talk about your favorite personas and characters, but do not talk about how adachi is the killer.
deletedover 7 years
i actually dislike it mostly because it's not fun. it took all the fun from persona 3 and sucked it out like gogurt.
deletedover 7 years
I think you don't like persona 4 because it has an entire dungeon dedicated to making fun of gay people. That wasn't my favorite part either.
deletedover 7 years
I think you really missed the point of the character. He snaps and he's the villain, true, but he's pretty sympathetic leading up to that. I have a feeling you haven't done his social link
deletedover 7 years
weird how i cannot fathom what it feels like to be a violent misogynist who kills women for fun.
deletedover 7 years
Maybe he's just a really well-written character if you're capable of honestly relating to other human beings
deletedover 7 years
adachi is a really well written character if you're the type of guy that still uses 4chan
Because of that i said that p4 as a standalone was enjoyable.
But since atlus made sequels that are canonicals, i have to consider them sadly. FFX as a standalone is a masterpiece, the duology is definitely not.
Also the p4's original story defects remains.
deletedover 7 years
They don't matter to me. the dance one is a humongous joke and the arena one looks awful. Final Fantasy X is a touching story of sacrifice and X-II canonically undoes every impact of the ending and then makes it about girl power korean pop music. I still think FFX is a masterpiece, I don't judge it based on the failure of another game.
Then your judgement is just incomplete and in fact irrelevant. P4dan and Arenas matters since, as i said, they continues the story after everything happend in p4g.
It's like judging Naruto without consider the Shippuden part.
deletedover 7 years
p4 golden>p5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>P3 haven't played the rest
Oh yeah i can agree on p3's story being plain. In fact i never even said i liked the story. I said i liked the atmosphere, that is a very different thing. I still liked more P3's 'cause i said many times, it's coherent and logical. P4 had NOSENSE spouting everywhere from a certain point.
Storywise imo P2>P5>P3>P4>P1
deletedover 7 years
The only persona 4 I ever played was Persona 4 Golden where you could do an entire social link and then side with Adachi and that's the only one I'm judging.
I would never touch that shovelware crap with its name on it, just like I don't touch Final Fantasy Beatmix or whatever the f*ck or Mario Shuttlecock . Doesn't matter to me.
And you can't deny the fact that p4 was horribly milked. And yeah, it matters since those games are ALL canonic. They compromise the main game meaning.
I can't accept statements as "persona4 darker than persona3" after games like PERSONA4 DANCING ALL NIGHT WOOOHOO because we are fashion and we like music lets dance woah.
P4 as a standalone was enjoyable, nothing more. A good game, not the best. Better than the majority of the jrpgs around, but not a masterpiece.
deletedover 7 years
Persona 3 was awful storywise. Instead of all of the symbolism and dichotomy and actual literary devices in the writing, they shoehorned in hours and hours of tropey dialogue. I felt like I was watching any of a million B monster slayer animes that didn't warrant a dub. Wow, my girlfriend can be sassy hot girl, female batman, or robot without private parts? Awesome. A dog is a member of my team? Let's not forget his memorable lines like "Bark bark"
Erm... And so? Even in a childish game there are dark moments, still it doesnt make it dark.
Persona4 has a REALLY cheerful atmosphere compared to any other persona game and even shin megami tensei. Yu is a fuccboi who travels in a quiet and nice place, doing fun things with the whole scoobydoo gang. Lots of gags and funny scenes, scenes that persona3 hardly had. Some murders occurs. And so? The game still is cheerful. Some characters are hard on you? Who cares, even Pokemon has characters like that.
With a cheerful cast, a cheerful setting, even the ost is cheerful what do you expect? You can't judge a game's tone after its BAD endings because HEY those are BAD endings. And you know, bad endings are supposed to be baaaad.
And the best possible ending is the true ending with all social links maxed, so yeah you're wrong. And if that's the case, in the best possible ending in persona3 you sacrifice yourself for the sake of everyone, even those who you haven't maxed.
Cheerful = / = Bad The fact is that the atmosphere was atypical for a SMT game. And it doesnt meet my tastes.
I hate persona4 for being an incoherent and lazy game, with its defects like lazy dungeons (that are the core of a jrpg) and bad story progression (anything after adachi was nosense)
deletedover 7 years
adachi is a well written character and if you disagree you're wrong and I don't relate to you.
deletedover 7 years
One of the possible endings is the main character burning the last shred of evidence that exists and helping the villain bring about the end of the human race. Real cheery.
deletedover 7 years
why do you think Persona 4 is cheerful? The plot was actually darker than Persona 3's, the tone was just cheery, and I loved the dichotomy of that. The game starts with your best friend's crush hanging dead for everyone to see, persona 4's adachi social link is anything but cheery, the villain wins in 3/5ths of the endings, and while all of the characters are cheerful in their day to day interactions they are miserable in actuality, as you can see in their palaces. If you think it was cheerful, I contend that you missed the point. Even the best possible ending of the game isn't very cheerful. Doujima is a horrific neglectful d*ckbag to that sweet little girl unless you max both of their social links
deletedover 7 years
I never even bothered interacting with Kenji or Naoto if it makes you feel better. I spent my time with characters I cared about
deletedover 7 years
persona 4 is probably one of the more incredibly nonsensical interpretations of gender and sexuality in the modern era and it's so remarkably tone deaf that i cannot fathom how people still consider it a deep game.
id respect persona 4 more but all the remakes and whatever made it even less serious than it ever really was. p2 has the best story and for p5 gameplay is amazing IMO. but persona 3 will forever be my favorite unless they make p6 with goro akechi as MC