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First 30 to post

almost 7 years

Will be ranked on a 30 point scale based on a rating out of 10 in 3 categories

  • Social Game
  • Strategic Game
  • Physical Game

with write-ups to follow

also i'm going to flake on this

also if i don't know you very well or at all, you're going to get a very low rating.

almost 7 years
12th place: Knife

SOC: 7

In my opinion I think out of all the Redditors, Knife is the best. He has some good competition but I think over all he is the best. He's very good at holding conversations across the board. A very friendly guy and fairly loyal too! He's pretty smart in knowing what needs to be done over the course of the game, but I just think sometimes he ends up trusting the wrong people. He's usually pretty good at making it far in games, but sometimes make the wrong move and drops out early. Still though fantastic play! I mean, he was in an All Stars game and was the only Redditor and made it all the way to 4th place maneuvering through a bunch of elite players! If I were to judge his physical skills this summer when he was "wroche2", he would rank very low, but even in that department he's improved tremendously. He is usually fairly competent in challenges and can pull some major upsets in a position he needs to.
deletedalmost 7 years
withered isn't a redditor i dont think, shes actually an older user who came back
almost 7 years

matt says

, she is one of two Redditors

almost 7 years
13th place: withered

SOC: 7

An old player that didn't play much and returned and made it all the way to final 3 in a 48 player game. I think she has a very good social game. She does well in keeping up with her allies and making them want to be in her alliances and all that jazz. The struggle is when her antics become a bit shady and predictable. Yes to get to the end you have to knife people, but you cannot be so predictable when you're gonna knife someone. Because if they see it coming, they can make a counter-attack.. Anyways, you have a very good physical game as well which helps you win challenges when you're in a spot of danger.
almost 7 years
bump 4 matt
almost 7 years
bump 4 matt
almost 7 years
bump 4 matt
almost 7 years
yes hi im matt
almost 7 years
Bump 4 matt
almost 7 years
bump 4 matt
almost 7 years
bump 4 matt
almost 7 years
Bump 4 matt
almost 7 years

Otherscott says

I would really get a low rank in this considering I'd get like a 2 in physical.

The only reason it wouldn't be a 1 is because I can do math reflex

if i got a 5 anything can happen
almost 7 years
SamE robbed
almost 7 years
I would really get a low rank in this considering I'd get like a 2 in physical.

The only reason it wouldn't be a 1 is because I can do math reflex
almost 7 years
13th place: matt

SOC: 6

almost 7 years
14th place: ISamEI

SOC: 6

A very well rounded player that occasionally pops in and plays a game here. His social game is fairly on point. Decent at keeping up with his allies and making sure they don't want to turn on him. His strategic game is very good as well. He knows how to make it far and what moves to make at the right time. If I'm not mistaken he won one of those extremely difficult Jun/cinnanie/calem games that have extraordinarily difficult twists to maneuver through. I don't remember his physical game being too strong but I think he is sorta a dark horse when it comes to challenges.
almost 7 years
15th place: arisuu

SOC: 9

You are extremely nice and it makes everyone want to ally you and trust you so much. Personally you're one of my favorite people to ally with because you're so nice. However, you're not good at controlling the game state at all. I think people make decisions for you in the game when you should be doing that yourself. And with as strong of a social game that you do have,you have SO MANY OPTIONS that can easily make you dominate an entire game. You also tend to flake out of games a lot and don't invest much effort. However going back to the positives, your physical game is very good! You had one of the best times out of 48 people in the first round of EMSO so you have that as well as your excellent social game going for you which nabs you a spot right in the top half.
almost 7 years
do this pls
deletedalmost 7 years
luv u matt
almost 7 years

matt says

19th place: FFSierraDamnThomas


almost 7 years
almost 7 years

matt says

20th place: marry

SOC: 8

A fairly new player to the lobby. One whose presence is very enjoyable. Her social game is absolutely on point. She is super nice and everyone wants to ally her. She makes it super far in games each time as she is such a joy to have in the game. But unfortunately, she doesn't tend to win the game very often and it's because she doesn't do much to project herself forward. By being so friendly, she makes herself trustworthy, but it doesn't put her at the center of the game. Just makes her a good candidate for being used and abused unfortunately. As one of the newer players in the lobby her physical game is pretty good as well!

almost 7 years
Congrats to the top half!
almost 7 years
16th: Markus

SOC: 6

And to finish off the bottom half, Markus! I give him the same stats as Picante but I think he has the edge a bit. He's a very friendly guy and has a fairly good social game. It's easily to get along with him, which in return makes him easy to work with. This comes from someone who has F2'd him in the past. His strategic game is lacking bu I know he's a smart guy and that field can be improved with ease. His physical game is fairly good! He did fairly well in one of my Hunger Games until he choked at one point. He also does fairly well in TWL games from what I see!