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Tucker & Cammy's Advice Column

almost 7 years

Provide us with a scenario that you are having trouble with and Cammy and I will help to the best of our abilities.

Who do you trust with your life?
not Hardcarry
almost 7 years

bryce1997 says

Voice says

bryce1997 says

I accidentally cut myself on my foot what brand band-aid and design should i use?

Did you cut the top of your foot or the bottom of your foot?

oh like the side.... above the heel maybe. i dont know the anatomy of the foot well

As long as it's not on the bottom nor on a toe, any ordinary bandaid will do.
almost 7 years

Voice says

bryce1997 says

I accidentally cut myself on my foot what brand band-aid and design should i use?

Did you cut the top of your foot or the bottom of your foot?

oh like the side.... above the heel maybe. i dont know the anatomy of the foot well
almost 7 years
I wouldn't think they last longer. They MIGHT be better than PC? But I mean, you can custom build your PC so just use the right components and it will be durable and effective
almost 7 years

HighSpace says

Should I buy a Mac or PC?

I've always bought PC's so I don't really know the difference. I know that Macs are a lot more expensive, but I don't know if that necessarily makes them better. Do they last longer?
almost 7 years
Should I buy a Mac or PC?
almost 7 years

bryce1997 says

I accidentally cut myself on my foot what brand band-aid and design should i use?

Did you cut the top of your foot or the bottom of your foot?
almost 7 years

Bromota says

Do y'all have any advice for me? I am not sure what to ask cause I am so bad lol

Advice: ask a more specific question.
almost 7 years

bryce1997 says

I accidentally cut myself on my foot what brand band-aid and design should i use?

deletedalmost 7 years

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says


with what




with what


how caN I HELP YOU

real gangsta type players dont flex dat
almost 7 years
I accidentally cut myself on my foot what brand band-aid and design should i use?
almost 7 years
Do y'all have any advice for me? I am not sure what to ask cause I am so bad lol
almost 7 years
almost 7 years

Cammy says

omg did he say lefT? i'm yodeling

nope i said right too!
almost 7 years
omg did he say lefT? i'm yodeling
almost 7 years
now im more conflicted thanks the two of you
almost 7 years

FirePsychic says

left or right?

right is right
almost 7 years
where i didn't see it
almost 7 years
cammy why did you skip my message, i need this crucial information in life
almost 7 years

Vibrage says

So like... I've heard rumor of this Penguin Apocalypse that's coming. Should I be worried?

Pls help

almost 7 years

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says


with what




with what


how caN I HELP YOU
almost 7 years
i noticed you both said that there could be something in his personal life that's the reason for him flaking and stuff. that's possible, but i do know at least his reason for it. he tells us he's tired from working 40 hours a week (he works in sales and coldcalls people). we all work, most of us make the time to hang out. so yeah it's possible there's something else and that's his cover for it
almost 7 years

Vibrage says

So like... I've heard rumor of this Penguin Apocalypse that's coming. Should I be worried?

Pls help

This is clearly fake. If penguins were this dangerous they wouldn't be in danger from ice caps melting. Penguins are low key weak af
almost 7 years
So like... I've heard rumor of this Penguin Apocalypse that's coming. Should I be worried?

Pls help
almost 7 years

jack says

i have an irl friend who's had a sizable change in his personality. he's become increasingly egotistical, uses 'put down' type language to his friends but most often me (usually in an attempt at humor, but rarely successful), and quite consistently chooses to flake on hanging out or leaves early. several of us, myself most prominently, have chided him for flaking which i think has only exacerbated his attitude. i used to be very close to him but now he's pushing mid-tier of my friend group in terms of closeness.

i'm not terribly sure what i can do in this situation because it seems to me that our personalities seem to be butting heads, which is due to his shifting into a self-important one. do you think our friendship is just now going to be a little lesser than it used to be? and am i equally at fault with him for giving him shít in response to him

Most personality change happens from ~18-22 years of age, and it really doesn't stabilize until you're financially independent from your parents, so it could stretch out to 25-26 for some people. It's possible it's just a phase where he's experiencing some negative mood issues or maybe this is a new development in his personality. I would say give it some time and be more patient with him, but still express your honest opinion whenever you feel like he's doing something unacceptable. Instead of chiding him for it, I'd ask him why he keeps on doing it and why there's been an alteration in his behavior. It may be something personal happening in his private life that he doesn't know how to handle.
almost 7 years

Ally says

how do i make people stop associating me with milk when i made the milk video over 8 months ago

you have to do something even more outrageous and embarrassing than pouring milk on your head and winning a trophy as a result

idk if you'll ever top that