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EMBB2 Trophy Game

about 8 years

                                                 EMBB2: WEEK 15


EMBB2 Written Episodes:

Jack's Finale Speech:

Dean’s Finale Speech:

ShadoNinjaX's Jury Speech:

Annajane’s Jury Speech:

Annabelle’s Jury Speech:

Asa’s Jury Speech:

Hotjacket’s Jury Speech:

Jessys’ Jury Speech:

Qrstuv’s Jury Speech:

                                   2nd Place: House Stark              


             Evicted: Happy0wns, Evolpz, Annabelle, Deandean


                              4th Place: House Baratheon


            Evicted: Chuchu0, Lelmoo, ShadoNinjaX, Hotjacket


                              1st Place: House Lannister


               Jack, Evicted: Bgeas15, AmericanScone, Qrstuv


                             3rd Place: House Targaryen  


             Evicted: Caroline, R0ronoaZoro, Annajane, Jessys



Fantasy Draft:


deletedabout 8 years
Ayyyy macarena
about 8 years
Week 15 Finale Schedule:
about 8 years

jessys says

i am ok with this
about 8 years
Post-Week 14 Jokers Popularity Rankings:

1. Jessys [+1]
2. Annajane [-1]
3. Jack [0]
4. Deandean [0]
5. R0ronoaZoro [0]
6. Annabelle [0]
7. Qrstuv [0]
8. Bgeas15 [0]
9. ShadoNinjaX [0]
10. Hotjacket [0]
11. Caroline [0]
12. AmericanScone [0]
13. Lelmoo [0]
14. Evolpz [0]
15. Chuchu0 [0]
16. Happy0wns [0]
about 8 years
[9/3/16, 7:00:15 PM] Jessy: Dean shut up you little b*tch boy

about 8 years

about 8 years
Week 14 Eviction Night Pt. 3:

[9/3/16, 6:59:58 PM] Jessy: Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
[9/3/16, 7:00:01 PM] Jessy: oh wait
[9/3/16, 7:00:09 PM] Dean C: /leave
[9/3/16, 7:00:13 PM] Dean C: you could do that
[9/3/16, 7:00:15 PM] Jessy: Dean shut up you little b*tch boy
[9/3/16, 7:00:16 PM] Jessy:
[9/3/16, 7:00:20 PM] Jessy:
[9/3/16, 7:00:24 PM] Jessy: Jessys EMBB2 has left the conversation
[9/3/16, 7:00:29 PM] Jack: On 9/3/16, at 7:00 PM, Jessy wrote:
> Dean shut up you little b*tch boy

and she’s voting for him
[9/3/16, 7:00:32 PM] Jack: ho k
[9/3/16, 7:00:48 PM] Dean C: DEAN
[9/3/16, 7:00:49 PM] Dean C: AND JACK
[9/3/16, 7:00:50 PM] Dean C: FINAL TWO
[9/3/16, 7:00:53 PM] Dean C: COOLTOWN
[9/3/16, 7:00:53 PM] Jack: DAY 1
[9/3/16, 7:00:54 PM] Jack: TO DAY
[9/3/16, 7:00:55 PM] Dean C: LET'S GO
[9/3/16, 7:00:56 PM] Jack: F*CKIN WHATEVER
[9/3/16, 7:00:59 PM] Jack: COOLTOWN
[9/3/16, 7:01:04 PM] Jack: IN THE FINALS
[9/3/16, 7:01:08 PM] Dean C: ignore I voted you out
[9/3/16, 7:01:10 PM] Dean C: so many times
[9/3/16, 7:01:13 PM] Dean C: pls
[9/3/16, 7:01:15 PM] Jack: yeah you were a final 2
[9/3/16, 7:01:21 PM] Dean C: so sh*tty that we made it
[9/3/16, 7:01:24 PM] Dean C: yeah
[9/3/16, 7:01:28 PM] Dean C: HOLY SH*T
[9/3/16, 7:01:35 PM] Jack: idk if you caught this in my speech
[9/3/16, 7:01:36 PM] Jack: “Both of you have been very loyal to me. But both of you have also targeted me and tried to get me out of this house. “
about 8 years
Week 14 Eviction Night Pt. 2:

[9/3/16, 6:58:36 PM] Jessy: Jack you're losing to Dean
[9/3/16, 6:58:39 PM] Jessy: I wasn't lying
[9/3/16, 6:58:40 PM] Jack: i disagree
[9/3/16, 6:58:43 PM] Jessy: Well that sucks
[9/3/16, 6:58:45 PM] Jessy: Because it's happening
[9/3/16, 6:58:48 PM] Dean C: FINAL TWO
[9/3/16, 6:58:49 PM] Jack: if that’s the case
[9/3/16, 6:58:49 PM] Dean C: HOLY F*CK
[9/3/16, 6:58:52 PM] Jessy: It is the case
[9/3/16, 6:58:52 PM] Jack: then i was never winning
[9/3/16, 6:58:58 PM] Jessy: You actually had a chance against me
[9/3/16, 6:59:01 PM] Jack: no i didn’t
[9/3/16, 6:59:01 PM] Jessy: And I actually believe thatr
[9/3/16, 6:59:01 PM] Emmy: Thank you for playing Jessys, unfortunately you have been evicted in third place, and will receive the bronze trophy.
[9/3/16, 6:59:06 PM] Jessy: Yes you did
[9/3/16, 6:59:09 PM] Dean C: SIIIIIIIIILVER AND GOLD
[9/3/16, 6:59:10 PM] Emmy: Please say your final goodbyes
[9/3/16, 6:59:12 PM] Jessy: Dean you're an *sshole
[9/3/16, 6:59:20 PM] Jessy: This is an ugly final 2 JSYK!
[9/3/16, 6:59:26 PM] Jack: i think you could definitely outmanuever me to the jury
[9/3/16, 6:59:29 PM] Jessy: This season ended when Stephen left 7-5
[9/3/16, 6:59:34 PM] Jessy: Outmanuever??/
[9/3/16, 6:59:39 PM] Jack: idk
[9/3/16, 6:59:41 PM] Jack: out argue?
[9/3/16, 6:59:44 PM] Jessy: Lol
[9/3/16, 6:59:46 PM] Jack: having trouble with a good word here
[9/3/16, 6:59:52 PM] Jack: manipulate is too strong
[9/3/16, 6:59:53 PM] Jessy: Dean is getting my vote you already lost Jack!
about 8 years
Week 14 Eviction Night Pt. 1:

[9/3/16, 6:57:45 PM] Emmy: Jessys and Deandean sit on the nominees couch
[9/3/16, 6:58:03 PM] Emmy: Jack walks in front of the coffee table to face them for one last time
[9/3/16, 6:58:13 PM] Emmy: Deandean poops himself on live TV
[9/3/16, 6:58:17 PM] Emmy: Deandean cries
[9/3/16, 6:58:22 PM] Dean C: hey
[9/3/16, 6:58:26 PM] Jack: lmfao
[9/3/16, 6:58:28 PM] Emmy: Jack: I first want to thank both of you for playing this game with me and making it so much fun. You both did a great job and deserve to be sitting in final 3. Both of you have been very loyal to me. But both of you have also targeted me and tried to get me out of this house. This is about what will give me the best chance to win this game. I have to play to the jury as well as to who I played better than. At the end of the day, my decision is that I put myself in a greater position to successfully argue to the jury I deserve the win if I evict this person. I put a lot of thought into this, I analyzed every juror’s potential vote and I believe this is the best decision for me.

I think you’re tremendous, and you absolutely deserve to be here, but I have to vote to evict you, Jessys.
deletedabout 8 years
Dean outplays the lobby as usual...
about 8 years
If jack doesnt win ill p!ss myself
about 8 years
congrats on f2, wish i was sitting next to u!!!
about 8 years
My only complaint is that I can only kill myself once.
about 8 years

congrats on making f2 jack
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years

prcsmath says

No, in deandean's world, the world is deandean. :|

Does that mean deandean's deadean is deandean?
deletedabout 8 years
gj jack
about 8 years
Aww thanks! I can definitely say season 2 was a struggle at times to keep up with, I couldn't have done it without my awesome cohosts! :)
deletedabout 8 years
Thanks for all the time you put into the game, Emmy.
about 8 years
Week 14 Final HoH Results:
about 8 years
Final HoH Part 3:

I used to like this game, until I was __________.
A] Nominated Day 1
B] When R0ro got like 10 million on that giraffe game and I gave up on life
C] Evicted Week 9 because of some bullsh*t whitewalker twist where every whitewalker lied to my face when they said that the main targets were jack asa and jessys and that they didn't hold any grudges and because r0ro nommed me because he didn't know what I was doing in the house even though he got evicted when I was on the block besides him so I dunno where his head was at but i'm glad his plan failed even though I got evicted i'm still pissed that I got evicted though because of the bullsh*t twist

Answer: A

The most unexpected event of EMBB2 was __________.
A] The white walker twist
B] The red wedding
C] Dean winning the HoH this week

Answer: C

My favorite part of EMBB was __________.
A] When qrstuv played the veto on me
B] Making friends and the overall experience
C] When I won HoH only to miss the deadline

Answer: B

I wish I voted to evict __________.
A] Shado (instead of Roro) because he does not deserve a spot on the jury
B] Jack (instead of Lelmoo) because Lelmoo had less ties to AJ & Dean
C] Jessy (instead of Asa) because she had a lethal power & was a bigger jury threat than Asa

Answer: B

The one person I lied to the most this game was __________.
A] annabelle because i said i wouldn’t vote her and then sent her home
B] jessy because she was easy to lie to
C] jack because i had to protect jessy

Answer: C

Tiebreaker Q:
How many different people were their house leaders over the course of the season?

Answer: 7 (Chuchu evolpz Bgeas annajane Lelmoo Jack Dean)

Tiebreaker 2 Q:
“How many hours in total have you spent in the embb2 game, from when the final 6 houseguests were added right before the first HoH of the season?”

Answer: 1776 as of 8pm September 2nd
about 8 years
Final HoH Part 3:

During my time in the game Emmy did NOT say __________.
A] "I love traps"
B] "If we fought I'd kill you"
C] "Is roro the kindle expert sonia?"

Answer: B

My favorite EMBB challenge was __________.
A] The poker one because its the only hoh I won and I felt that I could be most strategic on it
B] The Tetris, because it was the first comp and I got my power because of it and I have always liked it
C] The Kaney Zone because it was so chill and who wouldn't love Kaney!

Answer: B

The most brutal event of embb2 for me was __________.
A] asa's speeches to me when I was nommed and evicted
B] annajane turning on me and voting me out
C] my lelmoo being evicted RIGHT after using his power to save the previous week

Answer: A
about 8 years
Final HoH Part 3:

The worst part about being the first one evicted was __________.
A] that I didn't keep my mouth shut and allowed myself to be a pawn throughout the game.
B] that I had rested my faith in Hotjacket as my true final two partner.
C] that I didn't have the chance to truly connect with people like AmericanScone in the game.

Answer: C

The most annoying person in the house to me was __________.
A] Caroline! She would never ever trust me!
B] AnnaJane! She was such a hypocrite!
C] Shado! He ignored everything I said after nominating me!

Answer: A

The thing that made me hate the EMBB chat the most was __________.
A] that not much at all happened
B] the constant sucking up
C] the Big Brother TV Talk

Answer: C

The thing I regret most about my time in the house was __________.
A] Not outing enough info
B] Not making stronger bonds
C] Not winning any challenges

Answer: A

The thing I enjoyed most about EMBB2 was __________.
A] Anna jane, jack and Annabelle bc they are good people and true friends and allies.
B] talking to the houseguests
C] the cookies I baked.

Answer: A
about 8 years
I only played 2 weeks and that pissed me off! Dean and Jack should be happy I'm not on jury :P

EDIT: Woooow you guys weren't nice to anybody.
about 8 years
yaaaas jessys slay. win part 3. i believe in u