over 7 years

                 Some important things for the game

            Player powers are right here for quick reference →

               Party Inventory


  • 2 rapiers [RS]
  • 3 scimitars [SS]
  • 12 suits of leather armor [LA]
  • 1 yew bow [YB]
  • 1 pistol [PG]
  • Box of Infinite Bullets


  • 1 Scroll of Mastery
  • 8 rations
  • 59 Gold Coins
  • 10 arrows
  • 1 health potion
  • 1 potion of strength

Other stuff

  • 1 compass
  • 1 map

Health System

Health can be changed by getting injured, not eating/drinking/sleeping in too long, contracting a disease, etc.

If you have a disease, you're starving, dehydrated, or haven't been sleeping enough, I'll add a tag next to your name that says your ailment so you know what's going on.

White means you are all good and couldn't be in a better shape.

Green means you are in ok condition.

Red means you are not doing too well and are rather unhealthy.

Black means you're dead. It also means I'll mute you for the time being because dead people can't speak (don't worry, there will be resurrection potions!).

                    Map Found in Teepee

                                   (click to enlarge)


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over 7 years

Whitepimp007 says

Shwartz99 says

The link to the poll for this week is here: https://goo.gl/forms/cLU5sOFLgGXxyPIm1

>This week

>Closed in 2 days


6 people voted for going west, and the 3 other votes all went to each other direction, so West clearly won by majority.
over 7 years
Okay, let's eat all the rations so we're fresh, then go spelunking.
over 7 years

Shwartz99 says

The link to the poll for this week is here: https://goo.gl/forms/cLU5sOFLgGXxyPIm1

>This week

>Closed in 2 days

over 7 years
Even if the town is destroyed, we can take things that are lying around. but alright. Let's go right.
over 7 years

Tartosis says

water = things to hunt

town = things to steal.

However, there's a chance the town is destroyed. So we better actually go right.
over 7 years
water = things to hunt
over 7 years
guys, just for notice: don't waste your materials, or OUR materials.

anyways, we'll go center there might be something worth it in the town
over 7 years
Just a note on what the Scroll of Mastery does

The Scroll of Mastery makes any power take 1 less week to use. For example, Nicol can bake bread every 3 weeks, but after using the Scroll of Mastery on that power, Nicol can now bake bread every 2 weeks!
over 7 years

Man equips the yew bow
Whitepimp007 and UsernamePending equip the rapiers
Tartosis, iatepewdiepie, and arisuu equip the scimitars
tyrannosaurusrex equips the pistol

mmmm !?!?
over 7 years
Status Updates:
Everyone's health went to green as they are all hungry and tired.

The adventurers choose to go west.

Along the route they take, they find a lot of burnt corpses and caravans, probably destroyed by the dragon. The dead won't be needing their supplies anymore! The party takes anything of value they can find. They have found:

2 rusted rapiers
3 rusted scimitars
12 suits of leather armor (leather armor for everyone!)
1 yew bow
1 pistol
Box of infinite bullets!
1 Scroll of Mastery
5 burnt rations of food
59 gold coins

Everyone equips the leather armor they found
Man equips the yew bow
Whitepimp007 and UsernamePending equip the rapiers
Tartosis, iatepewdiepie, and arisuu equip the scimitars
tyrannosaurusrex equips the pistol

There's a lot of clean water from streams that the adventurers find. Dehydration is not a problem right now.

The adventurers get to a plain. It's been about 2 days of seeing no civilization, and the party decided to save rations until necessary. This may be a subject of further debate if the adventurers want to eat the food now.

The party comes to a three-way fork in the path.

The left path leads to what seems to be a cave. Might have some monsters in there.

The center path leads onwards to the horizon. It may be the path to a town.

The right path is not very well used, as grass is growing up through the dirt. stophammeringme thinks he hears the sound of water to the right for a second.

Choice 1

» Go down the left path

» Go down the center path

» Go down the right path

Choice 2

» Split up all rations and eat all of them

» Allow the five most important individuals to eat one ration each

» Continue to conserve rations for the time being
over 7 years
The link to the poll for this week is here: https://goo.gl/forms/cLU5sOFLgGXxyPIm1
over 7 years
i would suggest west. maybe we can find things along the way.
over 7 years
There's gotta be an arms dealer in the area west. That's where I'm headed.
over 7 years
Let's go north or east. The only thing in the south is inbred, ignorant, racists. I'm scared of a racist mob.
over 7 years

This is the Shwartzburg inn.

...or at least what's left of it.

The adventuring party, consisting of Nicol, the baker, arisuu, the artist, Ioris, the jester, tyrannosaurusrex, the sheriff, Man, the fletcher, stophammeringme, the gardener, UsernamePending, the Apothecary, Tartosis, the merchant, Whitepimp007, the watchman, xPooky, the chef, iatepewdiepie, the fence, and Minie, the maid, were all staying in the inn when a giant dragon decided to destroy the entire village of Shwartzburg. Luckily, the adventurers are safe, but it seems like everyone else in the village is dead! The party was also unable to grab any food or supplies when escaping the inn, so they're quite vulnerable.

Well, it looks like the adventurers have to hit the road!

There are four paths leading out of Shwartzburg, one in each cardinal direction. Shwartzburg is completely destroyed and still burning, so it's not safe to stay in the area for too long.

The north path seems more rugged and recently made.

The east path is well-lit by torches on the sides, but there's also a sign that says "Private Property, DO NOT Trespass!".

The west path is certainly the most used out of the paths, and it seems safe enough. The adventurers used to see a lot of merchants going down the west path, so it is possibly a path to a town.

The south path goes straight into a small pond. It must be one of those boat launch places that you made sure you didn't slip down as a child.

Remember that you can also use your powers at any time!

The Choices

» Go down the north path

» Go down the east path

» Go down the west path

» Go down the south path
over 7 years
Just some more info to know...

In the poll, it'll ask if you want to use a power, and that's when you'll tell me. Of course, it's always good to discuss first with your party.

I'm also going to repost first part of the story on my alt so that we can go back and reread the entire story once we're all finished with it. Constantinople will post the rest of the story advancements from now on; I can help with any technical questions.
over 7 years
Yo I'm your merchant. East is safe because I can hire bodyguards, and West is good because I can sell stuff for top dolla.
over 7 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

Shwartz99 says

You guys can fight, but without any weapons you're just going to have to punch bandits I guess...

Wait wait wait. Hold up. You're telling me that as a sheriff I wouldn't have basic firearms on my possession? That doesn't seem reasonable.

You just escaped a burning inn. Everything you own is burnt. :(
over 7 years

Shwartz99 says

You guys can fight, but without any weapons you're just going to have to punch bandits I guess...

Wait wait wait. Hold up. You're telling me that as a sheriff I wouldn't have basic firearms on my possession? That doesn't seem reasonable.
over 7 years
You guys can fight, but without any weapons you're just going to have to punch bandits I guess...
over 7 years

iatepewdiepie says

UsernamePending says

iatepewdiepie says

tyrannosaurusrex says

Well, west seems like a logical choice. If there is a nearby town, whatever that leveled this town may also be headed there. Plus we need supplies.


finally someone who listens to reason!


yea, you too.

PS: To all people who think bandits can appear or something, we're broke. Even if they try, they wont find anything on us

Plus I can shoot one bandit every 2 weeks.
over 7 years

UsernamePending says

iatepewdiepie says

tyrannosaurusrex says

Well, west seems like a logical choice. If there is a nearby town, whatever that leveled this town may also be headed there. Plus we need supplies.


finally someone who listens to reason!


yea, you too.

PS: To all people who think bandits can appear or something, we're broke. Even if they try, they wont find anything on us
over 7 years

iatepewdiepie says

tyrannosaurusrex says

Well, west seems like a logical choice. If there is a nearby town, whatever that leveled this town may also be headed there. Plus we need supplies.


finally someone who listens to reason!

over 7 years
West is fine. Hope we get ingredients there...
over 7 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

Well, west seems like a logical choice. If there is a nearby town, whatever that leveled this town may also be headed there. Plus we need supplies.


finally someone who listens to reason!