over 7 years

                 Some important things for the game

            Player powers are right here for quick reference →

               Party Inventory


  • 2 rapiers [RS]
  • 3 scimitars [SS]
  • 12 suits of leather armor [LA]
  • 1 yew bow [YB]
  • 1 pistol [PG]
  • Box of Infinite Bullets


  • 1 Scroll of Mastery
  • 8 rations
  • 59 Gold Coins
  • 10 arrows
  • 1 health potion
  • 1 potion of strength

Other stuff

  • 1 compass
  • 1 map

Health System

Health can be changed by getting injured, not eating/drinking/sleeping in too long, contracting a disease, etc.

If you have a disease, you're starving, dehydrated, or haven't been sleeping enough, I'll add a tag next to your name that says your ailment so you know what's going on.

White means you are all good and couldn't be in a better shape.

Green means you are in ok condition.

Red means you are not doing too well and are rather unhealthy.

Black means you're dead. It also means I'll mute you for the time being because dead people can't speak (don't worry, there will be resurrection potions!).

                    Map Found in Teepee

                                   (click to enlarge)


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over 7 years
Actually, @GM Is there anything else of note in the teepee? We've clearly been inside to find the map.
over 7 years

Nicol says

UsernamePending says

The brown circle is clearly a pitfall trap. The second brown triangle is likely another teepee. The gray is likely mountains. My vote is go upriver.

i agree except i think we should go to the teepee just in case theres something important

We already went in. That's how we got the map.
over 7 years

UsernamePending says

The brown circle is clearly a pitfall trap. The second brown triangle is likely another teepee. The gray is likely mountains. My vote is go upriver.

i agree except i think we should go to the teepee just in case theres something important
over 7 years
The brown circle is clearly a pitfall trap. The second brown triangle is likely another teepee. The gray is likely mountains. My vote is go upriver.
over 7 years
Do we get to liberate some Native Americans?
over 7 years

What a change of scenery!

The party decided to head right. After walking down the path for about a day, they find the stream above.

It's certainly flowing with water, and there seems to be wildlife everywhere. The adventurers go up and downstream, looking for a good place to set up camp.

They eventually come by a strange teepee, and inside, they find a map with a giant red "X" on it, along with a compass! What luck!

There are no roads going in any direction, although the compass will help guide the party to any landmark they want on the map. It appears that the adventurers are likely at the teepee near the end of the river.

The adventurers have the choice of going towards any landmark, or just staying by the river.

The Choices

» Go towards the 5 gray triangles

» Go towards the brown circle with 3 brown triangles

» Go towards the sea on the left side

» Go to the second brown triangle upriver

» Stay by the river and teepee
over 7 years
Status Updates:
The party split up their rations and ate all of them. Everyone's health improved a bit but is still green.

UsernamePending creates a health potion for later use.

xPooky uses a pistol to shoot themself... it almost works but unfortunately, chefs aren't very good at aiming. Ioris, the jester, gets shot instead. Ioris's health is now red.

Man creates 10 arrows.
over 7 years
Although not everyone has voted yet, we have to move on. Don't forget to vote next week!
over 7 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

It says the poll is closed.

My bad, it's now fixed.
over 7 years
It says the poll is closed.
over 7 years
The link to the poll for this week is here: https://goo.gl/forms/kuRGDcEBYiMXGIj02
over 7 years

UsernamePending says

so ehm, any more thoughts on the matter?

I would have made the poll sooner but I've been reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly busy lately so I'll probably do it tomorrow.
over 7 years
so ehm, any more thoughts on the matter?
over 7 years

Shwartz99 says

UsernamePending says

May have fallen asleep while reading.

Yeah theres a character limit so I had to get rid of the exciting adjectives. Maybe I can make separate post instead with all the transactions.

over 7 years
tyanno is right. save our rations
over 7 years
The sound of water could mean a lot of things. I'd say it's better to conserve our rations until we're sure we can replenish them. If need be, we can always make a camp near the water with fish and eat later. If we're wrong and eat now, that's definitely worse than being right and eating later.

However, we do need to head towards the water. If it's a river we ought to be able to follow it to civilization somewhere.
deletedover 7 years

stophammeringme says

what's our next move?

I'm not entirely sure, but I plan on making us some arrows since I have a bow now. If I can just continue to do that every time I can we should have a surplus of arrows in no time! I'm not sure it'll stand up to our box of infinite bullets but...
over 7 years
what's our next move?
deletedover 7 years

xPooky says

I say we go down the right path and just eat the rations... If there is the sound of water, there must be fish and other seafood to catch. Might as well be fit.

I second this logic
over 7 years
I say we go down the right path and just eat the rations... If there is the sound of water, there must be fish and other seafood to catch. Might as well be fit.
over 7 years
tfw i was trying to post in this thread on an alt the whole time i'd like to go to the right path and share the ractions
over 7 years

UsernamePending says

May have fallen asleep while reading.

Yeah theres a character limit so I had to get rid of the exciting adjectives. Maybe I can make separate post instead with all the transactions.
over 7 years
well we have a bit of food but not water so i suggest we go right :////////. also i don't think we should just give food to important ppl (unless im one of them then in which case go ahead :)) cuz like a lot of people will be on the verge of death...
over 7 years
Center path and conserve. May have fallen asleep while reading.
over 7 years
Whoops sorry, am suddenly on vacation, lemme catch up