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ally's onions

deletedover 7 years

post here for a nice juicy onion

if i don't know you very well it will probably not be a very good opinion actually none of them will be very good opinions because i'm bad at words but yours will be worse

deletedalmost 7 years

jbomber732 says

updated OINON

hi jbob!

i still don't think i've really gotten to know you all that well but i have seen more of you and i think you seem pretty cool

you have a level head for the most part and you're funny and i don't really see you contribute negatively to situations very often, it's mostly positive

you're a good host and a fun person to talk to and playing anthony's all star game with you was awesome, we both played really well and we were super evenly matched and that was a heck of a finale
almost 7 years

Ally says

but you quickly grew on me. like a tumor.

Love you too <3
almost 7 years
if there is an updated version for mine please dont hesistate!
deletedalmost 7 years

ahrre says

You also never gave me one >.>

almost 7 years

Ally says

jack ♥♥♥

wow much love :D
deletedalmost 7 years
i don't think i've ever met someone that hates themselves as much as you do and it breaks my heart. i care about you more than almost anyone in the world and to see you have such a low opinion of yourself when i have such a high opinion of you is devastating. there are a lot of times that i wish i could make you see yourself the way i see you so you could understand that i genuinely like you and that you're my best friend in the world and that i'm sincere about that.

i admire you a lot as a person and player and i hope that you know that. i wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. you're my best friend in the world, irl or otherwise, and i wouldn't change that for anything. whenever something happens in my life that i want to share you're one of the first people that i go to tell. you're smart, talented, amazing, and absolutely worth every bit of time or attention that i give to you no matter how much you insist that you aren't. i love you and i'm lucky to have you in my life.

deletedalmost 7 years

Ginga says

onions are still gross

not as gross as you sweaty (:

jack ♥♥♥ i don't really know where to start with you

you're one of the most amazing people i've ever met. when i first met you, i didn't think we would be as good of friends as we are. i don't really do well at connecting with teenagers. but you don't act like a teenager a lot of the time. you're really mature for your age and it's noticeable in most of my conversations with you.

when it comes to games (ORGs in particular), i think that you're incredibly strategic and smart in most of the moves that you make, but you're not good at making people happy about those moves, which is why you get sh*t on a lot. that's something that comes with time and a willingness to learn, and you'll definitely get there eventually. you've made it to the end or near the end multiple times and you're very obviously a good player, or you wouldn't be able to get to that point.

in EM games, your literal only problem is that you don't throw comps and you get taken out when you finally lose one. which takes forever, because you're f*cking incredibly at competitions. i can beat you at reflex but everything else is a toss up, despite the fact that my WPM is significantly higher than yours (which we've tested several times). your brain works quickly, and you're incredibly smart, no matter how much you'll argue that that isn't true.

deletedalmost 7 years
omg!!! can i have one ally
deletedalmost 7 years

ahrre says

You also never gave me one >.>

oops sorry!! hi ahrre!!!! ♥

pre-embb5 i barely knew you, we'd played in a few games together and you seemed cool but i knew literally nothing about you and you were someone that was really unfamiliar to me @ the start of the season

it's hard to adjust to you at first because you have such a unique sense of humor that it threw me off

but you quickly grew on me. like a tumor.

you played close to the best game in embb5 (you and andre were both amazing) and it was awesome to watch, you're an incredible player. you played well in all stars too, i think your game was incredibly underrated, even if you made a bad choice at the end. you made your choice and chose loyalty and i respect that and you a lot. you've gotten 4th and 2nd and those are both amazing placements and you should feel really proud about your performances in both seasons.

on a personal level, you're someone that i've always wanted to have a stronger relationship with and someone that i need to talk to more. you're hilarious and you can always make me laugh. your diary room in embb5 was amazing to be in, it was by far my favourite, and you totally deserved america's fave.

you're a really good and loyal friend, and someone that i know i can talk to and that i'm never afraid to message. you're probably one of my favourite people on the site even though we don't talk as much as i'd like. i love you and i think you're awesome ♥♥♥
almost 7 years
i heard ogres are like onions, is this true?
almost 7 years
can i get a cute onion
deletedalmost 7 years
Voting early is a problem of mine.

looks at SSORG first vote

looks at EMBB5 F8 vote

However I have taken advantage of others voting early

looks at bang a rang merge vote
almost 7 years

flirt says

FFSierraDamnThomas says

eat says

Voice says

thank you for doing that

The grossest part is where she says my embb5 game wasn't that bad

In all fairness you got twistfucked at F7

he literally had a chance to stop it he wasn't twistfucked he just doesn't know how to NOT VOTE IMMEDIATELY

lmao i didn't know that part
deletedalmost 7 years

FFSierraDamnThomas says

eat says

Voice says

thank you for doing that

The grossest part is where she says my embb5 game wasn't that bad

In all fairness you got twistfucked at F7

he literally had a chance to stop it he wasn't twistfucked he just doesn't know how to NOT VOTE IMMEDIATELY
almost 7 years

eat says

Voice says

thank you for doing that

The grossest part is where she says my embb5 game wasn't that bad

In all fairness you got twistfucked at F7
almost 7 years
updated please..!!!!
deletedalmost 7 years

Voice says

thank you for doing that

The grossest part is where she says my embb5 game wasn't that bad
almost 7 years
thank you for doing that
deletedalmost 7 years

i hate long distance and so do you and for the most part i'm personally really against dating online and stuff because i've done it before but you make me want to try. you're one of the sweetest, genuine, caring people i've ever met. you make me happy and you make me feel calmer and i'm just really lucky to have someone so amazing that cares about me so much. i can talk to you for hours and it feels like minutes. i can just sit in silence with you and still feel comfortable.

when it comes to games, i've been really harsh on you about your embb5 game when in reality your gameplay itself wasn't as atrocious as i say, it was just your attitude i had a problem with. you have your faults as a player but you are genuinely good. i have a lot of respect for you as a player and even more respect as a host. i look up to you a lot as a host, both EM games and orgs, no matter how hard i've been on you about emvv twists and comps lolol i know that you put your heart and soul into emvv and you're really proud of what you've done and i'm proud of you too.

i feel like i could go on forever but this is already really long so i'm just going to say that i think you're incredible. you make me happy every day and i'm so fortunate to have you in my life. thank you for everything and i love you with all my heart.

deletedalmost 7 years

eat says

can i get an updated opinion <3

hi anthony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm putting this in spoiler tags because it's gross and mushy read at your own risk

i don't really know where to start because i have so much to say but i'm not good at organizing my thoughts

you and i have been friends/on and off flirting for literally months, ever since i was in SBBB and before EMBB5 even started and like that definitely died for a while and it was partially because your attitude in embb5 was such a turn off and i couldn't stand you for a while, particularly because of your bitterness and rudeness in jury lololol. but you showed remorse after that and talked to me about how bad you felt and it made me realize that you weren't like an awful person or anything and i gained respect for you again really quickly after that

i don't know when we started talking more but you became one of my best friends really quickly. after some Stuff went down w/ you and another friend and you talked to me about it i just kind of realized how much i actually really liked and cared about you. we just kind of gradually went from only talking occasionally to talking more frequently to talking every day and my feelings for you Came Back and this is where it gets rly mushy sry

the more we started to talk i just started to fall for you more and i found myself thinking about you a lot and wanting to talk to you all the time and then we started calling more and that just intensified and then suddenly we were like watching big brother and calling for hours at a time and talking about how we wished we lived near each other so we could date

almost 7 years
almost 7 years
updated OINON
almost 7 years
onions are still gross
almost 7 years
You also never gave me one >.>
deletedalmost 7 years
can i get an updated opinion <3