about 7 years

hi my name is cammy and welcome to my feed!

almost 7 years
Aries: Romantic, compassionate and sensitive. They prefer to hide their more gentle and reserved side with their fiery energy, but in reality, they’ve got a pronounced dreaminess, filled with fantasies, illusions, and vague emotions. They come across as far more aggressive and bold than they actually are. They have a tendency to internalize their sensitivity, which makes them feel isolated and lonely.

Taurus: Determined, energetic, and assured. Although at first they seem laid-back and relaxed, once they’ve set their minds to something, they are headstrong, full of verve and passion. They can easily take charge of a situation, but they doubt themselves and doubt their capabilities. Instead, they often use their courage for supporting the underdog, those with no voice. They have a tendency to internalize their anger, which results in short bursts of impulsiveness and agitation.

Gemini: Calming, grounded, and sensual. Gemini may at first come across as scatter-brained and disoriented, yet they’re far more stable than they appear. Though subject to volatile mood swings, these are usually temporary. They have the ability to separate themselves from their emotions, making them more rational and level-headed. They have a deep desire for stability, but by internalizing it, they often end up clinging to the past or pursuing materialistic desires they don’t truly want.

Cancer: Intelligent, clever, and quick-witted. Though Cancer is often portrayed as extremely emotional, they’re much more logical than they appear. They can be very quick-witted and creative when they’re by themselves, but they have a hard time expressing their ideas to others. Cancer has a tendency of concealing their thoughts and plans to others, but can overemphasize their emotions instead. They can reveal too much personal, emotional information about themselves while not telling others what they’re actually thinking.
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
minerals of earth circulate in her, mixing healing maples, nervous energy blends to create contamination, when she is enraged and spits her disdain at the world, she is a pandemic

in perfect balance she spins the world on its axis, keeping equilibrium and harmony aligned composing seasons and tides, when she is broken and has lost sight, she is climate change

waves crash together and freeze fixed in time, she burrows deeper below the snow, stirring from the dark hollow inside, she is an avalanche

flames dance around her fingertips infusing with the billowing smoke from her higher mind, when she starts burning she is a wildfire

icy saturn rings circle around her silver crown, from the mountain peak she dwells alchemising all natural material, when she turns her mood she spins and throws the frozen snow, she is a hail storm

thunder roars in her mind and ideas crackle like flashing lights, silver lasers beaming from her crystal eyes, it all becomes too furious when the world is too slow, she is a lightning storm

she walks on sea level conducting the tides, a belle of the water swimming through earthly life, when she becomes wounded she wants to go under and bring the whole world with her, to drown them, she is a great flood
almost 7 years
her blood is made of molten, turning her insides into lava as it hits the outside air, ready to burn the world alive, she is a volcano

she contains all of the beauty and fury of mother earth, when she digs her heels in stamped with rage, she is an earthquake

she whips words like a gale, gushing ideas spinning in her mind, her voice blowing winds of winding dispatch into the open air, when she is flowing furiously, she is a hurricane

in silver moonlight her heart is like the seas, tides of emotion, volatile, ever changing yet constant, a placid mirror turning as she pulls the moon closer, she becomes a tsunami

her glare is so bright that sun spikes form around her mind, like a crown, she draws in solar light and casts it into the air, she is a solar flare
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
about 7 years
tank u ajck
about 7 years
welcome back cam
about 7 years
i'm back
about 7 years

Cammy says

Taurus: the people you envy got there by hard work, luck, or genes.

dayum this is relatable af right now
about 7 years
Harsh truths for the signs

Aries: the world still turns whether you choose to be happy or sad.

Taurus: the people you envy got there by hard work, luck, or genes.

Gemini: it doesn't matter how much you talk if you're not saying anything special no one will listen.

Cancer: nobody cares if you're broken, if you don't try to fix yourself it's never praised. Effort is praised.

Leo: your heart still beats even when it's broken.

Virgo: your self pity doesn't solve your problems.

Libra: love isn't special, it's the people who make their own love personal and unique.

Scorpio: jealousy makes you toxic towards the person you care for.

Sagittarius: home isn't a building or a place, it's a feeling.

Capricorn: no one will hear you if you never speak up.

Aquarius: the only person you should try to be better than is your past self.

Pisces: dreams require effort, effort requires work.
about 7 years
about 7 years
Female fire rats are virtuous and prosperous. The traditional evaluation is accurate: fire rats are smart, clever, competent and sociable; they are crazy about all activities and they are very committed to these activities whether for moral cares or material benefits. Fire rats are chivalric, generous and straightforward, but they lack discipline sense and like to replace thinking with feelings; they hate constraint and control, and prefer to live a free life rather than the stable and limited one.
about 7 years

Cammy says

my future
about 7 years

Cammy says

me on mondays
about 7 years
about 7 years
You don’t want to wake the dragon, do you?

about 7 years
Cancer- Backbone and softness, one not dismissing the other.

Scorpio- Devotion and intensity, one not dismissing the other.

Pisces- Virtue and flight, one not dismissing the other.
about 7 years
[8:51:03 PM] kandice:

[8:51:06 PM] kandice: @ Cammy.

[8:51:17 PM] cammy ☾ : LMFAO

[8:51:21 PM] kandice: Drag the Government.

[8:51:48 PM] cammy ☾ : i have to post this in my feed
about 7 years
[8:48:46 PM] Nat: oh no

[8:48:49 PM] Jack: oh boy

[8:48:56 PM] cammy ☾ : whenever I listen to "believer" by imagine dragons

[8:49:02 PM] cammy ☾ : i think of this very specific Naruto scene

[8:49:10 PM] cammy ☾ : because i lOVED Naruto when i was a wee lass

[8:49:18 PM] kandice: Is this a meme?

[8:49:30 PM] Katya: hmm

[8:49:32 PM] cammy ☾ : and i clicked on imagine dragons "believer" on my

[8:49:40 PM] cammy ☾ : youtube recommended

[8:49:50 PM] cammy ☾ : and as i was listening i look at the suggested thingy

[8:49:55 PM] cammy ☾ : and it was THAT SPECIFIC NARUTO SCENE

[8:49:59 PM] cammy ☾ : ???????

[8:50:01 PM] Nat: omg

[8:50:03 PM] cammy ☾ : WHY WOULD IT BE THERE?????????

[8:50:03 PM] Nat: they KNOW

[8:50:07 PM] cammy ☾ : THEY KNOW!!!!!!!

[8:50:43 PM] Katya: the government wants you to look at that specific scene. its important
about 7 years
[8:48:02 PM] cammy ☾ : anyone here? I need to get something off of my chest

[8:48:18 PM] Nat: hi

[8:48:21 PM] Jack: hi cam

[8:48:31 PM] cammy ☾ : ok so

[8:48:40 PM] cammy ☾ : I think the government is inside of my mind
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
You got bright-eyed

You are bright-eyed [your name]. Homer also used this epithet to describe Athena, the goddess of things like wisdom, diplomacy, war, and arts and crafts. Athena was the patron of Odysseus and helped him out of some tough spots, except for those times she just didn’t feel like it for some reason or another.
about 7 years
[3:04:31 PM] cammy ☾ : i feel like the eclipse gave me superpowers

[3:05:00 PM] Ahrre: What kind of superpowers do you have now?

[3:06:08 PM] cammy ☾ : i can see thru the b*llshit
about 7 years
You got Giant-killer

You are [your name] the giant-killer. In Homer’s epics, he attributed this epithet to Hermes, the messenger god who had a secret side business in giant-killing. Hermes is considered the protector of thieves, travelers, and athletes, and enjoys things like poetry, music, and journeying to and from the Underworld just because he can.

this seems so wrong