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Poll Suggestions

over 7 years

Hey everyone, it's the BasedMod here. I see in the comments that people would like Main's polls to be updated more frequently and have some more originality to them. Well here I am, pledging to update the poll every few days with either unique, never-before-seen ideas of my own or your suggestions from this thread.

That said, fire away and submit your own polls right here in this thread. Be aware that you can have as many as 10 options in a poll, and as little as 2. Try not to make the answers too long or they won't fit!

over 5 years
do you think you are beautiful?

- yes
- no
- sometimes
over 5 years
Do you like to swim?

over 5 years
Do you like going to buffets?

deletedover 5 years
Make a Do you worship Karmatica poll

tyty vm <3 <3
over 5 years
Are you lonely?
over 5 years

mssbooklover says

LesbianPirate says

Jake431 says

Worst Fast Food Place:

-Burger King
-Taco Bell
-Carls Jr.

bye we aren’t friends anymore

i love you unconditionally even with ur bad taste in fast food
over 5 years

LesbianPirate says

Jake431 says

Worst Fast Food Place:

-Burger King
-Taco Bell
-Carls Jr.

bye we aren’t friends anymore
over 5 years

Jake431 says

Worst Fast Food Place:

-Burger King
-Taco Bell
-Carls Jr.

over 5 years

LesbianPirate says

Do you like to sing?

girl at work complimented my bass the other day when she was playing Johnny cash :D made me happy
over 5 years
Do you like to sing?
over 5 years

char says

daily reminder that the C word is not HC, please stop reporting it

What is the C word that char is referring to?

-Literally "C"
over 5 years
Who is your favourite Kardashian/Jenner?
- Kim Kardashian
- Kylie Jenner
- Khloé Kardashian
- Kourtney Kardashian
- Kendall Jenner
- Kris Jenner
- Rob Kardashian
- Caitlyn Jenner
over 5 years

Jake431 says

Worst Fast Food Place:

-Burger King
-Taco Bell
-Carls Jr.

we all know that Taco Bell is the best authentic Mexican cuisine
over 5 years
Worst Fast Food Place:

-Burger King
-Taco Bell
-Carls Jr.
over 5 years

Alyssa says

What sounds best to put on ur taco
-Grilled Chicken
-Shredded Beef
-Raspberry Chicken
-Sweet Pork
-Grilled Steak

(taken from my favorite place to eat in town xoxo)

Where's beans? Or eggs? Or bacon? Or potatoes? Or Sausage?
over 5 years
best misunderstood dog breed
-german shepherd
over 5 years

mssbooklover says

favorite book genre

- contemporary
- young adult
- thriller/mystery
- memoir/autobiography
- historical fiction
- non fiction
- poetry

almost 6 years
best race esse

mexican esse



almost 6 years

ICouldBeYourDad says

You're at a cross roads. Where do you go?

Back the way you came

almost 6 years
Best Total Drama
World Tour
Revenge OTI
Pahkitew Island
Ridiculous Race
almost 6 years
Favourite B

Even tho everyone will pick sin :)
almost 6 years
favorite book genre

- contemporary
- young adult
- thriller/mystery
- memoir/autobiography
- historical fiction
- non fiction
- poetry
almost 6 years
What irrelevant place are you from?
- Canada
- Europe (all of it)
- New Zealand
- Not one of those three
almost 6 years
most amazing for amount of incentive sexuality
almost 6 years
What do you do when games are broken?