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how is mary doing?

almost 7 years

I've always journaled my thoughts privately, but I really like how other people share their days on here, and I think it could be nice for me to do, too. So this is something of a diary for me to look back on. I update when I can or I think to, and I thumbs up a comment once I've read it.

Thank you for reading. It means a lot.

favorite fruit?
over 6 years
YES Mary is back. So sad to hear your news, hope you are okay.
over 6 years
Im so sorry marry! I am sending positive thoughts your way!
over 6 years
I have a written and signed contract with a health guarantee, so that is besides the point and has already been dealt with. It's not the breeder's fault, (every cat in the cattery is full vaccinated and not bred more than 2-3 litters, etc. I vetted her for months) though she is taking full responsibility and paying all of the hundreds of dollars of expenses. I may adopt another, but it is too soon, and I am grieving heavily currently. I only had her for a week, but I have so many pictures and videos of her, and my entire family was in love. I had her name picked out before she was even born. These things sometimes happen and there was nothing to be done, but it hurts just the same.
over 6 years
Contact the breeder
over 6 years
I am writing here before anyone but my boyfriend knows. Serena passed away an hour ago. A few days ago, her health started declining and she was just diagnosed with panleukopenia and needed to be put down. I am beside myself, and don't know what I'm going to do further, but I felt the need to speak.
over 6 years
over 6 years
hooray you're back :)
over 6 years
I have the rest of the weekend off, and Monday (I took it off to be with Serena... but my boss thinks I'm going out of town), so I'm going to try to spend time with her and rest. Mother's Day is the busiest time of year for flower shops. You would think it's Valentine's Day, right? But that's only secondary to Mother's Day, because Mother's Day essentially lasts the whole week leading up to it, but Valentine's Day is one day and one day only. So Mother's Day, for flower shops, only really ended today. You have the preparation, the week of, and the debrief, which is mostly angry people whose flowers are dying or the flowers never got delivered for a myriad of reasons. I also don't have a good relationship at all with my mom, so it's a hard time of year for me already, without the floral holiday shoving it down my throat. But it's over now, and it's time to recuperate and take a nap.

Happy weekend everyone, eat a vegetable.
over 6 years
Also, mandatory kitten update. She's such a handful, and she's as small as a soda can. She doesn't eat much, likely because she's stressed, but she loves cuddling and napping. She's camera shy right now because my room is the attic room, and it's been windy, so the noises have been spooking her, so the pictures and updates will be sparse until she acclimates. She's perfect, and definitely worth the wait and money. She gets really upset when I leave the room to go to the bathroom or eat, and meows loudly when I'm gone. I think she misses her siblings, because she meowed all night, and it's the first night she's slept without another cat. But currently she's asleep on my shoulder, so I'm trying to type gently to not rock her. I ordered a custom ID tag from Etsy for her two weeks ago that will arrive Monday, made of copper and hand-stamped. I'll put the collar on her then too, so she can get used to it, but only once she's used to her surroundings first, so I don't overwhelm her.

She doesn't like her food bowl, I think, because it's too deep, so her whiskers brush the side of the bowl. So I'm switching her out to a shallow, curved plate until I can find a better option for her.
over 6 years
He actually was the one who said that I would be a good cam model months prior to me trying it, probably as a compliment. When I expressed interested, he gave me the links to what I would need to start doing it, and I thought about it for awhile and see if it was something I would want to do even if he hadn't recommended it to me. I did it for one night, and it was very stressful because even though I made a lot of money, I felt weirdly guilty about it for a few days after. I didn't do it for almost two months, and then tried it out again and felt better about it. He moderates my chatroom for me, so I don't need to leave the camera to type commands and regulate things, and is very supportive of it.

You have to prove your identity, and some guys can make a lot of money on cam sites too, though it's less common, and some sites outright are girls only. You do have to report and pay taxes once you earn more than $600, which is typical of most, if not all (I'm no tax expert) "contractor" jobs. Which is how you are paid with camming, you are considered a contractor for the website, and taxes don't come out of your pay. So it was something I had to plan and think about before I took it any further than a few nights.

The weirdest thing about camming I've encountered thus far are the (oddly, majority of) people who are just there to talk. Or at least, mainly talk. The conversations are strangely natural sometimes, and more often than not I end up seeing a returning group of people who join my room to talk to me and follow up. It's not something I ever considered as part of the job, but it's a nice surprise, that the blood flow is not just going to one head the whole time.
deletedover 6 years
can i pretend to be a girl and do that for money
over 6 years
does john care
over 6 years
I love Persona 5, but I'm only 10 hours in so far (I think the average to beat the game is somewhere near 100...)! I'm currently in my living room with an arsenal of toys to greet her with when she gets here, eating an everything bagel to calm my nerves.

Also, I smiled at a man for 15 minutes and listened to his work problems without clothes on and made $200 last week, so... tell your friend it has its benefits..
over 6 years
ok but does it pay a lot asking for a friend
over 6 years
I am so glad the one random time I log back into this site, you've updated your thread. Persona 5 is on my list of games to get, hope you enjoy it! Sex work is definitely nothing to be ashamed of, and I do hear cam modelling can pay really well. Can't wait to see the pictures of your cat xxxxx
over 6 years
Another, perhaps more interesting, update that I’d like to share is something I’ve been doing in my spare time. And it’s perhaps something that would come out of left field for almost everyone who knows me, as I am usually, what I’d consider, poised and somewhat posh and private.

For a few months now, I have been a cam model. For the maybe few of you who don’t know what that is, it’s essentially going on camera, modeling and/or taking off your clothes, and getting paid for it. I share this because I have no shame in it, because sex work is nothing to be ashamed of. I have already gone to lengths to protect and secure myself and my personal information prior to sharing this information to anyone. I cam occasionally, and always have a good time when I do — and getting paid to be naked and talk to strangers without them touching me is a surefire bonus. I just thought that I share interesting bits of my life and events, and I feel like this counts as one of them.

I’m going to go make some baked potatoes and nervously play video games until my kitten arrives now. Have a great afternoon, and I'll catch you all later. (:
over 6 years
Thank you so much for everyone’s kind words, it’s really nice to know even though I’ve been gone for months, people I’ve bonded with (whether that be in brief interactions or not so brief) are still here and kicking and friendly. I love this community, and while I don’t have the time (or really energy… I’m a sleepy baby) to do ORGs or games right now, I felt at home logging back in and typing up an update, though maybe a bit out of practice. As I type this, Serena will be arriving at my house in 3 hours. The cat lady is bringing her directly to me because she happens to be visiting her mother, who lives in the same town as me, so she’s doing me a favor so I don’t have to drive two hours to her house. I’ve just got home from work, so now I’m going to clean the living room, where we will be receiving Serena, and my room, where she will be staying put for a few days while she gets used to her new surroundings. I’ll update with lots of pictures (and perhaps videos) once she’s here and settled. My whole family is abuzz, even my two young brothers, who woke up this morning on my way to work and asked “is it cat-day today?”

PS: Ally, your cat must do wonders for you! Jbomb, thank you and I will! Tucker, I’m really honestly glad and I missed you all a lot too! Bryce, you ray of sunshine, thank you! Mega, hi, you’re the best! Hyperro, I absolutely will! Ivana, keep doing great! AJ, I love your kitten’s name, matching!
over 6 years
so happy for you! love your kittens name!! my kitty is named luna from sailor moon!!!
over 6 years
I am doing great thanks for asking
over 6 years
Okay you're gonna have to share a pic or two of Serena because she sounds ADORABLE
over 6 years
over 6 years
Ive missed you <3 I hope you and your cat get along super well. serena is such a cute name!!
over 6 years
finally i have been waiting eons for u to post again we miss u very much mary
over 6 years
yay! stay strong and tell the cat i said hi I LIKE cats
deletedover 6 years
oops this is ally i can’t edit on mobile