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EMBB2 Trophy Game

about 8 years

                                                 EMBB2: WEEK 15


EMBB2 Written Episodes:

Jack's Finale Speech:

Dean’s Finale Speech:

ShadoNinjaX's Jury Speech:

Annajane’s Jury Speech:

Annabelle’s Jury Speech:

Asa’s Jury Speech:

Hotjacket’s Jury Speech:

Jessys’ Jury Speech:

Qrstuv’s Jury Speech:

                                   2nd Place: House Stark              


             Evicted: Happy0wns, Evolpz, Annabelle, Deandean


                              4th Place: House Baratheon


            Evicted: Chuchu0, Lelmoo, ShadoNinjaX, Hotjacket


                              1st Place: House Lannister


               Jack, Evicted: Bgeas15, AmericanScone, Qrstuv


                             3rd Place: House Targaryen  


             Evicted: Caroline, R0ronoaZoro, Annajane, Jessys



Fantasy Draft:


deletedabout 8 years didnt know i was winning. You put literally your entire game in my hands at f4 like I trusted you at f3. If I lose i get evicted and you vs a f2 at f3. My throw, since you are a stronger player than me and were going to take me over jessys because she was more of a threat, makes more sense than you throwing to put your game in my hands in a 1v2 situation.
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
((That's a joke I'm leaving bye))

((Anna deserved the win))

Congrats to the f3
about 8 years
about 8 years
The fact that we're even debating which situation I should've done in the final 4 veto proves how well I was playing at that point
about 8 years
I hear you but I counter with I had already won 4 comps and made my own moves, I wanted to be able to show just how well I was sitting socially that even though I could have, I didn't need to win the comp to secure safety
about 8 years
I'm aware you were in a good spot but you would have gained a lot more respect winning a POV and doing what you needed to do instead of making Dean do it.

Jury management.
about 8 years
thats the final 2?? yikes..
about 8 years

annajane says

If you were gonna evict me you shoulda just grown a pair and did it on your own.

well the beauty is I didn't need to do it myself that's the whole point, I was in such a good spot
about 8 years
If you were gonna evict me you shoulda just grown a pair and did it on your own.
about 8 years
And also deandean speech was well ewww. Need more organization.
about 8 years
Also it's really stupid to throw the last hoh just putting that out there.
about 8 years
If I was a juror who would I choose dirty cut throat or stable and confident. Ummmmmm...
about 8 years

deandean says

It's fine. Jack literally lied in his.

patently false. Everything I stated was true

Also, if I may, I reject the notion that I was afraid or whatever to pick between Anna and Dean. Rather, I was in such a good spot (advancing to f3 regardless) that I chose to throw to further prove that point and not have to get blood on my hands. But I would've evicted annajane over Dean, I'd be a fool to put myself against her and Jessy in final 3
about 8 years
Give Jack the gold purely based off the fact that Dean is not able to use proper English grammar.
about 8 years
TL;DR Dean's finale speech:

deletedabout 8 years
It's fine. Jack literally lied in his.
deletedabout 8 years
I'm just gonna be objective here and say jacks speech was a lot more convincing then yours deandean :(
deletedabout 8 years
I forgot to add one thing. The houses. I was the lone stark for now my 7th week. Where houses actually played a role, this is actually impressive, as I was lonely when annabelle died. I was the first person to be alone too.
deletedabout 8 years
If the jurors don't vote Jack after his flawless speech... Then I've lost all hope

about 8 years
me when jack admits to throwing the f4 POV that sent me home because he's too much of a (insert mean word here) to choose between dean & i..................................

about 8 years
Jack’s Finale Speech:

Dean’s Finale Speech:
about 8 years
Update on finale week schedule:

The finale/reunion night with winner reveal date has be switched to this Saturday night (September 10th), 8 PM EST
about 8 years
about 8 years
let me into the house so i can win jokers again