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Chicago Trump Rally

almost 9 years



How [redacted] dare these Bernie fanboys show up to a peaceful Trump rally event only to cause disruptions and harass and attack Trump supporters?

Truly disgusting behavior. Sad!

The hypocrisy when liberals shun classic liberal values by trying to silence others' opinions! The true fascists are on the left, like these gross Bernie fanboys.

Trump 2016?
almost 9 years

Orly says

meetterry is so misinformed it's kind of sad

I'm misinformed for quoting Acemoglu, who is probably one of the most celebrated and awarded economists living today? Or Robinson who is also well-regarded in the economics community, along with Verdier?
almost 9 years
meetterry is so misinformed it's kind of sad
almost 9 years

Shock says

MeetTerry says

There are implications because the US is the cutthroat leader in innovation and technology.


I didn't expect anyone that's living in Europoor to understand this anyways
almost 9 years

MeetTerry says

There are implications because the US is the cutthroat leader in innovation and technology.

almost 9 years

rutab says

The only thing in gonna say about what you posted Majiffy, and in general as well, is that the words "bigot" and "racist" are so overused and improperly used that they lost value in today's society

It's used to silence others' opinions and to end all discussion.
almost 9 years
"In our model (which is just that, a model), U.S. citizens would actually be worse off if they switched to a cuddly capitalism. Why? Because this would reduce the world’s growth rate, given the U.S.’s oversized contribution to the world technology frontier. In contrast, when Sweden switches from cutthroat to cuddly capitalism (or vice versa), this does not have an impact on the long-run growth rate of the world economy, because the important work is being done by U.S. innovation."

"Acemoglu and his colleagues are not right-wing conservatives, but their analysis poses one more challenge to an American left that has struggled to preserve basic progressive institutions – the labor movement, employee pension plans, a safety net for the poor – in the face of a corporate consensus that these programs weaken America’s ability to compete in an international marketplace. The three authors make the case that the interconnected world economy has reached what they call an “asymmetric equilibrium” in which the United States “adopts a ‘cutthroat’ reward structure, with high-powered incentives for success, while other countries free-ride on this frontier economy and choose a more egalitarian, ‘cuddly,’ reward structure.”"
deletedalmost 9 years
The only thing in gonna say about what you posted Majiffy, and in general as well, is that the words "bigot" and "racist" are so overused and improperly used that they lost value in today's society
almost 9 years
Stop advocating for socialism.

There are implications because the US is the cutthroat leader in innovation and technology.

Acemoglu, who is a famous economist and professor at MIT, and Verdier, who is a famous economist and director at the Paris School of Economics, have said if the US were to adopt "cuddly capitalism, this would reduce the growth rate of the entire world economy".

"We consider a canonical dynamic model of endogenous technological change at the world level with three basic features. First, there is technological interdependence across countries, with technological innovations by the most technologically advanced countries contributing to the world technology frontier, on which in turn other countries can build to innovate and grow. Second, we consider that effort in innovative activities requires incentives which come as a result of differential rewards to this effort. As a consequence, a greater gap in income between successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs increases entrepreneurial effort and thus a country’s contribution to the world technology frontier. Finally, we assume that in each country the reward structure and the extent of social protection shaping work and innovation incentives are determined by (forward-looking) national social planners."

"The fact that the United States is the world technology leader puts constraints and limits on redistribution at the top. The global asymmetric equilibrium is at the root of the United States being the world technology leader, but the mechanism through which this matters for innovation and redistribution is the very fact that the United States is such a leader."
almost 9 years
Sorry used the wrong word. Bigots.
almost 9 years
Bigamy is when someone marries another person despite still being married, right? As long as everyone agrees they should be allowed to do it. I wouldn't be interested in it myself but I can see why others would be.
almost 9 years

Golbolco says

None of those things you listed are inherently conservative. Uneducated, sure, but they're only grouped with conservatism because of close proximity to one another.

Good thing we're talking about the half of Americans that are too dumb to understand these things, that are appealed to by neocons because they know their base is too dumb to understand these things!

;) ;) ;)

Golbolco says

Also, what's wrong with bigamy if all 3 parties agree?


Where do you even get this
almost 9 years
None of those things you listed are inherently conservative. Uneducated, sure, but they're only grouped with conservatism because of close proximity to one another.

Also, what's wrong with bigamy if all 3 parties agree?
almost 9 years

fred12344 says

Dude just google crime rate decline

If you google "Crime Rate Increasing in America" you get reports as recent as 6 months ago so "just google" is not a sufficient answer.

fred12344 says

And you are really naive about the history of South America tbh, but whatever keep thinking in your white mans burden ideology

Feel free to enlighten me instead of just strawmanning my arguments!

madhere says

when will liberals stop overemphasizing idealism and calling it logic? it isnt that half of american are conservatives because theyre too dumb to understand logic.......

Well I mean the flat-earthers, creationists, climate change denialists and bigamists all support neocon perspectives so, you know...

Walks like a duck, talks like a duck...
almost 9 years
Logic = anything I agree with on the basis that it sounds mildly appealing to me/doesn't directly affect me.
almost 9 years
when will liberals stop overemphasizing idealism and calling it logic? it isnt that half of american are conservatives because theyre too dumb to understand logic.......
almost 9 years
Dude just google crime rate decline

And you are really naive about the history of South America tbh, but whatever keep thinking in your white mans burden ideology
almost 9 years

fred12344 says

1- They just elected him, if you want more look at Brazil and Argentina right now
2- The FBI
And by the way, it isnt all America or the west doing, stop thinking like the 1800s

1) So they re-elected the socialist into the top executive position of the country you are using as an example of anti-socialism.

By the way, that's a she, not a he.

Great argument.

2) You got links or?

3) Lol ok keep your head in the sand.
almost 9 years
1- They just elected him, if you want more look at Brazil and Argentina right now
2- The FBI
And by the way, it isnt all America or the west doing, stop thinking like the 1800s
almost 9 years

fred12344 says

1- Lies, if it was true Chile would be really bad, not the best south american country

President is part of the Socialist party.
Socialist party is one of the leading parties in both the Senate and Congressional majority.
But that doesn't change the fact that the traditional westernized nations have trampled many South American countries, resulting in their current states.

fred12344 says

2- Lies- Crime in America is going down

[Citation Needed]

And even so; as a result of what? I highly doubt "neo-con values and legislation" is the answer to this question.

fred12344 says

3- Yea... look at his party

It's also Africa.

It's pretty telling that all of your major examples are not fully developed countries and have a history of economic repression by western states.
almost 9 years
1- Lies, if it was true Chile would be really bad, not the best south american country
2- Lies- Crime in America is going down
3- Yea... look at his party
deletedalmost 9 years
I guess no economic system works in the world for prolonged periods of time and we're all gonna meet our demise sooner or later
almost 9 years

fred12344 says

South america: Lets keep those americans out and make it worse for everyone [look at Chile and say Venezuela]

Can you blame them? Look at our interference in our Central American nations. We certainly haven't helped.

fred12344 says

Europe: Crime rate rising, terror and the extreme right rising, but its totally fine

All of these things are happening here, too. This is not a result of socialism.

fred12344 says

Africa: Do you know about the likes of mugabe

Oh you mean the authoritarian nationalist that rose as a result of radical anti-white sentiment?

Weird you change anti-white to pro-white and it's starting to look a lot like Trump.
almost 9 years
South america: Lets keep those americans out and make it worse for everyone [look at Chile and say Venezuela]
Europe: Crime rate rising, terror and the extreme right rising, but its totally fine
Africa: Do you know about the likes of mugabe
almost 9 years
The Commonwealth Fund, in its annual survey, "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall", compares the performance of the health systems in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and the U.S. Its 2007 study found that, although the U.S. system is the most expensive, it consistently underperforms compared to the other countries. A major difference between the U.S. and the other countries in the study is that the U.S. is the only country without universal health care.
almost 9 years
Oh right lets break this down

South America, filled with nations that have been kept out from participating in the world economy as international policy and extended imperialism by "westernized states", resulting in underdevelopment and internal strife, as well as a heavily blossomed crime state.

Europe. That place that is totally on fir- oh wait that's just Greece and Iceland. Everyone else is totally fine. By the way; their MOST CONSERVATIVE positions are more left than our modern liberal party!

Africa; they haven't even been invited to modernization. They are still third-world countries. I'm not even sure where you're bringing this into the conversation as some kind of support; the biggest failure in Africa is Somalia, the actualization of the polar opposite of socialism. Literally everything fails in Africa.