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almost 7 years

Will be ranked on a 30 point scale based on a rating out of 10 in 3 categories

  • Social Game
  • Strategic Game
  • Physical Game

with write-ups to follow

also i'm going to flake on this

also if i don't know you very well or at all, you're going to get a very low rating.

almost 7 years
23rd place: xPooky

SOC: 4

I think you need to work on your social game a bit. You ally people and then don't talk to them for days and it makes them wary and leads to your departure. I think you're good at identifying what moves need to be made at what time, but you just need the back-up from them or it will only bite you in the butt. You're also fairly strong in challenges so keep up the good work and you have the potential to become even better.
almost 7 years
24th place: deandean

SOC: 7

You're also very good at communicating with allies and boosting yourself further in the game in that matter. However your strategic game is kinda messy. I sorta think you don't plan anything you do in advance and it bites you. You make a big move that only benefits your game and it ticks off the masses and it ends in you getting eliminated. You gotta change your approach a little bit to avoid those unfortunate exits. Your physical game is ok but could use improvement.
almost 7 years
25th place: FireDragonPrince

SOC: 7

Here's the thing Jake, you're good at making it far in games, but I almost never see you win. Your social game is what gets you far. You're very friendly, people like you, you don't pose too much of a threat. But you do nothing at all to control the game state. You let others play the game for you. I don't think I've played a game with you where someone said "oh hey FDP is running the show". You have to find a way to gain some kind of control over the course of the game or people will dispose you before you can make it to the finals. And if you do make finals, it's usually because you get dragged and someone massacres you in jury. You have to strategize a bit more or you won't be able to win. Your physical game is decent but I wouldn't consider you a challenge threat. Maybe in ORGs but that's a whole different ballgame.
almost 7 years

HardCarry says

wait put me in too, it wont affect your rankings bc I'm higher than 26th

Soc 1
Strat 1
Phys 1
Total 3

No trophy lol
almost 7 years
wait put me in too, it wont affect your rankings bc I'm higher than 26th
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Rank me too :(
almost 7 years
A Miser Brothers' Christmas
almost 7 years
almost 7 years

matt says

Um hello i beat you in the f2 once

almost 7 years

YanmegaMan says

im just craving that low score because my main memory of playing with matt was goating super hard and getting into arguments with him and it was probably the worst game I've ever played LOL

lov u
almost 7 years
That one time I played with matt = that one time I got blindsided today (unless you include Resistance ghtruighr)

I wanted to get that low ranking except this thread opened while I was snoozing. Rip.
almost 7 years
i'm just hoping matt doesn't take my EMSO performance into account...
almost 7 years
im just craving that low score because my main memory of playing with matt was goating super hard and getting into arguments with him and it was probably the worst game I've ever played LOL
almost 7 years
Um hello i beat you in the f2 once
almost 7 years
i'm realizing like the only game i remember being in with you is the one we played today where i was at work and hungry........ oh no
almost 7 years
done for now cgrats on top 25!
almost 7 years
26th place: Happy0wns

SOC: 3

It's very hard to communicate with you throughout games. Usually because you're not that invested into the game. Because of that it's hard for you to strategically advance in this game, aka gain a better footing on the game. However, I think you're somewhat knowledgeable in what moves need to be done when, but you rarely execute them. Your physical game is fairly good. You do well in most challenges of all varieties. If you became better at socializing and strategizing it would make you a well-rounded player.
almost 7 years
27th place: LelenasChild

SOC: 3

Personally I find it hard to talk to you during games, and if you're not sociable it makes people want to vote you out as you won't be beneficial for their game. You also don't take the game into your own hands. Your physical game is fairly solid and you can pull a win in a challenge every once in a while, but when you have power I don't really think you think through the moves you make, you just sorta go with it.
almost 7 years
ty for the attention
almost 7 years

JeffreyAaron says

pause this and say something about me

i draft jeff's wifom

also he's gonna win sandbox bb

and he's the mole in sandbox the mole
almost 7 years
28th place: flippo135

SOC: 5

I haven't played with you that much. But the times I have played with you, it was fairly easy to converse you, so you have a good start in that department. I don't think I've ever seen you in control of a situation in a game, and if you don't gain control in some way, someone else will, and you might not be in their plans to be there for endgame. As for physical game, you could use some work. You didn't do terribly great in EMSO but there's always room to improve via practice.
almost 7 years
pause this and say something about me
almost 7 years
29th place: Bob01

SOC: 3

You're a really nice guy, but if you wanna make it far in games you need to put yourself out there. I find you get discarded fairly easily in this game because you don't put yourself out in the field to win the game, you sorta just let others stomp over you. I have seen your strategic game though. It's definitely existent, but you need to put your ideas to good use or else you'll get nowhere in the game. I don't think you're much of a threat in challenges either. But join TWL games and get practice. Put yourself out there more and you have the potential to become a really good player.
almost 7 years
23 Jellofish