about 7 years

hi my name is cammy and welcome to my feed!

about 7 years
You got The great teller of tales

You are [your name], great teller of tales. The Greek hero Odysseus had many epithets ascribed to him (others included “much-enduring,” “cunning,” and “man of twists and turns”), and this was one of them, so you’re in good company.
about 7 years
You got Breaker of horses

You are [your name], breaker of horses, which is how you should be introducing yourself to people from this day forward. This ancient epithet was used to describe Atreus (king of Mycenae), Agamemnon (son of Atreus, also king of Mycenae), Hector (prince of Troy), Diomedes (king of Argos), and now you. That’s a lot of pressure, I know. Just don’t screw it up. You’ll be fine.
about 7 years
You are swift-footed [your name]. This is the same epithet Homer used to describe Achilles roughly eight thousand times over the course of The Iliad and even a few times in The Odyssey. (You’ll remember “swift-footed” Achilles as that guy who took an arrow to the ankle during the Trojan War and died. Good luck with that.)

about 7 years

You got Earth-moving

You are earth-moving [your name]. Homer used this epithet to refer to Poseidon. Earth-moving Poseidon is the god of water, earthquakes, and horses for some reason. He’s best known for spending ten years being mad at Odysseus, and that one time he lost the city of Athens to Athena and became quite salty about it.
about 7 years
about 7 years

i love my civ pals @ultra @fdp @dari
about 7 years
#women's intuition and connection to the universe too real #we been knew

this is my most favorite tags i've seen on a post.
about 7 years

“I’ve been getting ready. Never knew what for, but I’ve always known I’d know it when it comes.”
about 7 years

ain’t nobody fresher than my mother f*ckin’ clique
about 7 years
about 7 years

Cammy says

Taurus: grounded and tall. You’ve come through hell and back with flowers of peace in your hands. The marks of ash are still on your body but you hold these bright flowers effortlessly. You feel the weight of the past year roll off your back as you look out into endless mountains. You feel as powerful as those high peaks. It’s time to create, its time to be part of the divine.

hit me where it hurts
about 7 years
[10:14:07 PM] rían: not hitting on you cammy but is that you in your skype
[10:14:34 PM] cammy ☾ : that's...anne hathaway... from the princess diaries...
about 7 years
Sagittarius: these are things you have not experienced. Loneliness feels like a guest who’s over stayed their welcome. I know you’re running from it. I know you’ve always been running. Always been looking for the better thing. This is the universe reminding you to find peace within your self.

Capricorn: lack of stability. This is your greatest fear. You’re so accustomed to these strict guidelines that rule your life. However you’ve been building these with materials that are going to break easily. This is something you turn your head away from. You’re not ready to sit with your old wounds. To be broken is a way of growth. Let it fall.

Aquarius: cutting off your leaves. You feel this will give you a fresh start. However you’re confusing your leaves with your roots leaving you uprooted. You confuse this with joy. Child you have to stop playing hide and seek. It’s time to sit and sort through all that you’ve been avoiding. It’s time to come home.

Pisces: searching for heaven. You keep pricking yourself on rose thrones. I’m not sure why your confused with the blood dripping off your fingers. Nothing has been making much sense to you lately. Come lay down and rest. The answers will not show them self to you right now. All you can do is rest. Change is on the horizon. Have faith.
about 7 years
Leo: persistence is your greatest gift. I know you’re exhausted by the constant demands of this earth. You’re eyes show it with each line. You’re constantly tired. However it’s your strength and will that keeps you moving. You are loved beyond anything you could comprehend. This is worth it. I promise you.

Virgo: vulnerability and truth. Growing up you have learned to stay quite and polite. You’ve learned that emotions cause more harm than good. You’ve gravitated towards anything that offers great logic. However now is the time to leave that behind. It’s done it’s job. It’s time to sit with your emotions and to listen to your inner truth. Vulnerability will be you’re greatest strength.

Libra: we are so proud of you. You have covered treacherous waters. Your lungs are sore from coughing up the waters that weighed you down. You can catch your breath and look onward. You now have the power of the ocean within your blood. Carry on and do great things. We’re all counting on you.

Scorpio: let it dissolve. Let it sit on you tongue and truly taste it. Patience and kindness is what you most need. That may not make the most sense at this point because all you’ve been doing lately is waiting. You’ve been searching for answers and searching for kindness. Those have always been with in you. Listen to your divine self. Let go of the fear that has been paralyzing you. Find your breath and step into this new chapter with everything you’ve got. Golden days are ahead.
about 7 years
The signs as of lately
Aries: sadness is something you are not accustomed to. Its been clouding your vision and your struggling hard to find a bright enough light to lift the fog. You’re searching for that fire within you. You’ve always counted on it to get you through. It’s not gone, it hasn’t abandoned you. It’s just soft enough to guide you through this. Reminding you that it’s ok to feel heart ache and that there is still beauty here. Take this stillness as a blessing. The fog will lift.

Taurus: grounded and tall. You’ve come through hell and back with flowers of peace in your hands. The marks of ash are still on your body but you hold these bright flowers effortlessly. You feel the weight of the past year roll off your back as you look out into endless mountains. You feel as powerful as those high peaks. It’s time to create, its time to be part of the divine.

Gemini: this is for you. You may not see it but you create waves in people. Heaviness may be constant visitor. And I know there’s a strange comfort to it. Trust when you feel it lifted and chase after it with all that you’ve got. You’re going to do great things. Anyone who sees you knows that.

Cancer: god sees your softness. There’s not much to say. You feel with every fiber in your body. I know you’ve grown up scared. I know you hold so much sadness. But I see your softness. I know you only mean well.
about 7 years
Creator of Profound Ideas

call me plato binches
about 7 years
Angel of Profound Revolution no wink
about 7 years
guardian of radiant pleasure ;)
about 7 years
oracle of radiant pleasure ;)
about 7 years
ruler of radiant pleasure... wink
about 7 years

angel of profound compassion
about 7 years
"i want a baked potato but not to eat.. to sleep in." -cam
about 7 years

Cammy says

Capricorn: a cup of strong tea

;) ;)
about 7 years
I was told i could become anything. So i'll become a tornado
about 7 years

Cammy says

this was me and nat tn

This is so accurate