over 7 years

                 Some important things for the game

            Player powers are right here for quick reference →

               Party Inventory


  • 2 rapiers [RS]
  • 3 scimitars [SS]
  • 12 suits of leather armor [LA]
  • 1 yew bow [YB]
  • 1 pistol [PG]
  • Box of Infinite Bullets


  • 1 Scroll of Mastery
  • 8 rations
  • 59 Gold Coins
  • 10 arrows
  • 1 health potion
  • 1 potion of strength

Other stuff

  • 1 compass
  • 1 map

Health System

Health can be changed by getting injured, not eating/drinking/sleeping in too long, contracting a disease, etc.

If you have a disease, you're starving, dehydrated, or haven't been sleeping enough, I'll add a tag next to your name that says your ailment so you know what's going on.

White means you are all good and couldn't be in a better shape.

Green means you are in ok condition.

Red means you are not doing too well and are rather unhealthy.

Black means you're dead. It also means I'll mute you for the time being because dead people can't speak (don't worry, there will be resurrection potions!).

                    Map Found in Teepee

                                   (click to enlarge)


Full Story

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about 7 years
about 7 years
I saw your name color change... grumble grumble Shwartz... (Yeah I'm horrible at modding stuff like this, I get that you just don't get around to it sometimes :P )
about 7 years
...which is where?
about 7 years

UsernamePending says

What if we were to split off an away party of the sneaky peoples to do that? The more we send, the more likely we're detected. The rest of us can raid the tent.

I'll make sure to make that an option on the weekly poll
about 7 years
What if we were to split off an away party of the sneaky peoples to do that? The more we send, the more likely we're detected. The rest of us can raid the tent.
about 7 years
I'm voting we go to the X very sneakily and wreck the ambushers. They're bound to have exp, weapons, and loot.
about 7 years
The needs a flair.

We should probably go in the tent anyway. Astrology got us nowhere!
about 7 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

Then again what if we ambushed the ambushers?

about 7 years
Need I remind you people that I am the only one with a gun? A high risk factor for getting shot in the nuts is not having a gun.

Then again what if we ambushed the ambushers?
about 7 years
He's probably bluffing. Let's go there.
about 7 years
That'll learn me to decode the entire message.

It actually says "X marks ambush spot".

I'm going to venture the opinion that maybe we shouldn't walk into the trap.
about 7 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

Oh right! We have the map. I was looking for the message in windings font, not translated. I hadn't realized it was already on the map we had.

I agree. The message says "X marks the spot". I assume it's a treasure map of some sort.

Friend, I can assure you that the 3rd word is not "the" - it's 6 letters long.
about 7 years
Oh right! We have the map. I was looking for the message in windings font, not translated. I hadn't realized it was already on the map we had.

I agree. The message says "X marks the spot". I assume it's a treasure map of some sort.
about 7 years

iatepewdiepie says

Actually the first wingding letter is five, so i say to the 5 triangles

You sure it's a 5?
about 7 years
Actually the first wingding letter is five, so i say to the 5 triangles
about 7 years
Ok i reread everything, i say we go to the X
about 7 years
Can we see the writing though?
about 7 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

Just figured I'd ask since it wasn't one of the choices. So what's the message?

I'm not just going to tell you that, that would be too easy :)

Here's something that might help to decode it though, as arisuu found out that the font is in wingdings 3:

about 7 years
Just figured I'd ask since it wasn't one of the choices. So what's the message?
about 7 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

Can we decode the message on the map before deciding where to go?

Good idea.
about 7 years
Can we decode the message on the map before deciding where to go?
about 7 years

Another teepee!

The party decided to head towards the second brown teepee upriver. They follow the stream until they find the teepee above.

It's quite the colorful teepee, and the adventurers see the picture of the moon at the top. There is no smoke coming out of it, leading the adventurers to believe it is either abandoned or the inhabitants are away for now.

Because there are no signs of anything dangerous inside, the party decides to enter. However, as the party comes closer to the teepee, The, the party's astrologer, senses danger inside. The position of the moon and stars on the teepee might be something bad.

The party does find a strange potion outside of the teepee and not near the entrance. UsernamePending, the apothecary recognizes it as a potion of strength. It might come in handy in battle, so the adventurers take it.

Just then, the adventurers notice the strange words at the bottom of the map. arisuu, the artist, thinks that the language is wingdings, but it unsure on which version. Perhaps the party should figure out what it says on there; it might come in handy.

The adventurers have the choice of entering the teepee (against The's urging not to), or continuing to another area on the map.

The Choices

» Go towards the 5 gray triangles

» Go towards the brown circle with 3 brown triangles

» Go towards the sea on the left side

» Go to the triangle downriver

» Go to the red X

» Go to the yellow lines

» Enter the teepee
about 7 years
It's for good causes, I swear!
about 7 years
lol oh god no
about 7 years
So the next action going to be ready as soon as stophammeringme gives me 20 tokens :)