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ally's onions

deletedover 7 years

post here for a nice juicy onion

if i don't know you very well it will probably not be a very good opinion actually none of them will be very good opinions because i'm bad at words but yours will be worse

deletedalmost 7 years
over 7 years
the amount of effort u put into these is amaaaazing
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years

Fred says


hello Fredns !!!

i literally didn't know who you were other than "that guy that does the music" until i joined beef and even then i didn't really even speak to you in the group for a while. i'm not going to lie i was like. kind of put off by you at first? you have a really similar sense of humor to me in that you insult people a lot and for some reason even though i do the same thing i was kind of put off by it idk i'm a hypocrite sue me! i still think there are like. times when you go too far. or when it's not appropriate to the situation. not to me in particular i don't think you've ever said anything to me that upset me, just like in general. but i don't think any less of you for it, it's more of an observation !!

you're also like. a really nice person and i know that's kind of contradictory considering i just said that your insults throw me off sometimes but from what i can tell you're actually really genuinely kind and i'm pretty sure if at any point someone were to tell you that something you said bothered them/upset them you'd apologize and stop bc you're the type of person that cares a lot about people and that's a good quality 2 have!!!! i don't think i've ever heard anyone say something negative about you really, you're clearly well liked and you're one of those people that has That quality that just makes people wanna be your friend.

you're naturally hilarious and you're really good with like. ~one-liners~. you're good at stuff like quiplash because you're good at being witty on the spot!! i really enjoy talking to you in beef and also playing jackbox with you. you're super fun on call and it's super enjoyable to beat you all the time :-)

anyway yea i think you're super chill and i like you a lot and hello friends is my catchphrase that's all xo
deletedover 7 years

100GOD says

Hi I'll take an opinion if you have one! <3

hi 100god!!!

like you pointed out yesterday we don't know each other super well, but i have nothing negative to say about you!! you're always super friendly and welcoming and helpful. i've played a couple of your TWLs and you're a rly good host. i'm sorry you got voted out of emvv, i was hoping it'd go better for you!! you're rly loved on the site (as shown by the million downvotes on that emvv post) and i hope i can get to know you better!! :-)
deletedover 7 years

Ally says

posting for FirePsychic

hi justin/dan foley!!! ♥♥♥

I thought U were so annoying when i first met you bc you were the only person on OG formosa that just WOULDN'T talk to me. like i'd send you a message and you'd one word reply me or leave me on read. just another example of your #FLOP social game :\ after we merged back together i messaged u like "OMG IM GLAD UR HERE" like U were some long lost cousin despite the fact that you never said a dang word to me and it was an instant bond......... we went from literally never speaking and throwing each other's names out to me idoling you and saving ur life and planning to go to the end together it was truly iconic our arc is the best........ ♥♥

after argentina you were by far the person that i clicked with the best and have kept up with the most. we talk daily and i absolutely adore u. there are some times when i feel like you just really love drama/gossip and thrive off of it and it's a little frustrating at times but i still love u and i'm a sucker for gossip too sometimes so i can't rly talk.

i hate that you got a bad rep in argentina bc you were literally my fave person and U shouldn't have been hated by the vl to the extent that u were. when i found out some of the stuff ppl said about you i felt very :\ bc fmpov you played one of the strongest games on the cast and u should be proud of it. you also weren't a d*ck like some ppl were so w/e !!! i don't think u deserved the hate!!! f*ck them!! also can i just say that when you deactivated for a little i was so upset!!!! i didn't have any other way of contacting u at the time and i was like Ok Bye then............. it's Fine...........

i love u i'm glad i'm dragging you into my EM circles come play games sometimes even tho u hate it xoxoxo u lowkey got me hooked on ToS but i can't let my sandbox friends know that or they'll castrate me. ur the best husband ever and i'm glad that we've kept in touch after argentina ♥♥♥
over 7 years
TuT I love ALlly
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
allys onions more like allys bunions amiright?
over 7 years
Lol funny girl.
over 7 years

Ally says

jack says

[5/15/17, 1:17:55 AM] αlly ∞: jack king !!

hi jack!!

we've never really had a conversation one on one ever so my interactions with you are limited solely to groups. i don't really have anything negative to say about you though i think you're hilarious and really smart. you destroyed me at trivia singlehandedly. it was impressive.

i'm not sure if you actually dislike me or if you were just joking when you said you did i'm not really Good at telling if stuff is a joke or not SDGJHSD but i don't dislike you at all personally!! you seem to have a similar sense of humor to me and i Appreciate that and i laugh at stuff you say pretty frequently

i know people (including me jokingly) have said that ur the worst embb winner and i don't rly know if that's true or not but i think that you were a good winner and i wasn't around During the season but based on what i've read about it i definitely would've voted for you (if dean asks i'd tell him the same thing though shhh)

yea i think you're super cool and i like you keep on keepin' on

no i don't dislike you omg i'm just always joking. also great gif love aaryn
deletedover 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

Do me

hi nikki

i really dislike you. i think that you're rude, cruel, and abrasive. you say that it's "freedom of speech" but sometimes you say things specifically to be cruel and i don't appreciate it. you said some really mean things to me during SBBB and you got really, really personal to the point that i almost wanted to quit the game. i know that i wasn't a gem either but i tried not to go over a line and when i did i owned up to it and apologized for it and that was a line that you crossed repeatedly throughout the season with no apologies for your actions. you also were really mean to a specific person at the reunion and that was gross and uncalled for. the fact that you can be so needlessly cruel and honestly believe that you're in the right is disgusting and i have no respect for it.

as a gameplayer, i think you're pretty bad. you were going behind hayley's back in SBBB talking about how you wanted her out, but when she got you out, you threw a b*tch fit about how unnecessary it was and how awful it was that she went after you you were literally a massive hypocrite and as much as hayley and i don't get along, i believe she was firmly in the right there.

i really don't have anything nice to say about you so i'm going to stop now. thanks.
deletedover 7 years

ahrre says

Meeeeeeee :3

i'll give you one after embb is over i know ur voted out but i'm still gonna wait

alexroberts says

ally ur onions mean a lot to me

same to you
deletedover 7 years

jack says

[5/15/17, 1:17:55 AM] αlly ∞: jack king !!

hi jack!!

we've never really had a conversation one on one ever so my interactions with you are limited solely to groups. i don't really have anything negative to say about you though i think you're hilarious and really smart. you destroyed me at trivia singlehandedly. it was impressive.

i'm not sure if you actually dislike me or if you were just joking when you said you did i'm not really Good at telling if stuff is a joke or not SDGJHSD but i don't dislike you at all personally!! you seem to have a similar sense of humor to me and i Appreciate that and i laugh at stuff you say pretty frequently

i know people (including me jokingly) have said that ur the worst embb winner and i don't rly know if that's true or not but i think that you were a good winner and i wasn't around During the season but based on what i've read about it i definitely would've voted for you (if dean asks i'd tell him the same thing though shhh)

yea i think you're super cool and i like you keep on keepin' on
deletedover 7 years

evolpz says

hi evolpz!!!

my first opinion of you wasn't that great, you came off as kind of a d*ck, i met you while you were suspended? from the lobby i think and you were playing in sandbox and i just didn't rly like your attitude

i don't know you well enough to know if that's who you really are though and every experience i've had with you since then has been pleasant, you're funny and you seem rly smart, i don't rly have any negative thoughts towards you anymore and i shouldn't really have had any at all since i don't Know you well enough to judge

i'm glad that you seem a bit more prevalent in the lobby now, i know that you left for a while and i was kinda bummed bc i didn't think i'd get to know you but if you're going to be sticking around for a while then maybe i Will and that would be cool.
deletedover 7 years

baabaa says

im vivor player

i need opinion plz

baabaa says

do mine :^(

look i'm finally catching up

baabaa ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

u are one of the first ppl i started talking to when i came back to sandbox. i instantly thought you were super nice and awesome and you invited me to beef which led to me meeting other Nice and Awesome people and i'm rly rly glad that i know you.

you are one of the greatest people that i've met on this site by far. i consider you one of my best friends. i'm never afraid to talk to you about anything and i feel like i can always be Honest with you. neither of us are the greatest at one on one communication so we don't talk Super often but i still consider you a rly close friend and someone that i can see myself being friends with for a long time even if i stop coming on this hell site.

i feel like we've gone thru a lot especially after the stuff with [redacted] and i'm glad that we remained good friends thru it. we hate the same people (primarily 3 people) and we have Good reasons to hate them and maybe it makes us petty!!! but at least we're petty together. calling with you is always so much fun and i absolutely love talking to you you are one of my Favourite people and i have nothing but love for you and i'm so glad that you're one of my best friends emma. i love you lots and you are an incredible person. baabaa for sandbox owner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedover 7 years

hotjacket says


hi yu!!!

you left EM for a while right around the time that i started getting into the community and everyone kept talking about how iconic hotjacket is and i had no idea who the fk you were until a little while ago and i'm Glad that i know you now!!!! because you're So fun and hilarious

also having you around means having someone here that might almost be just as thirsty as i am which is a welcome change....

you're super duper fun and you're rly opinionated and honest and sometimes that's presented in a harsh manner as opposed to like. Subtlety. but overall you are a super nice person and you're hilarious and i'm glad i know u.
deletedover 7 years

ZodiacBeast says


hi stephen!! ♥

i thought you were annoying when i first met you. literally my first impression of you was you basically trying to order me around the first week of embb despite us barely even talking to each other until you wanted me to vote your way. and then i didn't vote your way and you tunneled me as if it was my damn fault that jared left like SORRY. jeez.

we literally have the best arc in embb4 though like we went from me lying to you and you targetting me and voting me out to deciding we needed to team up and we Did and we had that iconic knight's move week where we got JV out and i really really really wanted to go as far as i could with you and i played with the idea of trying to f2 you more than once but in the end i knew that you wouldn't want me sitting next to you and you were a comp king so i ended up voting u out. sad. your showmance with my lower half was iconic though!

as a person, i have nothing but respect for you. you're a survivor and big brother superfan and i Admire that and i'm definitely going to harass you to talk about bb19 with me bc i don't have enough friends that watch big brother/care about it to the extent i do (even if the recent seasons suck....)

i wish we spoke more because you were probably one of my favourite people in my season of embb and i feel like we have a lot in common!!! but i'm really bad at friendships SDGJHSD and i think you're so super cool so i'd love to talk to you more if i wasn't such a flop SDJGHDSG
deletedover 7 years

coolkidrox123 says


hi roxy my wife ♥

i don't even Remember my first impression of you because it was forever ago, i knew you from sandbox before i even knew you played survivor games

you are one of the most energetic people i've ever met in my dang life. you are always so full of life and you are one of the most exciting, fun people i've ever met. you bring an abundance of energy and joy to everything you are a part of and it's absolutely lovely.

beef calls with you are always the most fun and you drawing me constantly in jackbox games is adorable. you are absolutely lovely and i'm so glad we've started talking more bc you're frickin hilarious. don't listen to *anyone* (you know who i'm referring to specifically) that speaks negatively or is rude towards you. you are amazing and fun and you don't deserve that so don't let it get to you.

you are also rly talented, you're a lovely singer and judging you in emi was a pleasure. the same energy you bring everywhere you go is palpable in your singing and i love it.

you are truly such a sweetheart roxy and you're hilarious and fun and outgoing and i'm glad that i know you and your 500 identities. Ur the best wife a girl could ask for. ♥
deletedover 7 years

JacobV says

I dont know if I should be excited or scared LOL

Jk <3

hi JV!!! ♥♥

okay we've had such a super up and down relationship god like meeting you in embb you were one of my closest allies and then when i was next to sirps you made me SO mad by not being honest with me, you also kept threatening to quit and you would be rude in the house chat and i was just like "nope this guy's a d*ck i hate him" and you saw my confessionals lmao i was meaner about you than literally anyone else in the game and then after you were evicted and you PMed me the leaky account with my avi on it i literally blocked you because i was so over you SDKGJSHDG

but i unblocked you!!! and we started talking!!! and i'm glad we did because you're definitely not the annoying jerk i thought you were in embb, you're legitimately really nice outside of the game and i really never thought i'd ever be your friend but i'm glad i can say now that you're a good friend of mine and i am happy that i know you

i think that you get really excited about ORGs and you don't have the most amazing rep but you have an abundance of passion and i think you just need to Focus it you know? pick one idea and pour your heart and soul into it and make it work. you come to me like every other week with a new idea and it's so funny. i'm waiting for your next one rn tbh.

you are a super passionate person and you get really excited about everything you do and i admire that about you. you're truly a wonderful guy and i'm so happy that we looked past our differences and became friends. love you ♥
deletedover 7 years

Ally says

sammy says

ally wife

hi sammy!!! ♥♥

so i had rly mixed feelings about you when i first met you. we were kinda friends in games like i'd say hi to you whenever we played together and i thought you were chill, but then you'd say something that read as rly immature to me and i just kinda wrote you off as a kid and i know that's sh*tty of me

you said something in a game about how you were sure you were getting cast in sbbb because of how ~super popular~ you were and i was like "this kid is so cocky" and i definitely said in my DR pre season that i hoped you weren't cast bc i thought you were irritating

but i'm legit so f*cking happy that we were cast together bc it gave me an opportunity to get to know you better and realize that you're not just an arrogant teenager you are literally wonderful and you're super funny and you're also super frickin nice and supportive you were one of the only people in sbbb that was always so nice to me and didn't distance yourself from me and i'm so glad that i had you as both an ally and a friend throughout that, you didn't deserve any of the stuff you got from certain b*tches in that game

you fit in so well everywhere you go, you're just naturally easy to talk to and super fun and ur really insanely good at making friends bc you make people feel comfortable in your presence

i'm not going to lie and say that you never get on my nerves because you Do but it's more in a loving way now. like when ur little brother is being annoying. Ur like my son and i adore you and i'm glad that we're friends you are a super wonderful person and i'm lucky to know you!!!!!

IM LOVE YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


deletedover 7 years

sammy says

ally wife

hi sammy!!! ♥♥

so i had rly mixed feelings about you when i first met you. we were kinda friends in games like i'd say hi to you whenever we played together and i thought you were chill, but then you'd say something that read as rly immature to me and i just kinda wrote you off as a kid and i know that's sh*tty of me

you said something in a game about how you were sure you were getting cast in sbbb because of how ~super popular~ you were and i was like "this kid is so cocky" and i definitely said in my DR pre season that i hoped you weren't cast bc i thought you were irritating

but i'm legit so f*cking happy that we were cast together bc it gave me an opportunity to get to know you better and realize that you're not just an arrogant teenager you are literally wonderful and you're super funny and you're also super frickin nice and supportive you were one of the only people in sbbb that was always so nice to me and didn't distance yourself from me and i'm so glad that i had you as both an ally and a friend throughout that, you didn't deserve any of the stuff you got from certain b*tches in that game

you fit in so well everywhere you go, you're just naturally easy to talk to and super fun and ur really insanely good at making friends bc you make people feel comfortable in your presence

i'm not going to lie and say that you never get on my nerves because you Do but it's more in a loving way now. like when ur little brother is being annoying. Ur like my son and i adore you and i'm glad that we're friends you are a super wonderful person and i'm lucky to know you!!!!!
deletedover 7 years

you're also incredibly smart and i know you may think otherwise but you Are. we talk an awful lot and your intelligence is clearly visible in our conversations, you don't act like a teenager most of the time and i feel like you're a lot more mature than people give you credit for.

anyway this is messy sorry but ily lots dari and i'm so so so happy that you're my friend i will defend you to the death over and over because i know you and you're one of the greatest people on this hell site and no one could ever make me think otherwise ♥
deletedover 7 years

Dariukas47 says


hi darius!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

i did not have a good opinion of you when i first met you, i started getting more involved in the lobby around emvv and that whole thing was kind of my first impression of you and i'm Sad to say that i definitely judged you on it at first and thought you were kind of a d*ck. you're also friends with people that i didn't have the greatest opinion of and i just kind of associated you with That and didn't really attempt to get to know you since our paths didn't cross very often.

except then our paths Did cross and we started talking about cats (my Favourite subject) and i didn't really expect you to be so wonderful. like you've been nothing but kind to me since the moment we started talking and it made me feel really sh*tty that i judged you based on something i wasn't involved in and based on the opinion of others. i don't like being that kind of person and i've expressed to you before that i regret it.

you are without a doubt one of my best friends on the site. i don't rly know how to express how much your friendship means to me. u always say goodnight and good morning to me and tell me to have a nice day and stuff and you're just so Sweet and i can't believe that i ever thought otherwise. you legitimately take interest in everything that i tell you, and when you ask how my day was i know that you actually Care and it's rly nice to have a friend that is so caring and kind and is always there for me, i know that i can tell you anything and i really appreciate your presence in my life!!!

[to be continued...]
deletedover 7 years

tricksterer says

my gf.... ,, , ,. ..

hi liv ♥♥♥♥♥

literally for the longest time Pre-Beef i had a friend crush on you, i've always thought you're so cool but i was 2 scared to approach you and i'm rly glad we ended up talking bc you're super amazing. i think you are one of the most genuine people i've ever met on here, you are firm in your beliefs and you are not afraid to tell someone off when they're wrong and i find that really admirable, i've never seen you be openly mean you're always just really honest and i strive to be the same way. you're incredibly smart and your intelligence shines through in every conversation i have with you.

you're one of the only people that i meta align every time i play with you bc you're super fun to play with and maybe it's b*tchy but making fun of people with you over whisper is funny as sh*t and one of my favourite parts about being in a game with you

you are one of the most talented singers on the site by far, you have an absolutely beautiful voice that an angel would be jealous of

overall i just love you lots and have so much respect for you as a person and i feel like we haven't really spoken lately so we Should because you're so much fun ♥♥ beef call When