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ally's onions

deletedover 7 years

post here for a nice juicy onion

if i don't know you very well it will probably not be a very good opinion actually none of them will be very good opinions because i'm bad at words but yours will be worse

deletedover 6 years

MajesticTerrapin says

Here to be told i talk to much

hi majestic i don't really know you so i can't say much on a personal level

but i find you overall very grating, i feel like you don't understand that sometimes u just don't need to talk, u don't need to post weird stuff in everyone's personal thread, u don't need to say grossly personal sexual or weird stuff in house chats etc, like idk what to say bc u make me super uncomfortable and i think u need to learn how to filter urself
deletedover 6 years

Chanman123 says


macandcheeseplease king!!!

ur such a kind person, when i joined the lobby you were one of the very first people i started talking to outside of embb, u were super welcoming and nice to me and i appreciate it a lot!

i've hosted you like 3? times now and you're always a joy to host, you're really nice to us and i also like watching you play! i feel like you've grown so much in the time i've been hosting u and i'm proud of u!

thank u for being such a sweet person and friend and ilu! <3
deletedover 6 years

itxLuca says

wow the last opinion was over a year ago lol

hi babe (inlove)

you're definitely one of my faves on here, you're super kind (unless someone annoys u) and you're rlly loyal to your friends, in emvivor i remember saying something mean ab a friend of urs and u defended them and even tho it annoyed me at the time i respect it a lot that ur willing to speak up and defend the people that u care about!

i loved hosting you in sbbb, you were always nice to the hosts, you were never ever rude to us or abrasive to us and a lot of people in your season were lol so it was really nice that you were always kind to us!

i rlly wanna play an org with u one day bc i feel like you're one of the players i'd work best with, like i don't really know how to describe it but there's just a type of person that i click well with and can go far in games with and i feel like you're that kind of person!

you're really great and i'm happy to call u a friend and we should talk more bc i love u <333 also ur my longest snap streak woooo!
deletedover 6 years

XFire says

im uglier


xfire king!!!

you're honestly one of my fave people i've ever hosted, you're so rootable every time. in sbbb i found myself rooting for you when you were in the minority bc of izzy and then thru the whole jeff thing, and in emvivor i rooted for you hard throughout the whole season. you just have such a likeable personality and it's hard not to want you to succeed!!

i've never truly seen you be a mean person in any capacity, through all the negativity in sbbb, you were never outright mean, you handled it super well and with class and i respect your ability to be calm in situations like that

you're one of the greatest people on this site imo and also an amazing player, people better watch out for u! <3
deletedover 6 years

Lelmoo says

im ugly

winmo <33

you're one of the most positive people i've ever met, truly. like you always have a kind word, even about people that are really sh/tty, you can always find something nice to say and you truly see the good in people and i admire that a lot about u!

you're also one of the most loyal friends i've ever had, ik i can always rely on u to be there for me and to listen to my whining and im so grateful for ur friendship. during embb7 having u and alex as cohosts was one of the only thing that kept me sane while i was on the team and i love u both sm.

u are such a wonderful human being and u deserve the best things in life and i hope you get them. <3 ilysm
deletedover 6 years

Justin says

im ugly

hi justin!!!

i feel like we've had a lot of ups and downs, especially lately, but at the end of the day you're one of my best friends and i'm so fortunate to have you. you're a good friend and you care about the people you're close to. you drive me absolutely insane sometimes, but i still love u regardless and i'm so happy that i got to know u better towards the end of and after argentina and form such a long lasting friendship with u. i'm still holding onto deirdre for u and put my own town on pause for u so that should show how much i love u. :*
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
Here to be told i talk to much
over 6 years
over 6 years
wow the last opinion was over a year ago lol
over 6 years
im uglier

over 6 years
im ugly
over 6 years
im ugly
deletedover 6 years
hi im bored and i want to do opinions pls post.... (feel free to post again if i already did one for u forever ago)
almost 7 years
sure i love some onions~
deletedalmost 7 years

tifennie says

hello may i get an opinion i hope it's a nice one :scared:

hi tif!!!

we've been thru a lot and we've had a lot of ups and downs. we have the same taste in guys and that's complicated things in the past LMAO

but u rly were one of my best friends on this site at some point and i still like you a lot, you're a good friend and you're supportive and you care a lot about people you're close to

i don't always agree with all your actions or the way you treat people sometimes but you're still a cool person, and you're one of the ppl i miss the most from sandbox now that i don't really play there anymore
deletedalmost 7 years

Chanman123 says

if there is an updated version for mine please dont hesistate!

hi mitch!!!

i wish we talked more!!! when i first started playing in the lobby you were one of my favourite people n we talked a decent amount and now i honestly don't even remember the last time i messaged you it makes me sad

you're such a nice person, you're super supportive of all your friends and you stay out of the bullsh*t for the most part

you're also a very good player and i feel like i never get to play with you anymore which is sad because you're always fun to work with and you're a really good ally and i enjoy playing with you a lot

you're rly cool keep it up !!!!!! ♥♥♥
deletedalmost 7 years

alexroberts says

ahrre says

You also never gave me one >.>


hi alex ♥♥♥♥

you're one of my favourite people on here by far!!!! you're always so nice to talk to and you make me feel better when a certain b*tch is being a b*tch to me and i appreciate your support so much

you're an incredible player, i loved watching you in embb5, your playstyle isn't necessarily the most exciting one but you played very well strategically and had yourself in a really good position for a lot of the game. and u got robbed in all stars by some b*tch that turned on you for no reason wonder who that was

you're super hilarious and a wonderful friend and i'm so lucky to have you i think you're incredible!!!!!!! love u
deletedalmost 7 years

arisuu says

omg!!! can i have one ally

hi alice!!!!

my opinion of you varies pretty frequently

you do/say a lot of stuff that i'm not here for, and i feel like you don't really think before you speak or act sometimes, and i've definitely seen you be outright mean on purpose before to people that didn't deserve it

but overall i think you're a nice person, you're a good player, and i enjoy your presence in the lobby ! good luck on costa rica
deletedalmost 7 years

FireDragonPrince says

i heard ogres are like onions, is this true?

jake <3 <3 <3 my bestie

you're honestly one of the nicest people i've ever met. i don't think it's even possible for people to dislike you, you're just so genuinely kind and you care so much about people and i'm so happy that i have you as a friend

whenever i'm sad you're always willing to give me kind words and make sure that i'm doing okay, you're so supportive and caring and you're absolutely a bright spot on this website for me and a lot of other people

even when i completely turned on you in embb4 and voted you out you were still super kind to me and you never got mad

you're absolutely amazing and you deserve the world

thank you for everything!!!!!!
almost 7 years
hello may i get an opinion i hope it's a nice one :scared:
deletedalmost 7 years

FirePsychic says

can i get a cute onion

hi justin ♥♥♥

you were one of the very first wikia org friends i had after our beautiful arc in argentina, and i'm really glad that we've stayed friends since then, i think you're an amazing person and friend and i know that i can be super annoying and b*tchy sometimes but u still put up with me anyway and support me and i rly appreciate it

you get yourself caught up in drama a lot and u've deactivated more times than i can count, and it makes me worry about u because it upsets u a lot sometimes and i don't like seeing you hurting or being upset, you're such a good person but you draw in org drama like moths to a flame and it just makes me WORRy abt U!

you're one of my fave people to talk to about profile aesthetics, urs is always on point and ur one of the first ppl i go to to get opinions on my own, U have a hella good eye for that kinda thing

i'm glad i dragged you to this hell site and i'm glad that we've remained good friends since argentina i love talking to you and i love u thank u for dealing with me for so long i am very grateful

i hope u know that i care for u deeply and i am always here for u and all that other lame stuff ilysm
deletedalmost 7 years

Lelmoo says

updated please..!!!!

elmo (inlove)

you're one of my favourite people on EM, truly, you're such a genuinely kind and wonderful person and i'm so lucky to have you, i know that whenever i need someone i can message you (and you'll usually be there since you never f*cking sleep lol!) and you'll be there for me, you're such such such a good friend and i'm super lucky to have you

i'm so happy we got cast together in emvv3 because even tho i already considered you one of my closest friends we got to build on it there and become even closer and even tho it didn't work out very well LOL i'm still glad for the experience w/ you

i love calling w you and hanging out w you and you're one of my best friends and we need to send each other care packages so i can try that weird salt licorice ok i love u!!!! <3
deletedalmost 7 years

rs1993 says


charlie ♥♥

getting to know you better in emvv3 was honestly an awesome experience, i clicked super well with you right away and i'm glad that i got to work so well with you even if it was just for a short period of time

you're super hilarious to talk to and my opinion of you has changed a whole bunch since the first time we met when i told you how terrible you were in that game with luca lolololol

i hope that we continue to be friends and build on this friendship, i'm #BLESSED to have been in ur first skype call w/ someone from EM, you're cool and f*cking hilarious and always a pleasure to talk to

and i want to play in one of your survivor games eventually since i'm always busy smh