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EMBB2 Trophy Game

about 8 years

                                                 EMBB2: WEEK 15


EMBB2 Written Episodes:

Jack's Finale Speech:

Dean’s Finale Speech:

ShadoNinjaX's Jury Speech:

Annajane’s Jury Speech:

Annabelle’s Jury Speech:

Asa’s Jury Speech:

Hotjacket’s Jury Speech:

Jessys’ Jury Speech:

Qrstuv’s Jury Speech:

                                   2nd Place: House Stark              


             Evicted: Happy0wns, Evolpz, Annabelle, Deandean


                              4th Place: House Baratheon


            Evicted: Chuchu0, Lelmoo, ShadoNinjaX, Hotjacket


                              1st Place: House Lannister


               Jack, Evicted: Bgeas15, AmericanScone, Qrstuv


                             3rd Place: House Targaryen  


             Evicted: Caroline, R0ronoaZoro, Annajane, Jessys



Fantasy Draft:


about 8 years
"The White Walker week infuriates me only because I had no business being targeted. In Matthew’s outed logs, everyone viewed me as a good pawn and someone who would be trustworthy."

So you see this yourself and still don't realize exactly why this is the perfect reason to nominate you? As a WhiteWalker I was trying to take it upon myself to do the things that nobody else in the cast would do. A final twist to truly test who could adapt best. Now that it's all over I can say truthfully that Jessys and Annajane were both in my sights as well (even though I love them and think they both played truly fantastic games it's for that very reason I wanted them as well) but Hotjacket didn't listen to me due to miscommunication and went for the same option as me in the challenge so they ended up immune together leaving me with just you. Nobody took the chance I provided and because of that the games outcome is this f2. If you can't see that as anything other than bitter I'm sorry.
about 8 years

deandean says lied in your jury post, and are digging deeper to try to win the court of approval. Smh.

i literally did not lie and I'm not sure how you feel that you have the authority to accuse me of that. Also the whole point is to get the jury's approval?
about 8 years

prcsmath says

Just view jack vs deandean as Trump vs Clinton.

i just said this in the jury house lol
about 8 years

jack says

I think you're mistaking self-confidence with being pompous

it's pompous

deletedabout 8 years
You also have the gall to say you carried me. No. You needed me as much as I needed you. The fact you thought that Anna and Jessys could have split and chosen you shows how out of touch of the game and how out of the circle you were. You said you were 100% in the clear no matter what, and yet vs annabelle you were a vote away from being out. You are not as good as you think you are.
about 8 years
Just view jack vs deandean as Trump vs Clinton.
deletedabout 8 years
The fact you also had the balls to say you were infuriated you were nommed by matthew is annoying too. You weren't viewed as this good guy who happens to be a pawn! You were a pawn. You say this and it annoys me. Matthew had any damn right to nom anyone. If it was because of bitterness, he had every right to nom me too. But he didn't. You need to get off your high horse and be truthful. The fact that you are also saying anything that you had anything to do with the nom of Bgeas is laughable. I mean, maybe you told him, but telling someone something does not equal you being some mastermind. Multiple people didn't manipulate shado, Shado called us out on our lies. Shado said correctly we were lying. It took me f2ing him for him to believe our lies and nom Bgeas. You lied more times too. You say your social skills saved you the week Asa nommed you. She didn't tell you a single thing, your social skills did not save you. If you recall, I was saved that week. She pawned you, yes, but you weren't the target, Annabelle was. You were a pawn who nearly failed because people wanted you out. Stop making yourself to seem like this mastermind. YOU AREN'T.
about 8 years
I cast my vote for chuchu
deletedabout 8 years lied in your jury post, and are digging deeper to try to win the court of approval. Smh.
about 8 years
I think you're mistaking self-confidence with being pompous
deletedabout 8 years

deandean says

There is only one conclusion. Jack must have taken the persona I had and now using it. Sorry guys, this is a normal switch up, hopefully he'll stop being pompous in a day or two when he actually faces the jury 1 on 1. Sorry folks.

deletedabout 8 years
There is only one conclusion. Jack must have taken the persona I had and now using it. Sorry guys, this is a normal switch up, hopefully he'll stop being pompous in a day or two when he actually faces the jury 1 on 1. Sorry folks.
about 8 years
My game (speech included) speaks for itself
deletedabout 8 years
I love how jack still didn't admit that it was dumb and then hurt his chances at jury more. Jack I know I was the pompous one the entire year, but why are you acting more pompous than me now?
deletedabout 8 years
Me watching the f2 squirm as the jury starts to call them out

about 8 years
wow jack

keep twisting that knife
about 8 years

deandean says

jack says

deandean says

>>>>>>>>>could make a very convincing argument to be taken to f2.

You're an idiot if you think you could have split up Jessys and Annajane.

you need to realize that I was making that decision in final 4 before I knew they had f2'd from day 1; at that time I believed they could be swayed to get an easy gold by bringing me

So you made a bad move. Admit it. I admit it was dumb to throw part of final HOH.

i could've been in a tougher situation depending on who won, yeah. I don't really regret it though it was pretty funny
deletedabout 8 years

jack says

deandean says

>>>>>>>>>could make a very convincing argument to be taken to f2.

You're an idiot if you think you could have split up Jessys and Annajane.

you need to realize that I was making that decision in final 4 before I knew they had f2'd from day 1; at that time I believed they could be swayed to get an easy gold by bringing me

So you made a bad move. Admit it. I admit it was dumb to throw part of final HOH.
about 8 years

deandean says

>>>>>>>>>could make a very convincing argument to be taken to f2.

You're an idiot if you think you could have split up Jessys and Annajane.

you need to realize that I was making that decision in final 4 before I knew they had f2'd from day 1; at that time I believed they could be swayed to get an easy gold by bringing me
deletedabout 8 years
Jack is so upset about a joke I can't even right now
deletedabout 8 years
>>>>>>>>>could make a very convincing argument to be taken to f2.

You're an idiot if you think you could have split up Jessys and Annajane.
deletedabout 8 years
Stop the mod abuse lmao
deletedabout 8 years
Jack. He says he threw f4 POV. It doesn't make sense. because f4 POV would have been you me and jessys playing against each other. and it would have been detrimental for me to die. You know? It would have been jessys you and Jack in f3. He'd be in a 1v2 situation. Instead of 2v1 with me Jack and Jessys. If he actually threw f4 POV, it was a dumb move.
about 8 years

deandean says didnt know i was winning. You put literally your entire game in my hands at f4 like I trusted you at f3. If I lose i get evicted and you vs a f2 at f3. My throw, since you are a stronger player than me and were going to take me over jessys because she was more of a threat, makes more sense than you throwing to put your game in my hands in a 1v2 situation.

i would also have been the weaker player in the f3 objectively and could make a very convincing argument to be taken to f2. I made a conscious decision to let my social game be the reason I advanced, because I was confident in how I played. Yeah I took a risk for the final 3 because I felt so strongly it would work. And it did
about 8 years

deandean says didnt know i was winning. You put literally your entire game in my hands at f4 like I trusted you at f3. If I lose i get evicted and you vs a f2 at f3. My throw, since you are a stronger player than me and were going to take me over jessys because she was more of a threat, makes more sense than you throwing to put your game in my hands in a 1v2 situation.

who are u talking to