sorry
almost 9 years

fred12344 says

And Bernie is emotional appeal to get the political correct crowd, dont see a difference here, you just like one and dislike the other

Bernie's emotional appeal is not the basis of his legitimacy but thank you for playing.

And do keep trying to reduce the entire argument to one ill-informed retort.

You're doing really well.
almost 9 years
3) minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public like suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity

His rhetoric supporting the assault of political protesters. Again, you can deny this is happening but there are video clips of him inciting violence numerous times.

4) informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers

Due to his lack of legal knowledge and his clear appeal towards being a "strongman", with his domineering attitude and approach to negotiations, it would not surprise me if he has or will support extending the executive office to grasp more power
almost 9 years
And Bernie is emotional appeal to get the political correct crowd, dont see a difference here, you just like one and dislike the other
almost 9 years
1) limited political pluralism; that is, such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups

He has repeatedly used language that has been reflective in American neo-con authoritarian movements regarding the restriction of personal rights advocacies (Planned Parenthood), environmental protection agencies, and the preservation of WASP principles in favor of restricting the rights of non-WASPs

2) a basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency

His rhetoric is straight-up an emotional appeal on the back of latent racism. If you fail to recognize this then I'm not sure how to help you.
almost 9 years
Definitions sourced from Wikipedia

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

1) limited political pluralism; that is, such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and interest groups

2) a basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency

3) minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public like suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity

4) informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers
almost 9 years
Dude why is he authoritharian, you are the one throwing around
almost 9 years
Have I used the word fascist?
No I don't believe I did. In fact I took pains to establish that there is a difference between authoritarian nationalism and fascism.

But you're not being intellectually honest in this discussion, you just want to keep throwing around buzzwords like you have the high ground here.
almost 9 years
Just because someone isnt a socialist dont make the person an authoritarian facist
almost 9 years

Shivv says

How do Americans tag behind politicians with such verve? I don't think I've ever seen anyone wave a pro-Cameron placard while chanting a Tory slogan, forget a stadium full of them.

I purchased a few Lawrence Lessig things when he was still running.

fred12344 says

Just because you dont agree with him dont make him authoritarian or a facist

If you don't recognize his authoritarian nationalist rhetoric then you're either not paying attention or have no place in discussing this matter.
almost 9 years
Just because you dont agree with him dont make him authoritarian or a facist
almost 9 years

ScubaSteve says

codeslicer says

Honestly trump is fascist.

Well no, he's not. A buffoon? Yes. Fascist? Absolutely not.

He's an authoritarian nationalist, which is what most people mistakenly conflate with fascism due to their varying similarities.
deletedalmost 9 years
How do Americans tag behind politicians with such verve? I don't think I've ever seen anyone wave a pro-Cameron placard while chanting a Tory slogan, forget a stadium full of them.
almost 9 years
And you know that every protester there was not only a Bernie supporter and not just anti-trump but also protesting destructively because:

1. You were there
2. Donald trump said so
3. You're an idiot who's full of sht
almost 9 years

Devante says

freedom of speech also includes freedom to protest

to protest destructively? hardly.
almost 9 years

ScubaSteve says

Devante says

ScubaSteve says

codeslicer says

Honestly trump is fascist.

Well no, he's not. A buffoon? Yes. Fascist? Absolutely not.

if elected, which i assume the american people are not as stupid as the rest of the world believes, so it won't happen

he does come across as a facist if you actually sit and listen to his speeches and his mannerisms at his rally's and debates

of course, there's enough checks and balances in the USA that even if he is elected he can't really do anything because a president is just a figurehead and has no real control lol

I don't have the time or energy to type up an essay on the epicmafia forums that both defines fascism, and explains how Trump isn't actually a fascist. Can you just do me a solid and take my word for it?

kk ill take ur word for it but i didn't say he was a fascist lol
almost 9 years

MeetTerry says

LIoyd says

First of all, before I put out the wrong kind of vibe, I am strongly against Trump. Yes, the protesters were trying to encroach on Trump's first amendment rights, but Trump is at least partially responsible for what happened. You don't see riots at any other candidates events. Trump actually encouraged his supporters to beat up protesters, playfully or not he advocated for violence .

Donald Trump is incredible at marketing himself. He has very little knowledge on many issues, but he is still able to win over voters by speaking in a manner that they want to hear.

his site clearly defines what his presidency would aim to do.

yes, he 'incited violence'. These idiot Bernie-bots shouldn't have gone to his rallies then. The evidence shows that the Bernie-bots were the ones blocking ambulances from entering the building. Trump supporters were harassed and attacked. If anything, this has made me support Trump even more. I have yet to see Bernie "disavow" a Bernie-bot for nearly attacking and spitting all over Trump at a public event.

there are opposing party protests in every presidential rally.

freedom of speech also includes freedom to protest
almost 9 years

LIoyd says

First of all, before I put out the wrong kind of vibe, I am strongly against Trump. Yes, the protesters were trying to encroach on Trump's first amendment rights, but Trump is at least partially responsible for what happened. You don't see riots at any other candidates events. Trump actually encouraged his supporters to beat up protesters, playfully or not he advocated for violence .

Donald Trump is incredible at marketing himself. He has very little knowledge on many issues, but he is still able to win over voters by speaking in a manner that they want to hear.

his site clearly defines what his presidency would aim to do.

yes, he 'incited violence'. These idiot Bernie-bots shouldn't have gone to his rallies then. The evidence shows that the Bernie-bots were the ones blocking ambulances from entering the building. Trump supporters were harassed and attacked. If anything, this has made me support Trump even more. I have yet to see Bernie "disavow" a Bernie-bot for nearly attacking and spitting all over Trump at a public event.