Perish says my favorite part of customer service is the "Live Chat Instant Service!" where i get to talk to people just like i would on skype except i gotta use full syntax/grammar and the conversations are all about requesting return labels and asking when we're gonna have the capris back in stock. i honestly think live chat instant service is an amazing service and i bet that even the ppl working them enjoy it far more than any other kind of customer service position
lmao I died
Forrest says Our e-relationship was great Natalie way to tell our mafiascum spectators my real name.
deleted over 8 years
Our e-relationship was great Natalie
my favorite part of customer service is the "Live Chat Instant Service!" where i get to talk to people just like i would on skype except i gotta use full syntax/grammar and the conversations are all about requesting return labels and asking when we're gonna have the capris back in stock.
or maybe they were just teasing me either way it was silly. the internet is so silly. god im bored.
i showed this thread to some mafiascum ppl and they thoguht i was actually dating forrest.
hello guys 329 minutes until my WEEKEND starts!!!! :D
deleted over 8 years
Perish says Hibiki says did you eat today sweaty (: i had a couple starburst minis and some chips! Forrest you Im visiting USA for you and you go behind my back?
Hibiki says Perish says Hibiki says did you eat today sweaty (: i had a couple starburst minis and some chips! isn't this like.... nothing yeah but im not too hungry dw.
Forrest says [6/8/2016 11:24:14 AM] Nahdia: we should edate [6/8/2016 11:24:49 AM] Forrest: yes happy 1 day anniversary bby <3
deleted over 8 years
[6/8/2016 11:24:14 AM] Nahdia: we should edate [6/8/2016 11:24:49 AM] Forrest: yes happy 1 day anniversary bby
Perish says Hibiki says did you eat today sweaty (: i had a couple starburst minis and some chips! isn't this like.... nothing
oh im high. im not very sweaty.
i ate breakfast and my dinner's in the oven
deleted over 8 years
I wanna lick your sweat, sweety (: