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First 30 to post

almost 7 years

Will be ranked on a 30 point scale based on a rating out of 10 in 3 categories

  • Social Game
  • Strategic Game
  • Physical Game

with write-ups to follow

also i'm going to flake on this

also if i don't know you very well or at all, you're going to get a very low rating.

almost 7 years
and congratulations to your top 5!

predictions on what the order will be?
almost 7 years
6th place: eat(emuptigs)

SOC: 7

Out of everyone in the lobby this guy is the most balanced guy you can find. He is competent in everything! Firstly, his social game. He's a enjoyable guy and is good at keeping up with allies and making them trust him. He rarely makes early exits because his social game carries him far. Now on to his strategic game. I think he's pretty good at making the moves he needs to so he can advance further in the game. He's fairly smart in that department. Anyways the last part his physical game. Anthony was the winner of EMSO 2017 which was a competition with 48 players that included all types of challenges and he rose to the top! Probably because of the balanced player that he is. He's really good at everything!
almost 7 years
7th place: Ripple

SOC: 9

Ripple aka xSoniaNeverMindx. Takes me by surprise every single game I see her. Next to maybe xKandy probably has the best social game out of anyone in the lobby. It is absolutely amazing. She is amazing at keeping up with her allies. She always gets people under her wing because of how she approaches the game. Her strategy is amazing as well. She's good at appeasing everyone and she's really good at making you think she's with you for sure. But she is so sneaky. She is always doing stuff behind the scenes to increase her chances at winning. She knows the moves to make at the right time, and she takes everyone by surprise, me for sure when people get voted out and find out she was the one commandeering your elimination when you'd never expect it. Her physical game has always been lacking, but it helps her out quite a bit because if it was too strong and she showed it all the time, she'd be targeted a lot more than she usually does.
almost 7 years
8th place: tillie

SOC: 8

Tara consistently does well in games she plays. She is able to win quite a bit and here's why. Her social game is legitimately killer. An absolute social butterfly. Can be allies with the entire table and find a way to keep up with every single one of them. And her messages don't even appear fake either. They appear very genuine. She is very good at appeasing people and making them want to work with her. She could EASILY be a top 5 on this list, but I don't ever see her show much dominance and I definitely find that when it's bubbling down to the final stages of the game she ends up trusting the wrong person and falls short. Going back to the positives though her physical game is very impressive. Again another really good female player in the lobby. Extremely fast and difficult to beat at times!
almost 7 years
9th place: annajane

SOC: 8

Anna has a spectacular social game. In fact, probably one of the best in the lobby. She is absolutely fantastic at keeping up with her allies, being friendly with them and making them want to work with her. Her amazing social game has carried her to winning an All-Star game with a price of $250, and three top 4 finishes in ORGs. However her strategic game needs some work. It's sad how often she ends up trusting the wrong person in games and it ends up screwing her over. That has to be fixed, you really need to figure out who you CAN and CAN'T trust. Going back to positives though, her physical game is amazing. She's among one of the fastest girls in this lobby. It's tough to beat her in competitions and when she's in a spot of danger, she can really maneuver day by day with her physical prowess.
almost 7 years
10th place: jack

SOC: 7

Both Jacks got the exact same stats, but I ranked this one a bit higher because he won EMBB2. He's a super nice and hilarious guy that is fun to socialize with. He brings life to the party in games. He hasn't actually played anything besides ORGs in a really long time. Unfortunately, in a good chunk of games he joined with someone to circlejerk and didn't really play to win. However he was always a beast at challenges. I'm thinking about all the times he won TAR because of his challenge skills and speed at processing clues and solving them.
almost 7 years

Ripple says

Listen here the only one allowed to bully Ginga is me I've done it before you guys were playing in dis lobby

for once i wholeheartedly agree
deletedalmost 7 years
Listen here the only one allowed to bully Ginga is me I've done it before you guys were playing in dis lobby
almost 7 years

matt says

Guys whoa

i mean same
almost 7 years
Guys whoa
almost 7 years
If AJ doesn't get 1st I'm rioting
deletedalmost 7 years
leave me out of this, anthony was defending jack before he was dating me
deletedalmost 7 years
I'm actually not, Ginga is my friend and I'm defending him cause I'm tired of people sh!tting on him all the time when it's undeserved. It's possible for people to be friends with people you don't like. Assuming that I'm doing it to just 'score brownie points' is very cynical. He doesn't deserve to be on at every turn.
almost 7 years

eat says

hedger says

generous on the strategy there.

Could you stop shading him in every other post that relates to him because he didn't go to rocks with a 50% chance of getting rocked out for you in EMVivor 2? He felt his chances at making the end by winning out in immunities was greater than his chances of both staying in rocks and having control over his fate in the end. It's been 5-6 months, you dont have to rag on him at every instance where his gameplay is brought up.

trying to score brownie points by defending your gf's best friend I see.

and if you think that's the only reason I think his strategic game sucks you're a complete idiot
almost 7 years
Can we continue to shade me, but I'm still shook my physical is a 7 and my start isn't a 1 owo
deletedalmost 7 years

hedger says

generous on the strategy there.

Could you stop shading him in every other post that relates to him because he didn't go to rocks with a 50% chance of getting rocked out for you in EMVivor 2? He felt his chances at making the end by winning out in immunities was greater than his chances of both staying in rocks and having control over his fate in the end. It's been 5-6 months, you dont have to rag on him at every instance where his gameplay is brought up.
almost 7 years
I feel like matt's 1-10 scale really only uses the numbers 4-8 if Ginga is only an 8 for physical.

(I guess it goes lower if people are really bad at stuff)
almost 7 years

matt says

In my opinion I think out of all the Redditors, Knife is the best.

almost 7 years
allow me to shade Ginga in peace
almost 7 years

hedger says

generous on the strategy there.

Then make your own thread
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
i mean... he gave picante a higher strat score than yung ging. now THATS generous
almost 7 years
generous on the strategy there.
almost 7 years
11th place: Ginga

SOC: 7

This guy has come a long way. When he was chichiboy1 he would always get voted out early, always lose in challenges. However, he's stuck around the community for a long time and has improved tremendously! He's a very likable guy and him interacting with people in the game is very easy. He's a very likable guy so people receive him well. I'm gonna talk about his physical game before I talk about his strategic game. His physical game is beastly these days. He's improved so much. He is definitely what one calls a challenge threat. His speed at processing things is amazing. However, unfortunately, that plays for him VERY badly in the latter course of the game. People see him as a challenge threat and want him voted out at the most opportune time before he snatches a seat in the finals.Sometimes you gotta toss a few challenges here and there so that your expertise in challenges doesn't immediately haunt everyone in the game and they focus on other targets. I think you need to watch who you trust as well. Other than that you've improved tremendously since you've first joined here and that alone nabs you a spot just shy of the top 10!

Speaking of which, congratulations to the top 10!
almost 7 years

eat says

withered isn't a redditor i dont think, shes actually an older user who came back

my mistake :O