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Tucker & Cammy's Advice Column

almost 7 years

Provide us with a scenario that you are having trouble with and Cammy and I will help to the best of our abilities.

Who do you trust with your life?
not Hardcarry
almost 7 years

Otherscott says

So I'm hosting this hypothetical ORG that people hypothetically care about and in finding cohosts my biggest concern is that people will be inactive as there's been a few of those in the past.

Is there any indicators in choosing people to host with who might be active and inactive?

I'd say you should weigh up what other extracurricular activities/duties they have when seeing who would be a good host. Anyone that's in like medical/graduate school would be a concern, really even college sometimes if they have a particularly difficult major.

And also obviously weigh out their activity in any other hosting gigs they've had before -- if they were inactive before, they're liable to be inactive again.

Last thing, I would expect the people that are really active as hosts to either be compelled to feel like they have to be active for some reason, or they're really passionate about hosting and won't fizzle out halfway through the season.
almost 7 years

HighSpace says

Why is milk?

because white is right
almost 7 years

Dari says

how do I be funny?

I guess a lot of it is playing off of what people usually expect and doing something that's completely off-base. When you do something that people don't expect happening (as long as it's not anything that would induce fear), the natural response is to laugh!
almost 7 years

geordie says

We just got sent like 20 apple muffins and I don;'t know what to eat them with, please help ;-*

I love apple muffins. Send them to me, I'll eat them for breakfast. :0
almost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

another scenario:

I am currently in an org where i'm a bit inactive due to work but have finally been able to plant myself into ppl's social games. I have a trio alliance from the start of the game but now i have made new connections with people and am now allied with a few ppl in the game on some level.

I am currently in a dillemma. I want big players out because if the other more inactive player is out i know i will be out next because if the chain of thought is easy votes first then i will be out next. so i want a bigger player out. since i am not the biggest player by far so won't be privvy to be seen as a big player if we vote big players out but if we vote inactives i at least have a buffer.

now to the dillema: now that i have opened up a new option for myself of sides to choose from. both have their benefits. both are power duos where i talk to one of the duo partners while the other not so much. how do i choose which one would benefit me more?

Why would you want to try and go for a power player right now? I would think it would be a lot smarter to go after someone that's a little less threatening so that in the next vote-out the people that are threats would be able to see each other as threats and have more of a chance of going after each other. As someone that's inactive in the beginning, if you have a lot less sway than other people, then going after someone that has a lot of support is just going to end up in you leaving.
almost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

roxy's first scenario

I mean that's dependent on what you need. I would say just pick one and be able to cover whoever leaves with someone else in the game. If you're losing someone that could win comps and keep you safe, find someone else in the game that can do the same thing, etc.
deletedalmost 7 years
Also I reserve
deletedalmost 7 years

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says


with what




with what

almost 7 years

Dari says

Hello I just wanted to say that I love God and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I've decided to become a full fledged Christian and go to the Church every single day to pray for the both of them!
May they both guide you all!

deletedalmost 7 years
Jesus Loves you all
deletedalmost 7 years
Hello I just wanted to say that I love God and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I've decided to become a full fledged Christian and go to the Church every single day to pray for the both of them!
May they both guide you all!
almost 7 years

jack says

i have an irl friend who's had a sizable change in his personality. he's become increasingly egotistical, uses 'put down' type language to his friends but most often me (usually in an attempt at humor, but rarely successful), and quite consistently chooses to flake on hanging out or leaves early. several of us, myself most prominently, have chided him for flaking which i think has only exacerbated his attitude. i used to be very close to him but now he's pushing mid-tier of my friend group in terms of closeness.

i'm not terribly sure what i can do in this situation because it seems to me that our personalities seem to be butting heads, which is due to his shifting into a self-important one. do you think our friendship is just now going to be a little lesser than it used to be? and am i equally at fault with him for giving him shít in response to him

something else could be going on in his life that you do not know about and could be the reason for the personality change. since he was a close friend of yours, i would say to be patient. maybe don't give him as much shiz back. you should also make him aware (even mildly) that his behavior has been a little out of character for him and you miss how your friendship used to be.

if he continues with his behavior, i would just accept the fact that your friendship is no longer where it used to be, and maybe just let it be.
almost 7 years
i have an irl friend who's had a sizable change in his personality. he's become increasingly egotistical, uses 'put down' type language to his friends but most often me (usually in an attempt at humor, but rarely successful), and quite consistently chooses to flake on hanging out or leaves early. several of us, myself most prominently, have chided him for flaking which i think has only exacerbated his attitude. i used to be very close to him but now he's pushing mid-tier of my friend group in terms of closeness.

i'm not terribly sure what i can do in this situation because it seems to me that our personalities seem to be butting heads, which is due to his shifting into a self-important one. do you think our friendship is just now going to be a little lesser than it used to be? and am i equally at fault with him for giving him shít in response to him
almost 7 years

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says


with what




with what
almost 7 years

Ally says

how do i make people stop associating me with milk when i made the milk video over 8 months ago

do a new video that ppl can talk about instead
almost 7 years

Cammy says

since you've been inactive, i wouldn't be too confident that you've been able to "plant" yourselves into peoples social games. i think it's still important that you try to build genuine social connections with people since you have some time to make up for. it's good that you have an alliance to fall back on, but it is possible they've built stronger connections with others since you've been MIA. i personally believe it's better to have a few strong allies then multiple loose connections. build stronger relationships to secure yourself in the game!

it sounds like you want to make a big move early to protect yourself. i think on paper, taking stronger players out because you've been inactive makes sense BUT i'd be really wary of this decision! if you start taking out big players, you will become the big player. the big players will catch on and it'll make you even more of a target. since you're more inactive then these big players, it'll be a whole lot easier for them to get people to target you rather then for you to get people to target them. i think your only two options here is to either build a stronger relationship with a few of these big players, let them target the inactive, then make the move when you're more active. or, just quit being inactive so people no longer see you as one.

for the last part of your question, please refer to my previous answer!
almost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

another scenario:

I am currently in an org where i'm a bit inactive due to work but have finally been able to plant myself into ppl's social games. I have a trio alliance from the start of the game but now i have made new connections with people and am now allied with a few ppl in the game on some level.

I am currently in a dillemma. I want big players out because if the other more inactive player is out i know i will be out next because if the chain of thought is easy votes first then i will be out next. so i want a bigger player out. since i am not the biggest player by far so won't be privvy to be seen as a big player if we vote big players out but if we vote inactives i at least have a buffer.

now to the dillema: now that i have opened up a new option for myself of sides to choose from. both have their benefits. both are power duos where i talk to one of the duo partners while the other not so much. how do i choose which one would benefit me more?

this question is kind of all over the place so i'm going to try to answer to be best of my abilities.

since you've been inactive, i wouldn't be too confident that you've been able to "plant" yourselves into peoples social games. i think it's still important that you try to build genuine social connections with people since you have some time to make up for. it's good that you have an alliance to fall back on, but it is possible they've built stronger connections with others since you've been MIA. i personally believe it's better to have a few strong allies then multiple loose connections. build stronger relationships to secure yourself in the game!
deletedalmost 7 years

Cammy says

Forrest says

Cammy says

Forrest says


with what



almost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

so my two allies are on the block:

how do i decide which one to evict if they are both important in one way or another to my game.

if you look at the game as a whole with the knowledge you have now-- i would say take whoever you can shape to do the things you need to get done later. who can you influence more? who can win challenges/influence the outcome of them? who do you vibe with better? who has proven loyalty and trustworthiness? whichever person comes to mind first is probably the person you should take.

it's definitely difficult to choose between which one to take and it'll decide the outcome of your game. good luck and i hope that advice helped!
deletedalmost 7 years
how do i make people stop associating me with milk when i made the milk video over 8 months ago
almost 7 years

Otherscott says

So I'm hosting this hypothetical ORG that people hypothetically care about and in finding cohosts my biggest concern is that people will be inactive as there's been a few of those in the past.

Is there any indicators in choosing people to host with who might be active and inactive?

do an application process, and an interview, and whoever puts in the effort to complete both/does well in both would probably be your best candidates. also ask the hosts they've previous hosted ORGs with if they were active.
almost 7 years

HighSpace says

Why is milk?

attaches ally's milk video here
almost 7 years

Dari says

how do I be funny?

you already are really funny! keep being u
almost 7 years

geordie says

We just got sent like 20 apple muffins and I don;'t know what to eat them with, please help ;-*

butter w/ cinnamon!!!!
almost 7 years
So I'm hosting this hypothetical ORG that people hypothetically care about and in finding cohosts my biggest concern is that people will be inactive as there's been a few of those in the past.

Is there any indicators in choosing people to host with who might be active and inactive?