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Being Bboy29

deletedalmost 7 years

Hey guys! I see lots of people having their own personal threads and I decided to make one of my own. We'll see how this goes! Note: This is going to be treated as a blog, but I may not update everyday.

Self centered question: Am I (bboy29) a good person or a bad person?
Good person
Bad person
deletedover 6 years
Hi guys! It's me again. Also if anyone is waiting for any fanfic stories, Survivor: Borneo should be finished by next weekend (heck, maybe even tomorrow). Anyways, I'd like to update you guys on some recent developments going in my life.

Sometimes, I feel as though the world is closing in on me. I have tests almost every 2 days a week, and it is very taxing on me. I spend ZERO time with my family and friends anymore, as my entire life is just devoted to doing schoolwork. I really need to work on my time management skills.

My home life has also gotten a little hectic as well. My uncle moved in with us about a month ago due to him being a homeless man and an alcoholic. Alcoholism is no joke and should be treated immediately. It's been hard to live with him, as he smokes around the house and is very smelly. Still though, he is family and I'm trying my best to make him feel at home, but I think at the back of his mind he knows that he doesn't really fit in where I live.

He came from a place where there were other people like him, other excessive drinkers and smokers on the street to living in a 2-story single family home with meals 3x a day and a roof over his head. It's been hard for him to cope with it, and with him having "fluid in the knees" (basically a condition that renders someone's mobility useless and futile at best), he isn't having much fun here in NC.

I just gotta believe things will turn out for the better. I just hope... Wishful thinking huh? LOL
over 6 years
good luck in Alola bboy. The game looks like a lot of fun. Hopefully you'll have fun too! :)
over 6 years
For some reason I get tennisball vibes from you.
deletedover 6 years
AYYY!!! So, I have some recent developments that have just occurred in the last few days. I am officially apart of the cast for Big Brother Alola!!! I'm so stoked to be playing not only with new people, but with some familiar faces as well. This is my SECOND ORG ever and I'm hopeful that I won't flop as bad as I did in EMBB7, but moreso that I have a good time through and through!

Good luck to everyone on EM who is participating and may the best person win! :)
deletedover 6 years
It's been 20 days since my last update. WOWZA! Anyways, just wanted to say hi to whoever's out there and reading my personal forum post (which I doubt many of you are).

I haven't played or been on EpicMafia in such a long time tbh. It's not because I hate it or anything, it's because of my schoolwork and extracurricular activities. :/

I want to find time to play some games again and host, but the lobby has been overrun by "ICouldBeYour (insert name here)" rejects that imo, it's become hard to play a game here since every darn thing is TAR or some rando game LOL. Still, I want to participate more and I especially will now that I have no ORGs going on atm!
over 6 years
Inside joke for Canadians, but I can't help but think of this every time I see this thread.

over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
I say all that to say that I know EM games can be crazy and sometimes we lose our minds during rough moments, like double tribals or double evictions, but I think it's important to realize that bullying, harassment, and name-calling is not okay. Calling anyone out of their name is unacceptable, and treating others with respect is the utmost important, especially on a website like this where we are all people online playing a game.

I feel like often times in this lobby, some people can get a little too carried away. I think the clique-ish nature is not right, which is why I have a big deal with meta, as I feel like it doesn't give players a chance to prove themselves. I also don't like it when people will be downright smart*sses for no reason, other than to be mean.

Lesson of the day: treat others how you would like to be treated, and try to enjoy your time with everyone! You only live once :)
deletedover 6 years
Eventually, just before the school year was over, the principal finally got involved and called Dominick, his parents, my parents, my best friend Gary, and myself to the office. We had this huge discussion about what Dominick was doing to me and it eventually resulted in Dominick getting suspended from school for unreasonable harassment. The reason my friend Gary was there was to testify against Dominick and to disagree with Dominick's claims that he didn't say rude and racist words towards me (which he did, btw)

I was so glad the situation was over, but life didn't exactly get better. I moved around a lot during elementary school, and although I was never bullied to the same extent that I was in second grade, it was still prevalent everywhere I went. This was constantly due to me being the "new kid" and not being able to fit in.

I struggled making friends as a kid, as I was very shy and I didn't like reaching out to people. I eventually found my stride in middle school and was able to overcome that hindrance.
deletedover 6 years
There was a kid in second grade named Dominick who picked on me a lot. He would call me names, talk about me behind my back, and would just act like a total d*ck to me even though I never said a word to this kid once. Dominick grew up in a very racist household; he and his family did not really like Black people apparently, and being the little (or big) Black kid in a school full of white people in Texas obviously makes you stand out.

Things with Dominick got so bad that I eventually had to ask my parents to get school officials involved. However, my teacher refused to do nothing. My teacher even accused me of cursing out another little boy in my second grade class on a false accusation. She literally made me cry outside the classroom once because she thought I did it (why she did idk, as she didn't even ask for my side of story).

Regardless, I felt like no one had my back. At times, it felt like my own parents didn't care for me, as it seemed like they could not stop Dominick from bullying me at all.
deletedover 6 years
I've been meaning to write a post like this for a while now, but have been uncomfortable to do so. It's a little personal and does hit home for me, as well as other people I'm sure. The topic I'm going to address today is bullying.

However you twist and turn it, bullying is wrong and you should honestly be ashamed if you bully. I don't get why people would have so much hate in their hearts that they would put down someone else based on race, religion, sexual orientation, background, etc. It's downright wrong and the "bane" to society.

I personally have been bullied. Growing up, I was not the skinnest kid in the world and I was often mocked and picked on for being "big", as I was also the tallest kid in the elementary school I went to in Florida. Naturally, I'm a very empathetic person; I feel for people when they're going through highs and lows and can relate to people on different levels. I'm also very sensitive; I didn't like people talking bad about me to my face or behind my back, and I still don't.
deletedover 6 years
ughhh, I've been meaning to write a post but I've had school and life problems that I've been putting it off but I'm gonna take like 5 minutes to write what I've been thinking.
deletedover 6 years
nvm psych never got around to this. I’ll talk later!!!
deletedover 6 years
Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve last posted. This past week, I’ve been off for like 5-6 days because the school district I go to is so stupid. Anyways... today I’d like to go into a little discussion that is a prevalent topic in this community and real life. (Right after I eat, brb)
deletedover 6 years
School’s out for a couple of days! Today is my last day of finals (for me, at least :p) and so far based on the results, I’ve passed 2/4 tests I’ve taken. Thank god!
deletedover 6 years
Overall, I felt like my experience was very good. Once again, I don't think it was bad or anything. I'm going to go into a lot more detail once the season wraps in February as I feel like there are things I just can't quite talk about yet.

I'm really glad I tried out for EMBB7. It was a very positive experience and everyone involved were, for the most part, very friendly. Thank you again to the hosts for such a great time! Thank you to the players, who I wish good luck as the battle for not only a spot in the Final Three to get a trophy, but the title of EMBB7 winner.
deletedover 6 years
This is more of a personal gripe, and to the eight people left in EMBB, please do not take this the wrong way if you happen to see this thread by any chance! I felt as though this season was very inactive, and also that I could not connect with most of the cast. It was something I've never experienced before on EM, mainly because the games were not real life versions ORGs tend to be.

Lots of people were inactive, especially the week that I was evicted, which imo made it hard to talk to many. Idk if others have experienced this, but it's a lot harder to talk to people and save yourself when no one wants to respond. Now I know how Jess and Cody felt when half of the house wanted them out. Isolation is a scary thing in Big Brother, but groupthink is even more deadly.
deletedover 6 years
Also, I wanted to do a little write-up about my ORG experience. This may be a little bit long and drawn out but bare with me. For my first ORG, I didn't know what to expect from EMBB7. I had wanted to apply so much but felt that school would get in the way. However, this was not an issue, as I managed to be active for the 52 days I was in the game (unlike some other people).

I think I played decently, but I'm definitely going to be someone who admits their faults. I admit, I didn't play the most strategic game ever. I didn't over-strategize because I didn't know the level of strategizing one could do on a format that was a lot longer than your usual EM game. Because of this, I think some others in the game may have felt while I was very socially connected in the game and nice to them, many felt that I didn't game talk enough, which is understandable. It's definitely going to be something I work on as I play more ORGs.
deletedover 6 years

jbomber732 says

What's in your nose?

Just nose hair, but not a lot. I'm a clean person :)
over 6 years
over 6 years
What's in your nose?
deletedover 6 years
Also, I'd like to start accepting some questions. I don't mind if this becomes an AMA but I see a lot of people answering questions so I'm willing to answer all types. But if you ask me something stupid like "what's in your nose?" I'm not going to answer.
deletedover 6 years
Everyone here needs to watch Runaways! It's sooooooo good!
over 6 years
Everyone has their tastes
over 6 years

bboy29 says

Also, am I the only one who just can't get into Black Mirror??? I tried watching the episode with the black guy from "Get Out" (I don't remember the episode title and am too lazy to look it up). Idk... maybe I'll give it another look later...

the beauty of black mirror is it's an anthology series so every episode is different, so you can jump around and watch the best episodes