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Tucker & Cammy's Advice Column

almost 7 years

Provide us with a scenario that you are having trouble with and Cammy and I will help to the best of our abilities.

Who do you trust with your life?
not Hardcarry
almost 7 years
Why is milk?
deletedalmost 7 years
how do I be funny?
almost 7 years
We just got sent like 20 apple muffins and I don;'t know what to eat them with, please help ;-*
almost 7 years

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says


with what


almost 7 years

Voice says

R0ronoaZoro says

well i mean u already banned him from the vivor lobby discord i dont think he cares!!

hotjacket is flirting with you. You can either remind him that you are pretending to be straight for now or block him.

i ship r0r + voice

but my bigger ship is voice + tucker
almost 7 years
another scenario:

I am currently in an org where i'm a bit inactive due to work but have finally been able to plant myself into ppl's social games. I have a trio alliance from the start of the game but now i have made new connections with people and am now allied with a few ppl in the game on some level.

I am currently in a dillemma. I want big players out because if the other more inactive player is out i know i will be out next because if the chain of thought is easy votes first then i will be out next. so i want a bigger player out. since i am not the biggest player by far so won't be privvy to be seen as a big player if we vote big players out but if we vote inactives i at least have a buffer.

now to the dillema: now that i have opened up a new option for myself of sides to choose from. both have their benefits. both are power duos where i talk to one of the duo partners while the other not so much. how do i choose which one would benefit me more?
almost 7 years
so my two allies are on the block:

how do i decide which one to evict if they are both important in one way or another to my game.
almost 7 years

FirePsychic says

left or right?

When in a fork in the road, most people have a natural inclination to go left, so you should go right to trick the universe.
almost 7 years

R0ronoaZoro says

well i mean u already banned him from the vivor lobby discord i dont think he cares!!

hotjacket is flirting with you. You can either remind him that you are pretending to be straight for now or block him.
almost 7 years

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says


with what


start running laps fatty
almost 7 years

jack says

i find myself to be simultaneously content with my current situation in life, and yet equally dissatisfied and yearning for something... more/new. thoughts on how to address this mindset?

Pick up a new hobby!
almost 7 years

nattless says

I need new music which will make me happy but also not distract me from work pls advise

Marc E Bassy/Foster the People both have p good albums that were released recently that I think you'd like.
almost 7 years

colester112 says

What's a way I could improve my game in vivor or BB? It seems no one trusts me much anymore, so I need some help

You have to make people require your vote or make them think that they really need you. You have to always be talking to people all the time as much as you can so that no one thinks you're wishy washy.
deletedalmost 7 years

Cammy says

Forrest says


with what

almost 7 years
i find myself to be simultaneously content with my current situation in life, and yet equally dissatisfied and yearning for something... more/new. thoughts on how to address this mindset?
almost 7 years
Kanjo - 10/06/2017
all u do is bully me :sob:
Axophite - 10/06/2017
prove it.
i never bully u!
Kanjo - 10/06/2017
Axophite - 09/19/2017
Kanjo - 09/19/2017
ily tho

Axophite - 09/19/2017

Axophite - 11/14/2016
i wanted to play ow
i forgot
that u suck

Axophite - 09/16/2017
yo matthew if u don't respond u're blocked

Axophite - 09/19/2017

Axophite - 11/14/2016
u fgt

Axophite - 11/29/2016
update - everyone has reached their final evolution!
except matthew ..
fcking matthew ..

Axophite - 11/19/2016
matthew 这个人真无聊而幼稚。。。 可怜的他的命

Axophite - 11/19/2016
@Ene insult matthew
EneBOT - 11/19/2016
matthew You are a poop.

Axophite - 11/14/2016
i'll tease matthew

Axophite - 10/06/2017
did i just
insult u
in chinese
ok goodnights i have to stdy tomorrow
Ben is Zero - 10/06/2017
Didn't even apologise
What a douche
Axophite - 10/06/2017
i'm sorry matthew .. i guess

here's documentation of a few times
almost 7 years
left or right?
almost 7 years
well i mean u already banned him from the vivor lobby discord i dont think he cares!!
almost 7 years

R0ronoaZoro says

say that i know this kid from epicmafia and he bullies me all the time for fun how do i get him to stop?? i tried pointing it out and asking him to stop but he continues anyway as if it is some sick joke! its not it really hurts and i cri errytiem

please give me his name and i will hurt him!
almost 7 years

bryce1997 says

Should I eat a caramel apple or celery sticks?

both treat urself
almost 7 years
Should I eat a caramel apple or celery sticks?
almost 7 years
Well, the extent of washing my hair is applying shampoo in the shower
almost 7 years
I do wash my hair though? I just dont bother using gel or using a comb or makeup lol
almost 7 years
say that i know this kid from epicmafia and he bullies me all the time for fun how do i get him to stop?? i tried pointing it out and asking him to stop but he continues anyway as if it is some sick joke! its not it really hurts and i cri errytiem
almost 7 years

colester112 says

What's a way I could improve my game in vivor or BB? It seems no one trusts me much anymore, so I need some help

it's going to take a long time to fix your reputation. i would recommend using it to your advantage!! TUCKER... take it away!