about 7 years

hi my name is cammy and welcome to my feed!

over 6 years
cool CURRENT IDEA wonder where u got such a hip idea ;)
over 6 years
just downloaded fortnite. let's roll boys
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
ok did it
over 6 years
cammy - Today at 8:11 PM
my nightmare wasn't even like... cool
kimmy and i were laughing about it
but like also so scary

jpdete - Today at 8:11 PM
tell me dude
spill the dream tea

cammy - Today at 8:12 PM
ok i have to read something though one second

jpdete - Today at 8:12 PM
ok k

cammy - Today at 8:13 PM
i am sitting at a table with kimmy
and i'm not really sure if like
i'm in a restaurant or like just sitting somewhere or whatever
and i feel like this super weird presence behind me
and it's these two men
and like one of them i recognize and the other one i can't see
so i turn around and i look at kimmy and then one of them like covers my mouth and LIKE PULLS ME BACKWARDS like i don't fall out of whatever i'm sitting in because like he's propping me up but like it's enough where i feel like i might fall
and he whispers in my ear and says "chicken noodle soup"
and i don't know HWY HE SAID

jpdete - Today at 8:15 PM
oh no

cammy - Today at 8:15 PM
SO then he walks away and i don't turn around
and i look at kimmy and i just say
"call chicken noodle soup"
and then i wake up and i'm like >???????????
i'm not even thinking about the chicken noodle soup
because everythign else was just so scary

jpdete - Today at 8:16 PM
intense man

cammy - Today at 8:16 PM
but then i was like
what does chicken noodle soup mean

jpdete - Today at 8:17 PM
poor you
must have been real hungry
over 6 years
as some of y'all know, i'm absolutely OBSESSED with roblox TAR soooooooooooOOOoo

i wanna start watching older seasons of The Amazing Race and i have cbs all access so i was wondering if there's anyone that would like to watch with me!!!

lemme know either here or discord or wherever!!
over 6 years
i love you cam
over 6 years
uahhh what an uplifting read
over 6 years
cancer: i know that you are special because i have seen you face the moon and her face change as she looks back at you with eyes of love. i know you are special because i have watched you soothe a screaming baby with a mild touch and stop someone’s tears with the softness in your voice. i’ve seen animals respond to you as if they were your own. i know you are special because i have felt old houses welcome you inside like you have always belonged there. you fill the room with your energy, and when you leaves part of you remains like a sweet and mysterious haunting
over 6 years
leo: i know that you are special because i have seen black auras dissolve before your light, crushed by the blessing that is the beat of your heart. i have seen you walk outside in a mood of joy and delight and raise the sun on a rainy day. i know you are special because when you are happy the whole world is cheerful too, and when you are sad the whole world is miserable too. i have known many who believe in you and support you and would go to the end of the earth to help you shine like the sun they know you are

virgo: i know you are special because god has trusted your mind and your hands with so much cosmic weight, and you could so easily fracture everything but you can see crystals and cracks that nobody else can. your hands were crafted with divine oversight, gold was poured in slain perfection and heavenly mineral i know you are special because you signed such a heavy contract and donated many of your blessings as a pre-act of service, you were focused so intently toward doing good
over 6 years
aries: i know that you are special because you have been saved, protected, or made to move in the final fatal second, something benevolent and protective is watching over you, you’ve had too many close calls to write yourself off as lucky or indestructible. a child born with a war inside would also be supplied with an extra set of eyes in heaven and protection from combat. it doesn’t matter how old an aries grows, you can always see that mischievous child looking back at you, and that kind of youthful energy is what allows angelic and spiritual forces to be. you are the person that everyone is secretly cheering for, revelling in your infectious triumphs

taurus: i know that you are special because i know that you were the empress of inheritance, and that the gods and goddesses left the natural kingdom all to you. i know you are special because i have watched flowers bloom just for you as you walk on past, nature bows to you as if it prepares for your arrival and hears the unique sound of your footprints in the ground, the flowers, the sea, the stars, and creatures of the world see you and recognise their mother - mother earth. you are the value in which we measure the value of every gold, silver, and crystal

gemini: i know you are special because i have literally seen you ask a question out of thin air and receive an answer shortly after. i’ve watched you change the most stubborn and convicted mind clever charisma and loquacious flirtation. i know you are special because i have seen teachers watching you from the corner of their eyes, hoping that you take advantage of your brilliant mind. seeing the light in you, because learning is your ceremonial prayer. i’ve seen the gods whisper words into your mind to help you finish sentences and find the right term, i’ve seen you bring down your enemy with nothing more than a flick of the tongue
over 6 years
libra: i know you are special because your earthly vessel was designed with curves and angles that allow every spec of light in the cosmos to shine right through it. i know you are special because colours were created just because they looked good on you, and you seemed so gifted at bringing these together and painting people’s souls in this rainbow. you have a way of making people feel loved and important without trying, your spirit plays a melody tuned into a hidden vibration and it blows the tune of beauty and harmony

scorpio: i know you are special because the divine had no other way of trying to describe you but to create heaven, hell, magic, astral travel, and orgasm. i have seen the way every force good and evil in the universe bows to your presence, like they see and revel an ancient master who has been crossing the borderlands for centuries. i know you are special because you know how to crack the physical shell of skin and thinking, immerse your whole spirit so it flows the veins of your lover like ink that leaves a sacred stain for eternity

sagittarius: i know you are special because you are the pot of gold that every rainbow pours into and the gods love to make bets on how much you will see and do. i know you are special because they don’t honour your memory by a eulogy, they wrote your whole existence into the ancient books of mythology, theology, and fairytales. you have a lamp inside from where the giant jupiter genie resides. the wheel of cosmic fortune is spun directly in your favour, and the cosmic jackpot is always blowing up
over 6 years
capricorn: i know you are special because i watch the whole world celebrate your birth every year. i’ve watched your spirit be held up as the example, at the height of each divine archetype, as the model of natal chart designs. i know you are special because you seem like you completed this all before and you are just perfecting what you have already done. your heart ticks like the cosmic clock that orbits every planet and in between responsibilities here you seem to maintain the whole universe

aquarius: i know you are special because you are not of this earth and you find comfort in a place that is above and beyond here. i have seen the whole universe and every colour come alive in the crystal of your eyes, solar glitter and glassy ocean sparkling beneath golden light. i know you are special because the whole celestial space pours into your mind, your thoughts are electricity that illuminate the night

pisces: i know you are special because you carried the breadth of spiritual substance that contained every divine archetypal design in this lifetime. you surrendered your body and mind as an instrument for the heavens, and the gods and goddesses play their holiest and most exquisite tunes straight through you. i know you are special because your essence and energy is the ultimate muse that inspires every painter, musician, writer, and artist
over 6 years
is your moms name jane
over 6 years

eat says

Cam have u forgiven me for yielding u yet

yes i got my revenge and that was winning
deletedover 6 years
Cam have u forgiven me for yielding u yet
over 6 years

Cammy says

eatemuptigs says

Cammy says

cammy are you saying youre high rn

still relevant
over 6 years
roblox!! we play TAR and survivor, TAR we try v hard to win and survivor we just abuse the system by circlejerking and then turning on each other and it's very fun
deletedover 6 years
what's the latest and greatest group fun activities and how do I get in on them?
over 6 years

i got 3rd in 703 survivor hallasan and got player of the season as well as fan fave and that makes me v happy

i am addicted to roblox TAR. i genuinely look forward to the night time and playing it w/ my pals. me and anna won one after anthony used his yield on us and it was iconic. i screamed.

i won roblox survivor last night but i think i enjoy f*cking with people on the jury more than winning, so i'm just going to keep doing that and not try to win anymore

i'm trying to think if there's anything else...
over 6 years

Cammy says

anna is my best friend because she lets me send her gross pictures and doesn't judge me and i love her for it

even though i legit gagged at said picture... i love u too !!
deletedover 6 years
omg thank u for tagging me

u are an angel i hope u feel better
over 6 years
anna is my best friend because she lets me send her gross pictures and doesn't judge me and i love her for it
over 6 years
That is some Sith propaganda right there